- Rating TBDPriest
L - Rating TBDOmos
C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
L - Rating TBDOwens
L - Rating TBDMysterio
L - Rating TBDBelair
L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedOwens
L - Not RatedOmos
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedDana Brooke
L - Not RatedBenjamin
L - Not RatedDawkins
L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedRollins
L - Not RatedMysterio
L - Not RatedRipley
L - Not RatedPriest
L - Not RatedBelair
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March 24th Episode of Impact
- Updated: March 24, 2020

March 24th Episode of Impact Wrestling
Note: I did not attended the March 24th episode of Impact Wrestling live, but I do average at least one wrestling show per week. Follow the Minutes to Bell Time Instagram to see photos from my experiences. Read about the live experiences here.
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March 24th Impact Wrestling Results
Show Opens Recapping Ken Shamrock and Sami Callahan Angle
Willie Mack Wins X-Division Scramble
Everyone went to the outside leaving Acey Romero in the center of the ring. He hit a ura nage and a senton on Willie Mack. Chris Bey and Trey hit Romero with tandem dropkicks from eh top rope sending Romero to the outside. Trey and Bey squared off in the middle of the ring. When Bey refused to shake the hand of Trey, Bey drop kicked him out of the ring. Rohit Raju popped in the ring and hit Bey with a number of moves.
Cousin Jake came in the ring and tossed Chris Bey out of the ring. Jake Crist came in the ring kicking Jake until he rolled out of the ring allowing Willie Mack to get back in the match. Daga and Trey came in the ring and so did Daga and Rohit. Daga got rid of everyone, but Acey got back in the ring. After Daga failed on two body slam attempts, Romero hit a body slam on Daga and climbed to the top rope. it took everyone to suplex Acey off the top rope.
Daga went for a suplex, but Willie floated through. Daga hit him with a northern lights suplex on Mack, but Trey sent him to the outside. Rohit Raju and Chris Bey hit tandem dives and Cousin Jake followed suit. Acey Romero also hit a dive. Willie Mack hit a 6-Star Frog Splash for the pinfall victory.
Backstage OVE Promo with D. Crist and Madman Fulton
They need to get back on a winning streak. They’re debating what is going on with Sami Callahan.
Josh Matthews Runs through the Card
Moose defeats Chase Stevens
Moose attacked Chase before the bell. Stevens got the upper hand as the bell rang and hit an axe kick for a two count. Moose hit the ropes, but Chase caught him with a powerslam. Moose hit a spear for the pinfall victory.
Post Match
Moose attacked Chase after the match and hit him with a chair. The GM came down yelling at Moose to turn around. When he did, Suicide hit him from the top rope
Rosemary at the Bar
She was giving the bartender a hard time when she got into a verbal altercation with Raven. They talked about how things go on forever.
Backstage with Ace Austin and Willie Mack
Willie says he didn’t trust Ace’s intentions, and he became the Number 1 Contender. Ace says someone should teach him how to take a compliment. Johnny Swinger came by to wish Willie Mack luck and challenge him to an X-Division championship match (if he wins).
Reno Scum vs. Rascalz
Reno Scum attacked the Rascalz before the bell. Thornstowe hit a Death Valley driver on Dez for a near fall. Luster tossed Dez into the corner and pummeled him with a number of strikes before using a pit stop and tagging Thornstowe back into the match. Reno Scum got a two count after Thornstowe hit a standing moonsault.
Dez found an opening to smack Thornstowe a bit before tagging Wentz into the match. Wentz kicked both men in the head and caught Luster with a high knee strike and a penalty kick in the face. The Rascalz used a series of tandem moves to extend their advantage over Luster.
Luster popped out of a corner with a clothesline on Dez, and Thornstowe came off the top rope for the victory.
Backstage Segment with Su Yung
Tenille Dashwood Video Package
Cancel Culture Video Package
Joe Ryan has a challenge out to Cody Deaner
Deaner Video Package
They’re confused.
Backstage Interview with Sami Callihan
He says it is all part of a master plan.
OVE vs. Rhino and Sabu
Sabu picks the leg of Dave Crist to start the match. After hitting a clothesline on Crist, Crist tags out to Madman and Sabu tags in Rhino. Rhino clothesline Fulton to the outside and Sabu sent Crist to the floor. All four men wrestled on the outside with Fulton biting Sabu while Crist and Rhino worked their way up the ramp.
Rhino finally tossed Fulton into the ring, but Madman put Rhino in the corner. Rhino got the advantage back as he worked over Crist and tagged in Sabu. With Sabu in the ring, the ECW originals could not maintain control of the match. OVE put Sabu in the corner, kicked him down, and then Fulton press slammed Crist onto Sabu.
Neither team held an advantage for very long, but Sabu eventually got a chair. Sabu dove off the chair to the outside onto Fulton. Back in the ring, Dave Crist hit a low blow and roughed up the referee. As Crist attempted to hit Rhino with a chair, the referee pulled the chair out of Crist’s hands. This gave Rhino the opportunity to hit the gore for the pinfall victory
Undead Realm
Su Yung brought a noose to the undead realm where she found Father James Mitchell and Jessica Havok. Mitchell says because they couldn’t play well, someone would have to go. Mitchell said it would have to be Su. Havok grabbed a crowbar and Yung grabbed a sword. Havok was able to get the fist two strikes and then began choking su out with the crowbar. Yung slipped the noose around Havok’s neck and choked almost choked the life out of Havok. Suddenly some guy attacked Yung with a baseball bat and began hitting her with both the crowbar and the bat. All of a sudden, Yung grabbed her sword and sliced the guys neck. As Su stood over Mitchell with the sword, Havok got back up and put the noose around Yung’s neck.
