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C. AzeezW
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Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
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L - Not RatedShorty G
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Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
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March 4th Episode of AEW Dynamite
- Updated: March 4, 2020

March 4th Episode of AEW Dynamite
Live results for the March 4th Episode of AEW Dynamite will begin at 8PM. The preview is below.
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March 4th Episode of AEW Dynamite Results
Show began with a recap of AEW Revolution
Jon Moxley Interview Segment
Moxley says that the AEW Wold Championship is beautiful because it represents Professional Wrestling. He goes on to say that the belt never belonged to Chris Jericho. It belongs to the AEW fans that helped will the company into existence. Jon Moxley says he plans to defend this belt with his life and nobody in the industry has what it takes to pry the belt out of his cold dead hands. Despite that, he encourages people to step up and try to take the belt.
Moxley then dared the Inner Circle to come after him. This challenge brought out the entire Inner Circle. Jericho says he doesn’t need a belt to be Le Champion. He also thinks the Moxley Era sucks a$$. Chris Jericho says that he trained for three months to face a man with one eye and the fact that Moxley can see out of both eyes makes him a cheater and a liar. The Inner Circle is putting the entire AEW Roster on notice. They will tear everyone apart, and they’ll start with Jon Moxley. If Jon Moxley walks out of the arena on his own two feet, Chris Jericho will take a 60 day leave of absence from AEW.
To close out his statement, Jericho let Moxley know he always has a plan. Moxley says he’ll do exactly what he did on Saturday, but this time he’ll send Jericho packing for 60 days.
The Commentary Team Ran Through Tonight’s Matches
Cabana and SCU defeat Dark Order
Cabana and Grayson start the match, and Colt took Grayson down with a head scissors takeover. This brought Dark Order into the ring. They knocked SCU off the apron and swarmed Cabana. SCU helped out and Cabana tagged out and they began to isolate John Silver taking turns beating Silver down in the SCU corner. Silver shoved Daniels back into the corner. Uno pulled Daniels out of the ring and shoved him into the ring post.
The Dark Order then isolated Daniels in the corner as the took turns beating him down in the Dark Order corner. Reynolds and Silver hit a quick set of tandem maneuvers. Daniels grabbed Grayson into a flatliner and made the tag to Kazarian. Reynolds and Silver got slammed by Kazarian and then everybody came into the ring. Grayson got sent into the post.
Colt Cabana pinned Silver with the Superman pin.
Evil Uno Post Match Interview
Uno said this is not how this was supposed to go. When the Exalted One arrives, heads are going to roll.
Recap of AEW Tag Team Match from Revolution
Big Swole defeats Leva Bates
Bates tried to hand Swole a book, but Swole tossed it out of the ring. With Aubrey Edwards checking on Peter Avalon, Bates hit Swole with a book. Swole hit a bottom rope springboard cutter and then dirty dancing for the pinfall victory. Britt Baker spent this match on commentary putting down Big Swole the entire time.
Recap of MJF vs. Cody from Revolution
Cody Interview
The only way Cody will be comfortable with the personal and professional loss is if MJF comes out to say he beat Cody fair and square. For some reason, this brought out Jake “the Snake” Roberts. Jake says he hated to spoil the party, but he was sick and tired of hearing Cody cry. Jake says he isn not here to praise Cody. He is here to slay you. Jake says he has a client coming to AEW and goes on to say that it has taken him 20 years to get to clean. Roberts says he’ll be on the outside of the ring when his client comes. Jake says he isn’t in AEW to take the whole pie, but just Cody’s share. In closing, Jake said that he never turns his back on someone he respects or fears. With that he put his back to Cody and walked out.
Recap of Pac vs. Orange Cassidy
Pac defeats Chuck Taylor
Chuck and Pac spent the early going wrestling on the mat, but Pac knocked Chuck down with a shoulder tackle and a head scissors takedown. Pac allowed himself to get distracted by Orange Cassidy and Chuckie T hit a baseball slide. After a tilt-a-whirl back breaker, Chuck went to the top, but Pac got up. Action rolled to the outside where Pac through Chuckie T into the barricade.
Back from commercial, Taylor used an arm drag and a clothesline to get the advantage back. After a cross body to the outside, the Best Friends hit their hug pose. Back in the ring, Chuck Taylor used a Michinoku driver for a two count. After the Awful Waffle, Chuckie T got a two count and then missed a moonsault. Pac immediately went into the brutalizer for a submission victory.
