- Rating TBDPriest
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C. AzeezW
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L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
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L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
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Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
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March 28th Episode of MLW Fusion
- Updated: March 28, 2020

March 28th Episode of MLW Fusion
Note: I attended the March 28th Episode of MLW Fusion live. You can read about that experience here. Follow the Minutes to Bell Time Instagram to see photos from my experiences. Read about all the live experiences here.
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March 28th Episode of MLW Fusion Results
Recap of Davey Boy Smith Jr’s 8-Man tag team challenge and the resulting match from last week. King Mo attacked Killer Kross with a baseball bat at the end of the episode.
Alicia Atout Backstage Interview with Dan Lambert.
Dan Lambert says King Mo can fight during the suspension, and they plan to win in court.
Alicia says Brian Pillman has not Shown Up
Backstage Comments with Tom Lawlor
He spoke a bunch of trash about Killer Kross.
Dominic Garrini Prizefight Challenge
Dr. Dax pushed Garrini back into the corner, but they had a clean break. Garrini attempted to pick the leg, but Dr. Dax hit a couple of clubbing blows. After Garrini took Dr. Dax down to the mat, he locked in a submission for the victory.
Backstage Segments with MJF
Mance Warner has the same number of brain cells as he does teeth. MJF says he’ll “F” him up.
Match Announcement
Next Week: Loser Leaves MLW Empty Arena Match between Mance Warner and MJF.
Pre Tap Promo from King Mo
Alicia Says Brian Pillman’s Match will Not Happen
Brian Pillman is missing.
Alexander Hammerstone defeats T-Hawk
T-Hawk backed Hammerstone into the corner, but T-Hawk allowed a clean break. In the next sequence, Hammerstone backed T-Hawk into the corner and also allowed a clean break. After Hammerstone took T-Hawk off his feet with a shoulder tackle, T-Hawk answered with a vertical suplex. T-Hawk caught Hammerstone going for a leap frog and managed to transition into a sit-down powerbomb.
Action eventually spilled to the outside where Hammerstone hit T-Hawk with a bicycle kick to knock him off the apron. Back in the ring, Alexander Hammerstone maintained control, but he allowed T-Hawk an opportunity to chop him in the chest. When T-Hawk went for a powerslam, Hammerstone got out, hit a bicycle kick followed by a German Suplex and powerbomb. T-Hawk escaped a Boston Crab, and then stood toe to toe in a striking battle with Hammerstone. Both men traded suplexes before T-Hawk climbed to the top rope. Hammerstone dropkicked T-Hawk, hit a superplex, and then won with the Nightmare Pendulum slam.
Alicia Backstage Interview with Konnan
Konnan says it will be very interesting to see how the AAA wrestlers do against the MLW wrestlers.
Announced AAA and MLW Super Series Beginning in Two Weeks
Mancer is Mad at MJF
He won’t be leaving town.
More on Brian Pillman Jr.
Injustice arrived with a news alert. Injustice gave a phone to Alicia and asked her to take it to the truck. Brazil said to stay tuned.
King Mo defeats Low Ki
Nothing happened for the first two minutes of the match, but then King Mo picked Low Ki up and tossed him over the top rope. It appears that Low Ki was injured. As Low Ki attempted to get back in the ring, Mo rushed over and pushed him back to the floor. Finally back in the ring, King Mo used a pair of knee strikes in the corner. King Mo maintained his advantage locking in a series of submissions on the mat. When Low Ki attempted a come back, King Mo used a chop block to send Low Ki wincing to the outside.
When Low Ki got back in the ring, he caught King Mo with a pair of kicks and then cinched in a choke. Team Filthy came out and distracted the referee. Tom Lawlor attacked Low Ki and the referee didn’t see Dan Lambert toss in Low Ki’s towel. When the referee saw the towel in the middle of the ring, he called for the bell not realizing that the wrong corner man through it in the first place.
Post Match Interview
Lambert says King Mo won because they threw in the towel. King Mo requested the audience to bend the knee (nobody in the audience did)
Footage from Injustice’s Phone
They hit him with a curb stomp on a cinder block.
March 28th Episode of MLW Fusion Preview
King Mo vs. Low Ki
Low Ki (1-0) enters tonight’s match up with just one match in 2020. He defeated Chandler Hopkins on the January 25th episode of Fusion. King Mo (1-0) comes into the night with the same record defeating Doctor Dax on the February 22nd episode of Fusion. With just two matches, the combined ring time for both men remains below seven minutes. I was in South Philly for this confrontation. Don’t expect it to last very long.
Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Jordan Oliver
Brian Pillman (2-2 singles and 2-2 Overall) has started a quest to take the MiddleWeight championship away from Myron Reed. He starts by squaring off with one of Reed’s running buddies in Injustice: Jordan Oliver. Pillman’s single record includes victories over Timothy Thatcher and Jimmy Havoc and losses to Davey Boy Smith Jr. and Jacob Fatu. Oliver (1-1 overall) has not competed in singles competition all year, but has earned a tag team victory over Laredo Kid and Zenshi. His loss came in a triple threat tag team match. One has to assume if Pillman can get past Oliver, he would be one step closer to a match with Myron Reed.
Alexander Hammerstone defends the MLW OpenWeight Championship Against T-Hawk
Alexander Hammerstone (1-1 singles, 2-1 overall) enters the evening having wrestled two singles matches in 2020. The matches include a win over Aerostar and a loss to Davey Boy Smith Jr. As a member of Dynasty, Hammerstone has a tag team victory over Mance Warner, Logan Creed, and Savio Vega.
T-Hawk (0-0 singles, 1-1 overall) has not had a singles match this year or any matches on MLW Fusion. As a member of Strong Hearts, T-Hawk has a Tag Team victory over Jurassic Express and a loss to the Dark Order on AEW programming.