- Rating TBDPriest
L - Rating TBDOmos
C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
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L - Rating TBDBelair
L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedOwens
L - Not RatedOmos
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L - Not RatedDana Brooke
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L - Not RatedDawkins
L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedRollins
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L - Not RatedBelair
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March 17th Episode of Impact Wrestling
- Updated: March 17, 2020

March 17th Episode of Impact Wrestling
Note: I did not attended the March 17th episode of Impact live, but I do average at least one wrestling show per week. Follow the Minutes to Bell Time Instagram to see photos from my experiences. Read about the live experiences here.
March 17th Episode of Impact Wrestling Results
- Completely missable show in the sense that nothing of true consequence happened. The Tag Team Title match was the best thing on the show, and it was the opener.
- Impact advertised Lockdown throughout the show, but that show has been canceled due to Covid-19. In order to prevent confusion, Impact did include a banner.
- They have at least one more week before they run out of tapings as several matches were announced. Impact has also said that the TNA special will air late this month.
- In a time where new content appears scarce, Impact had tapings in the can. Let’s hope that their next Pay Per View (Rebellion) moves forward.
Impact Begins with a Recap of the Best of Five Finals
The North defeats TJP and Fallah Bahh
The match began before the bell and the North attempted to double team Fallah Bahh, but the punches had no effect. The North began to isolate and focus on TJP. Perkins attempted to get to Fallah Bahh, but Alexander picked him up and body slammed him into the mat. With Ethan Page back in the ring, he connected with a back breaker, but TJP escaped the delayed vertical suplex. When TJP eventually did make the tag to Bahh, the referee had his back turned and didn’t allow it.
TJP finally got the tag to Fallah Bahh, and Bahh ran wild culminating with a pop-up powerbomb on Alexander for a near fall. Alexander and TJP wrestled to the outside as Impact Wrestling went to a commercial break.
Back from the break, TJP and Fallah Bahh used combination offense for a near fall over Josh Alexander. When Page broke up the pinfall attempt, all four competitors struggled to meet the referees 10 count. TJP hit four quick strikes knocking the headgear off Alexander’s head. Ethan Page took TJP out, and Bahh took Alexander out. Page hit a diving senton on Bahh and The North used a combination slam to earn a two count.
Fallah Bahh bounced off the ropes and knocked both members of the North out with a double clothesline. After Bahh tagged TJP into the match, TJP locked in the knee-bar on Ethan Page. Page tapped out, but the referee didn’t see the tap. Fallah Bahh hit a suicide dive on Josh Alexander, but the North managed to pull things together and got Bahh out of the ring.
After The North hit the Northern Assault on TJP, the achieved a pinfall victory.
Eddie Edwards Announces Team for Lockdown
Lockdown has been canceled due to COVID-19. Edwards chose Daga, Tommy Dreamer, and Tessa Blanchard.
The Real Housewives of Slamtown
Taya is introducing Rosemary to her friends. This goes on . . . until Rosemary began sucking out Holly’s soul. . .
Impact Wrestling Attempting to Counter Cyber Attacks
They show security people standing around.
Chris Bey Defeats Damian Drake
Bey’s debut is against Damian Drake. Bey knocked Drake to the outside and hit a somersault senton to the floor. After a neck breaker, Bey lost the advantage to Drake who hit a number of offensive moves. Chris Bey used a head scissors to send Drake into the turnbuckle and then hit the Bey-mouser for the pinfall victory.
Backstage Interview with Jordynne Grace
Alisha Edwards lobbied to be on Grace’s Lockdown team. Grace said yes.
Video Package for Tenille Dashwood
Backstage Interview with Chase Stevens
Stevens starts recapping the history of TNA. Moose interrupts the interview and says I don’t know even know you. Moose attempts to sucker punch Stevens, but Stevens caught him with a shot of his own.
Gut Check Winner Announced
She is trying to be the best world champion. Tessa mentioned that Ace Austin and Taya Valkyrie had a point because they both beat her in the past. At Rebellion, she will defeat Edwards and Elgin and walk out champion.
Joey Ryan and RVD In-Ring Interview
Joey Ryan says they have gifts. They aren’t there for fans to tweet about. Since the fans refuse to treat them with humanity, they lost the privilege of seeing their gifts. RVD says the fans are hypocrites because they all want to see what’s under Katie’s robe. Joey says their tag team name is Cancel Culture.