Su once again got free, but Havok grabbed a hook and put it in Yung’s mouth. Su Yung reached up and put Havok in the mandible claw. Before Su could put a sword through Havok, Father Mitchell said he would be removing both of them from his life. Mitchell called for his minions
It appears that the Su Yung and Jessica Havok were transported to the middle of a dessert to end the segment.
Michael Elgin and Taya Valkyrie defeat Tessa Blanchard and Eddie Edwards
Edwards and Elgin were both in the ring, but they tagged out to Tessa and Taya. Tessa ran the ropes until she hit a head scissors, but Taya answered by spearing her to the ground. Blanchard hit Elgin with a series of forearm shots, but was unable to lift Mike in the air. Tessa tagged Edwards into the match who hit an inverted atomic drop. Edwards hit a hurricanrana to take Elgin off his feet and then Taya hit Edwards as he ran the ropes.
Tessa tried to get her hands on Taya, but Taya tossed her into the ring steps. On the inside of the ring, Elgin hit a powerslam for a two count before Impact went to a commercial.
Back from commercial, Elgin and Taya still had the advantage with Taya kicking Edwards in the corner. As Elgin went for suplexes, Edwards managed to slip through and get a blue thunder bomb on Elgin and a tag off to Tessa.
Blanchard immediately hit Taya with a cutter, but Elgin rescued her from further damage. Valkyrie hit double knees in the corner and dragged her back to the middle of a ring for a near fall. After a clothesline from Elgin in the corner, Taya handed Tessa to Mike for a second rope power bomb. Blanchard managed to counter into a hurricanrana.
Eddie Edwards came in and chopped Elgin repeatedly in the corner. After an overhead belly to belly suplex sent Elgin to the outside, Taya Valkyrie blocked Edwards from diving to the outside. Tessa knocked Taya off the apron, and she teamed with Edwards to hit a tandem suicide dives on their opponents. Edwards rolled Elgin into the ring and Tessa tossed Taya into the barricade.
Back in the ring, Tessa and Taya double teamed Elgin for a near fall. As Tessa climbed the ropes, Elgin and Edwards exchanged strikes in the ring. Tessa came off the top rope, but Elgin caught her and power bombed her onto the back of Eddie Edwards. Blanchard used a poison-rana and a tornado DDT to dispose of Elgin.
Taya and Elgin made comeback with Taya Valkyrie diving on top of Tessa on the outside and Elgin hitting a powerbomb on Edwards for the pinfall victory.
Back to the Undead Realm
Havok and Yung ran into Rosemary. Rosemary says she can undo what Father James Mitchell did if they care to trust her one more time. She transports them back to Mitchell. He tries to convince them that they’re a team. When Yung went to stab Mitchell, Havok stopped her, grabbed the knife, and stabbed him herself. He wakes up in what might be heaven and he says “Who booked this shit?”
March 24th Impact Wrestling Preview
Impact Wrestling begins tonight at 8 PM on AXS. This show is part of the build for the Rebellion pay per view that was canceled earlier this week. As a pre-taped show, it will be interesting to see if Impact has the ability to edit. Last week, they put a banner up whenever anyone mentioned the Lock Down show that also got canceled after the episode was taped.
Su Yung vs. Jessica Havok in The Undead Realm
The long feud between Su Yung and Jessica Havok has included everything you might expect from a low budget horror movie. Jessica Havok killed Su Yung, and then Yung came back to life, but she didn’t come back the same. Somehow her memory eventually returned and now this feud culminates with tonight’s episode of Impact Wrestling.
Tessa Blanchard and Eddie Edwards vs. Michael Elgin and Taya Valkyrie
Tessa defeated Taya Valkyrie on the March 3rd episode of Impact Wrestling. The best of five series between Michael Elgin and Eddie Edwards ended in controversy with two refs calling for different finishes. Tessa, Elgin, and Edwards were on a collision course for a three way match over the Impact World Championship, but that event has been cancelled. We’ll get to see the three of them plus Taya in a tag team match on tonight’s episode of Impact.
X-Division Number 1 Contender Scramble Match
Ace Austin wants Willie Mack to join him in a quest to take the Tag Team titles away from the North. Willie Mack remains loyal to Rich Swann, but he also wants to challenge Austin for the X-Division championship. In order to do so, he needs to fight through seven other wrestlers.
Moose vs. Chase Stevens
Moose continues to disrespect those wrestlers that paved the way for Impact Wrestling. Tonight, Chase Stevens tries to put a stop to it.
Rhino and Sabu vs. OVE
When OVE attacked Rhino on the March 10th episode of Impact, Sabu made the save. Now OVE squares off with both Sabu and Rhino in tonight’s tag team match.
Rascalz vs. Reno Scum
Another tag team match.