- Rating TBDPriest
L - Rating TBDOmos
C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
L - Rating TBDOwens
L - Rating TBDMysterio
L - Rating TBDBelair
L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedOwens
L - Not RatedOmos
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedDana Brooke
L - Not RatedBenjamin
L - Not RatedDawkins
L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedRollins
L - Not RatedMysterio
L - Not RatedRipley
L - Not RatedPriest
L - Not RatedBelair
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March 19th Episode of NXT UK
- Updated: March 19, 2020

March 19th Episode of NXT UK
Below are the results for the March 19th Episode of NXT UK. I did not attended this show live, but I do average at least one wrestling show per week. Follow the Minutes to Bell Time Instagram to see my experience. Read about the live experiences here.
March 19th Episode of NXT UK Results
Nigel McGuinness and Andy Shepherd are this Week’s Commentary Team
Kay Lee Ray defeats Dani Luna
Luna used her power advantage to slam Ray to the mat twice before hitting a gut wrench suplex. With Ray in the corner, Luna rushed in and Ray caught her with a pair of low thrust kicks. After a missile drop kick from the second rope, Ray earned a near fall.
Luna would hit a deadlift vertical suplex for a two count, but Ray continued her offense hitting the Gory bomb for the pinfall victory.
Post Match
Kay Lee Ray continued her attack on Dani Luna after the match until Piper Niven ran out to make the save.
Finn Balor Backstage Last Week
Balor was seen walking through the NXT UK locker room. Everyone seemed to give him dirty looks until he came face to face with Tyler Bate. The two just stared at each other.
Tyler Bate Meeting Sid Scala and Johnny Saint
Bate wants to knock Balor down a peg or two. Scala and Saint inform Bate that he’ll compete in a 20 man battle royal to determine Walter’s opponent for NXT TakeOver Dublin. I’m not sure if that battle royal has already been taped or if it will be canceled due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Quick Video Package for Valkyrie
Backstage Interview with Nina Samuels
She doesn’t like that all the buzz is on Valkyrie. Next week, Samuels will show Valkyrie the true leading lady of NXT UK.
Ridge Holland defeats Joseph Conners
As Holland ran at Conners, Joseph ducked and got in a several shots. Holland overpowered Conners and hit a tilt-a-whirl slam. With Conners on the mat, Holland rammed his forearm into the side of Conners head. After Holland fell to the outside, Conners hit a suicide dive and a cross body for a one count. Conners began to work on Holland’s leg (old rugby injury). On the outside of the ring, Conners wrapped Holland’s leg around the post and then continued to kick and stretch the leg.
When Conners came off the top rope, Holland caught him and hit an overhead belly to belly suplex. Holland followed up with a second suplex, a headbutt, and a clothesline. The advantage really didn’t last long as Conners went back to the leg. Holland caught Conners running into the corner, and Holland reversed the offense into True Grit for the pinfall victory.
Backstage Issue
Someone attacked Mark Andrews. Gallus says they better find a substitute.
Video Package for Ilja Dragunov
Kassius Ohno defeats Kenny Williams
Kassius Ohno wrestle Williams to the mat, but Williams countered out. Williams managed to escape several moves by Ohno, so Kassius caught him with a knee to the abdomen. Williams did manage to hit a head scissors takeover, but Ohno caught him attempting a cross body. When Ohno went for a fall away slam, Williams again countered into a crucifix for a near fall.
As Williams went for a top rope springboard, Ohno caught him with an arm whip and then Ohno took Williams back to the mat. With Ohno on the mat, Williams hit a wrecking ball dropkick and a suicide dive. Williams hit a springboard back elbow from the second rope to the floor and the a springboard dropkick back in the ring. After a running knee, Williams got a near fall. Another springboard back elbow connected for Williams, but Kassius Ohno hit Williams with a strong elbow to the back of the head. He then put Williams in the Kassius clutch for the referee stoppage.
Backstage Interview with A-Kid
He’s had a great time, but then Noam Dar broke up the interview. Dar says A-Kid is a kid and Dar is a legend.
Recap of a Long Feud between Jordan Devlin and Travis Banks
They have a match on NXT UK next week for the NXT Cruiserweight Championship.
Gallus defeats Flash Morgan Webster, Trent Seven, and Dave Mastiff
Trent Seven and Wolfgang start the match with Seven catching Wolfgang with a cross body, clothesline, and a leg drop before tagging out to Flash Morgan. Wolfgang pushed Webster off and tagged in Mark Coffey. All three members of Gallus got involved and overwhelmed Webster. Gallus then began to isolate Webster. After Joe Coffey hit a back breaker and clothesline, he got a pair of near falls.
Joe continued the assault on Webster dragging him back to the Gallus corner and tagging Wolfgang back into the match. Wolfe hit a snap mare and a back senton for another Gallus near fall. Mark Coffey missed an elbow smash, but got right back on top of Webster. After surprising Mark Coffey with a headbutt, Dave Mastiff got the tag and ran through all of Gallus. After sending Wolfgang and Mark Coffey to the outside, Mastiff hit a stiff clothesline and a pop-up sit-down powerbomb on Joe Coffey. As Gallus rallied, Trent Seven got back in the ring and took Gallus to the outside.
Webster tagged back in and hit a senton on Joe Coffey for a near fall. Gallus teamed up to take out Webster for the pinfall victory.