Cancel Culture defeats the Deaners
Joey Ryan starts the match with Cousin Jake. The Deaners immediately get the advantage over Joey. After a Jaw breaker, Joey tagged out to RVD who leaped from the second rope knocking Cody to the outside. RVD hit a pair of scoop slams before tagging Joey back into the ring.
Cousin Jake got a tag into the match and took out both members of Cancel Culture. Katie Forbes got on the apron providing a distraction. Joey Ryan hit a superkick and RVD used the five star frog splash to secure the victory.
Backstage Interview with Willie Mack and Ace Austin
Ace says he wants the Tag Team Championships, and he asked Willie Mack to be his tag team partner. Willie says he wants to wait for Rich Swann and mentions that he’ll be in a scramble match for the X-Division Championship.
Kiera Hogan defeats Lacey Ryan
Kiera Hogan attacked before the bell and took Ryan down with a head scissors. Lacey caught Hogan rushing in and hit a German suplex. After Hogan raked the eyes of Ryan, she hit a running basement dropkick in the corner. Lacey Ryan hit a sling shot elbow drop before heading to the top rope, but she missed the frog splash. Kiera hit a swinging neck breaker for the pinfall victory.
Backstage Su Yung Reads a Letter
Father James Mitchell requests that Su Yung face Havok in the undead realm . ..
Backstage Interview with Michael Elgin
Elgin pumps up the Lockdown match. . .of course Lockdown is canceled. Elgin picked Taya and the North.
Daga defeats Jake Crist
Crist and Daga exchange wrist locks. Daga hit a a series of kicks, evaded a pair of kicks from Jake, and took Jake down with a arm drag. Jake pulled Daga off the apron to swing the match back in his favor. When Daga slipped back in the ring, he immediately went for a dive, but Jake hit a spinning heel kick and then a tornado DDT sending Impact Wrestling to commercial.
Back from commercial, Jake Crist hit Daga with a side Russian leg-sweep and transitioned into a submission. Once Daga escaped he caught Crist with a dragon screw leg whip and a sit down powerbomb for a two count. Crist again caught Daga rushing into the corner and hit a series of four kicks to the head. Crist and Daga traded German suplexes. Daga went to the top rope and dove into a cutter from Jake Crist.
Identification of the Hacker
- They arrested the wrong guy.
Video Package for TNA Special on AXS
Josh Matthews Interview with Ken Shamrock
There is no place he would rather be than Impact Wrestling. Ken Shamrock does not know why he got invited to Impact Wrestling. Matthews thanked him for his MMA career. He mentioned Shamrock’s WWE run and that he was the first TNA Impact Champion. They announced that Ken Shamrock would join the Impact Wrestling Hall of Fame.
After they finished the Shamrock video package, the hacker came out to the ring and through a fireball in Shamrock’s face. The hacker was Sami Callihan.
March 17th Impact Wrestling Preview
Fallah Bahh and TJP Challenge The North for Impact World Tag Team Championships
Leading up this World Tag Team Championship Match, Fallah Bahh and TJP built up a series of victories over Ethan Page and Josh Alexander:
- Fallah Bahh and TJP defeat The North in a non-title match on the March 3rd Episode of Impact Wrestling.
- TJP defeated Josh Alexander on the February 18th Episode of Impact Wrestling.
- Fallah Bahh defeated Ethan Page on the February 11th Episode of Impact Wrestling.
Now Fallah Bahh and TJP have an opportunity to become the first ever Filipino Tag Team Champions.
Ken Shamrock to Make Career Announcement
Josh Matthews announced last week that Ken Shamrock would make an announcement regarding his career on March 17th.
Chris Bey Makes his Impact Wrestling Debut
Impact has aired hype videos for Chris Bey’s debut for the last couple of weeks. Interestingly, Cody Rhodes expressed some interest in looking into Chris Bey shortly before Impact announced Bey’s signing.
Daga continues his feud with OVE with a match against Jake Crist
The feud between Daga and OVE continues with Daga having an upper hand with two victories in the month of February. Jake Crist looks to get OVE back on track.
- Daga and Dr. Wagner defeated Dave and Jake Crist on February 4th
- Fulton defeated Daga on February 11th
- Daga defeated Jake Crist on February 22nd
Kiera Hogan Competes
Kiera Hogan competes on tonight’s episode of Impact Wrestling.