- Rating TBDPriest
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C. AzeezW
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Savion TruittW
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L - Not RatedShorty G
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Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
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March 10th Episode of Impact Wrestling
- Updated: March 11, 2020

March 10th Episode of Impact Wrestling
Results for March 10th Episode of Impact Wrestling are below. Check the Minutes to Bell Time Facebook Page, or follow either the Minutes to Bell Time Instagram or Twitter to get all the news.
March 10th Episode of Impact Wrestling Results
Opening Video Recapping the Tessa Blanchard vs. Taya Valkyrie Match from Last Week
Rhino defeats Madman Fulton
The referee immediately ejected the Jake and Dave Crist. Rhino hit Madman Fulton with a shoulder tackle and then clotheslined him out of the ring. With Fulton on the outside, Rhino followed and went for a clothesline on the outside, but Fulton moved and Rhino hit the post. Back in the ring, Madman had the advantage. With Rhino in the corner, Fulton hit him shoulder first. Rhino hit a series of fists in attempt to mount a comeback, but Fulton stopped him with a back elbow.
Fulton missed a diving headbutt from the second rope to give Rhino another opening for a comeback. Rhino indeed hit him with several strikes, an Irish whip, and a trio of clotheslines. When Rhino went for the gore, Fulton managed to kick Rhino as he came in. Fulton missed a diving clothesline from the turnbuckle and Rhino surprised him with a Gore.
Post Match
OVE hit the ring to beat up Rhino, but the lights went out. When they came back on, Sabu was in the ring and helped Rhino clear the ring.
Video Package for Chris Bey
Backstage Interview with Tessa Blanchard
She doesn’t care who wins between Edwards and Elgin because she’s walking in and walking out Impact World Champion.
Commentary Team Runs Down the Card for the March 10 Episode of Impact Wrestling
Rascalz defeat Desi Hit Squad
Rohit and Dez begin the match, and they ran the ropes with Rohit eventually knocking Dez off his feet. Dez ran the up the turnbuckle hitting a moonsault before tagging Wentz into the match. With Dez back in the ring, Rohit tagged Shera into the ring. Wentz knocked Shear off the apron and hit strike after strike on Rohit earning a near fall. Shera came into the ring, grabbed both men by the throat and shoved them out of the way. After some tandem offense on Dez, Shear and Rohit earned a near fall, but they couldn’t finish the match. The Rascalz began a double team of their own culminating with a senton and tornillo onto Shear for the pinfall victory.
RVD, Katie Forbes, and Joey Ryan Backstage Segment
The Deaners complimented Katie on her outfit. Joey Ryan got in their faces questioning how they dare offer their unsolicited opinion. He then challenged them to a match the following week. Deaners accepted.
Video Package for Tenille Dashwood
Jordynne Grace defeats Lacey Ryan to Retain Knockouts Championship
Madison Rayne brought out Lacey Ryan to challenge Jordynne Grace. Ryan and Grace started with a strong collar and elbow tie up that the referee had to break up. Grace used a headlock take down and a shoulder tackle to take Ryan down to the mat twice, but Ryan answered with a shoulder tackle of her own. When Ryan climbed to the top rope, Grace tossed her off and followed up with a clothesline for the near fall. Lacey Ryan secured an advantage with a slingshot elbow and a DDT, but couldn’t lock in a cross-arm breaker.
Grace tossed Ryan into the post and hit double knees and an elbow in the corner. After a snap mare, Grace hit a Vader Bomb for a two count. Ryan surprised Grace with two kicks and a running knee strike before again climbing to the top rope and again getting caught. After a muscle buster, Ryan again kicked out of the pinfall attempt. Ryan stood up from two powerslams and then hit a rolling senton and a frog splash for a near fall. Grace managed to hit the Grace Driver for the pinfall victory.
Fallah Bahh and TJP Backstage
Fallah Bahh says they can be the first Filipino Tag Team Champions.
