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C. AzeezW
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NC - Not RatedFord
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Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
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Bobby RoodeW
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June 26th Dynamite
- Updated: June 28, 2021

*Sammy Gevara attacked earlier today by Shawn Spears & a steel chair.
(1) Hangman Page defeats Powerhouse Hobbs…Taz joins commentary…JR asks us if we’re “ready for some Cowboy Shiznitz?” and I’m flabbergasted…Hangman gets busted open after a slingshot between the buckles, to the ringpost, but it’s well back on the crown of his head so his face/eyes stay clean…Starks comes out with the FTW title but is immediately chased off by Brian Cage…Dead Eye piledriver for the win (11:07).
*Young Bucks pre-taped promo…“eliminator” this week vs. Penta/Kingston…they’re not scared because they’re EVPs (Extremely Violent People).
*Schiavone in the ring with Tully…Tony introduces Konnan…FTR vs. Proud & Powerful coming up…the two managers have some unpleasant words for each other…Konnan calls for Santana/Ortiz, but it’s FTR in masks (Santana/Ortiz seen on the ‘tron, laid out backstage)…FTR attack & Konnan eats a spike piledriver…rough night for Inner Circle already.
*Vicky/Andrade out on the stage…they have an announcement…interrupted by Sydal’s entrance…
(2) Matt Sydal defeats Dante Martin…Lightning Spiral for the win (09:16).
*Jungle Boy backstage…gets some words of encouragement from Christian Cage.
*Jade Cargill/Mark Sterling hocking her 2 new shirts…she’s still that bitch…I’m not sure, but I feel like I’ve heard that before.
*MJF/Wardlow/Spears backstage with Marves…MJF running down Dean Malenko, he granted him early retirement…Jericho/Hager attack…they brawl into the ring…the 3-on-2 doesn’t work well for Inner Circle…Sammy makes the save, clears Pinnacle with a chair.
*Miro pre-taped promo…Brian Pillman will find out next Wed why Miro is God’s favorite champion.
(3) Ethan Page defeats Bear Bronson…Bronson climbs to the 2nd buckle, Scorpio Sky distracts Bronson & ref…low blow by Page…Ego’s Edge for the win (09:53)…AFTER…Page on the mic, “Darby, I’ve said it before…I’m going to be the nail in your coffin”…so Page proposes a July 7th Coffin Match.
*Britt backstage…Vicky asking for this match was not smart…cut to Vicky/Nyla…next week you’re stepping in with a beast, but watch out for the Cougar!
(4) Kris Statlander defeats Bunny…Blade slides in brass knux, distracts ref…Orange Cassidy takes them from Bunny…Big Bang Theory for the win (08:56)…AFTER…TH2 assist Blade in retrieving the knux from Cassidy & Blade delivers a big right hand that lays Orange out.
*QT backstage with Schiavone…Cody’s off in Hollywood while QT is here doing the work.
*Pillman responds to Miro…he was born on the wrong side of the tracks…going to take that TNT title.
*Kingston/Penta (& Alex) respond to the Bucks…“Penta says: Bucks, next week we run over you.”
(5) Kenny Omega defeats Jungle Boy…to retain the AEW World Championship…Luchasaurus, Marko, Good Brothersall tossed from ringside at the opening bell…Don Callis joins commentary…around the 14 min mark the Good Brothers try to make a return but are turned away by Marko & Kazarian…Tiger Driver ‘98 for 2…One-Winged Angel for the win (17:19)…AFTER…Omega measuring Jungle Boy with AEW belt but Christian in for the save…Hardy Family Office attack Christian…Christian almost gets the upper hand until the Young Bucks join the beatdown…the Elite end the show celebrating.
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