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March 24th Episode of AEW Dark
- Updated: March 24, 2020

March 24th Episode of AEW Dark
Note: I did not attended the March 24th episode of AEW Dark live, but I do average at least one wrestling show per week. Follow the Minutes to Bell Time Instagram to see photos from my experiences. Read about the live experiences here.
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March 24th AEW Dark Results
Results to be updated starting this evening.
Jake Hager defeats Joe Alonzo
Hager took Alonzo out in the early part of the match, and Sammy got involved when the referee’s back was turned. Alonzo went to the top rope, but Hager caught him, hit a ura nage, and choked Alonzo out.
Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall defeat Matt Sells and Jon Cruz
Rhodes starts the match with Cruz, and he took Cruz to the mat with a arm drag. QT and Matt Sells got in the ring, but Marshall and Dustin double teamed Sells to maintain the advantage. The Nightmare Family continued double teaming Sells until Cruz put a knee up as Marshall hit the ropes. Sells and Cruz pushed QT into their corner and went to work. Eventually QT got the tag over to Dustin who hit his uppercut, bulldog, and powerslam. They hit the QT assisted curtain call for the pinfall victory.
SCU defeats Shawn Spears and Robert Anthony
SCU is represented by Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian. Spears and Anthony seemed to have some disagreement over who would start the match. Anthony wanted to show Spears what he could do as Tully Blanchard took video from the floor. Kazarian hit a pair of arm drags and held Anthony to the mat with an arm-bar.
With Daniels and Spears in the match, Christopher Daniels hit a leg lariat for a near fall. Spears answered with a scoop slam and a kick to the face. Kazarian grabbed a blind tag and hit a spinning heel kick. Anthony tried to make a save, but SCU took him out. SCU isolated Spears hitting him with a number of moves, but Anthony pulled Kazarian out of the ring and tossed him into the barricade. When Spears tossed Daniels tot he outside, Anthony hit the fallen angel with several strikes before tagging into the match.
Spears jumped into the crowd and cheered for himself. Back in the ring, Anthony hit Daniels with three scoop slams before cinching in headlock. Anthony tagged Spears into the ring, but Daniels began countering everything Spears tried to do, and he got the tag to Frankie Kazarian.
Kazarian kicked Spears to the floor and hit his springboard leg drop on Robert Anthony. Shawn Spears made the save, and Robert Anthony hit a rolling Death Valley Driver for a near fall. After Spears and Anthony had a miscommunication, Spears abandoned Anthony and SCU hit their finisher for the pinfall victory
Post Match:
Shawn Spears attacked Robert Anthony giving him the C4.
Kip Sabian defeats Suge D
Suge D attacked Sabian at the bell and connected with a Monkey Flip. As Sabian went to pull a turnbuckle pad off, Penelope Ford hit Suge with a dropkick on the apron. She continued by choking Suge D over the second rope. Sabina hit a high kick in the corner followed by a running knee strike for a near fall. After a springboard high kick, Sabian hit a twisting neck breaker off the ropes for another near fall.
Suge D did a lot of movement, but the exchange could be summarized by a punch and a forearm strike. When Suge D went to the top, Sabian caught him and followed up with a side Russian leg sweep and a submission hold for the victory.
Colt Cabana defeats Brandon Cutler
Colt picked up Cutler’s die and brought it to the commentary table. Cabana grabbed Cutler by the wrist and whipped him across the ring. Cabana and Cutler went back and forth offering their forearms to each other and hitting arm drags. Cutler flipped out of the corner, fell, but still locked in a hold on Cabana.
Colt Cabana couldn’t get the crowd behind him (because they aren’t there). Cutler tossed him out of the ring and hit a suicide dive. Back in the ring, Cabana won with the superman pin.
Sonny Kiss and Joey Janela defeat Corey Hollis and Mike Reed
Hollis and Janela start the match. Janela locked in an arm ringer while singing. Kiss and Janela would tag in and out and double team Hollis. Kiss hit the rapid kiss-missile. After Janela it a German suplex, Kiss and Janela struck a pose. As Taz said, it was just a couple of jersey boys having a good time. Mike Reed ran in and hit Kiss with a knee strike, and he dragged Hollis to the corner to make the tag. When Reed got in the match, he punched Kiss repeated in the face.
Hollis hit a moonsault kick on Kiss for a near fall. Sonny Kiss slipped out of suplex to get the tag to Janela. Joey hit a cross body on Hollis and got the advantage back for their team. Joey Janela hit an elbow off the back of Sonny Kiss followed by Sonny coming off the second rope with a split legdrop.
March 24th AEW Dark Preview
Tonight’s episode of AEW Dark has six matches featuring a number of independent wrestlers not usually featured on AEW Television. Tony Khan put out the below tweet explaining why.
Brandon Cutler vs. Colt Cabana
Can Brandon Cutler get his first win at AEW or will Colt Cabana put him down.
Shawn Spears and Robert Anthony vs. SCU
Will Robert Anthony convince Shawn Spears and Tully Blanchard that he should be Spears’ full-time tag team partner?
Also Announced for Tonight’s Show
- Suge D vs. Kip Sabian
- Joe Alonzo vs. Jake Hager
- Corey Hollis and Mike Reed vs. Sonny Kiss and Joey Janela
- Matt Sells and Jon Cruz vs. QT Marshall and Dustin Rhodes