Replayed Chris Sabin’s X Division Championship Win
Backstage Interview with Chris Sabin
He announced that he’ll be serving as the special guest referee for the King of the Mountain Match. Sabin explained the rules of the King of the Mountain match.
Video Package Featuring Edwards and Elgin’s Feud
Video of Taya Valkyrie in a Diner Having A Bad Day
Taya was wearing all black, crying, and drunk. Apparently Rosemary is in the same diner and also having a bad time. Taya says she lost everything. Rosemary thinks since they lost everything, they’re free to do anything. Taya now hopes for a theme party.
Willie Mack and Ace Austin vs. Johnny Swinger and Glen Gilbertti
Before the match began, the referee confiscated brass knuckles from Johnny Swinger. Disco went for an arm drag, but Willie Mack countered and hit two arm drags of his own. When Swinger tagged in, Mack hit another arm drag and a drop kick. Gilbertti hit Willie Mack with a knee as he hit the ropes. With the referee distracted, Gilbertti twice hit Mack with a roll of quarters. Gilbertti hit a Russian Leg Sweep and an elbow drop. Mack mounted a short comeback with a stunner.
At some point Ace Austin came to the ring to offer his assistance to Willie Mack. Mack made the tag, and the team of Austin and Mack seemed to work well together. Mack hit a samoan drop and a standing moonsault and Ace Austin hit the fold. Willie Mack hit the Six Star Frog Splash for the pinfall victory. After the match, Willie Mack appeared stunned.
Su Yung attacks Havok in the Backstage Area
Havok managed to get the noose around Yung’s throat, but Su used the bloody glove to direct Havok into a casket.
Swinger and Disco Argue in the Backstage Area
They argued over who was quitting, but the real problem is that Swinger ordered a bunch of Swinging Disco Ball Shirts.
Another Episode of Gut Check
Josh Matthews Announcements
Ken Shamrock returns next week. They will also crown the winner of Gut Check next week.
Elgins and Edwards Ends in No Contest
Elgin tossed Edwards into the turnbuckle, hit him with a clothesline, and sent him to the outside. Elgin followed Edwards out of the ring and hit a Death Valley driver on the ramp. Edwards blocked an Elgin bomb, but Elgin connected with several elbows. When Edwards finally ducked an elbow, he hit a blue thunder bomb to even things up. Edwards climbed to the top rope and hit a sunset flip off the top sending Impact Wrestling to commercial.
Back from commercial, Edwards and Elgin exchanged elbows before Elgin back body dropped Edwards over the top rope. Back in the ring, Edwards hit a running forearm in the corner, but missed a stomp from the top rope. Elgin took advantage of the miss by quickly slamming and giving Edwards a DDT. After Elgin hit a neck breaker draping Edwards neck over the top rope, Impact Wrestling went to commercial.
Returning from commercial, Elgin held Edwards in a chin lock and smacked him hard in the head with a forearm. Both competitors stood in the center of the ring exchanging elbows and chops before Edwards hit an overhead belly to belly suplex. Elgin caught Edwards running into the corner and slammed him with a ura nage. As Elgin climbed to the top rope, Edwards got back up and ran up the turnbuckle to hit Elgin with a suplex off the top.
Edwards used a backpack stunner for a near fall, and moments later Elgin used a top rope dragon suplex for a near fall himself. After Edwards hit the tiger bomb, Elgin kicked out. Elgin answered back with a powerbomb, clothesline, buckle bomb, and an Elgin bomb, but Edwards kicked out.
Elgin wound up for a big clothesline, but Edwards moved out of the way and Elgin hit the referee. The distraction allowed Edwards to hit the Boston Knee Party. Another referee came out, but Edwards only got a two count. Elgin locked in the crossface. As Edwards rotated Elgin’s shoulders to the mat, one referee saw Edwards tap and the other referee saw Edwards pin Elgin.
Tessa Blanchard Came Out to the Ramp
She says she’ll settle everything by facing both of them at Rebellion.