Post Match Assault
Pac seemed to want to continue beating up Chuckie T, but Trent and Orange Cassidy came in the ring to defend him. The Lucha Bros came down to the ring, and they overwhelmed the Best Friends and Orange. Pac grabbed a microphone and announced that the three of them will be known as Death Triangle.
Jake Hager defeats QT Marshall
Marshall caught Hager with fists and a dropkick, but he couldn’t take Hager off his feet. Hager used a running powerslam, but QT put his feet up as Hager went for the Vader bomb. Marshall used a springboard enziguri and a twisting senton for a 1 count. Hager pushed Marshall off the DDT and locked in a standing arm triangle for the referee stoppage.
Post Match Assault
The Inner Circle went to town on QT and Dustin after the match. This brought Cody out, but the Inner Circle used a chair to take him out. Matt Jackson came out, but Jake Hager slammed him to the mat. Adam Page took his time coming to the ring with a beer in his hand. The Inner Circle allowed Hangman to put down his beer, and then he hit Hager with the Buckshot Lariat. Hangman finished his beer, but gave Matt Jackson the middle finger.
Recap of Kris Statlander vs Nyla Rose from Revolution
Match Announcements for Next Week
- Cody vs. Ortiz
- Death Triangle Debut
- Jurassic Express vs. Butcher, Blade, and MJF
MJF Backstage Interview
Max says he is the head author that the AEW faithful can count on. He says his book will be titled “The Greatest World Champion in AEW History.” MJF says he’ll be the number one contender and he doesn’t care who gets in his way. MJF continues to say he’ll remain undefeated because he is better than you. He took off his jacket to reveal a shirt that says “I Pinned Cody.”
Jericho and Guevara defeat Moxley and Allin
Santana, Ortiz, and Hager jumped Moxley as he made his entrance. They beat him into the concession area. Hager put Moxley in the choke hold and left him laying in the concession area. Darby Allin requested Rick Knox ring the bell, which put him in a handicap match. Darby tossed Allin into the barricade and used a drop toe hold to send Jericho into the ring steps. Back in the ring, Guevara hit a knee strike to take the advantage back. The Inner Circle made it out to the ringside area, and they got in a number of cheap shots. Darby evaded Jericho as he ran into the corner hitting a sunset flip and a moonsault.
Jericho cinched in the Walls of Jericho, but Darby made it to the ropes. After Jericho kicked Darby to the outside, Dynamite went to commercial. Back from the break, Jericho hit a delayed vertical suplex on Darby Allin. After hitting a number of forearm strikes on Jericho, Darby knocked Jericho to the outside and hit a suicide dive. Back in the ring, Sammy tagged into the match and took things back over for the Inner Circle.
With Jericho back in the ring, he went for the Lionsault, but Darby put his feet up. Darby got a near fall on Guevara with a Canadian Destroyer. He sent Sammy to the outside and hit the entire Inner Circle with the coffin drop from the top turnbuckle to the floor. Darby hit the stunner and the coffin drop on Guevara, but Jericho broke up the pinfall. As Darby went for a suicide dive, Jericho hit the Judas Effect. Sammy took the pinfall victory.
Post Match
Moxley made it down to the ring with a chair, and he took out the Inner Circle. Hager hit Moxley from behind and the Inner Circle continued the beat down. The Inner Circle then hit a triple powerbomb off the stage through a couple of tables.
March 4th Episode of AEW Dynamite Preview
AEW Dynamite takes place at 1st Bank Center tonight in Broomfield, Colorado (Denver Area). The show begins at 8:00 PM Eastern on the TNT.
Announced for the show:
Debut of Lance Archer
AEW announced on February 26th that Lance Archer joined the AEW talent roster. He is expected to make his debut on Dynamite tonight.
Jon Moxley & Darby Allin vs. The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara)
Jon Moxley defeated Chris Jericho to win the AEW World Championship at AEW Revolution, and Darby Allin Defeated Sammy Guevara at AEW Revolution. Will the Inner Circle get even and will Jericho demand a rematch?
Colt Cabana & SCU (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, & Scorpio Sky) vs. The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, John Silver, & Alex Reynolds)
After months of trolling Christopher Daniels, the Dark Order defeated SCU at AEW Revolution. The post match attack brought out the debuting Colt Cabana and Christopher Daniels seems to have proven his alliance with SCU. The story continues tonight on Dynamite.
PAC vs. Chuck Taylor (w/ Trent & Orange Cassidy)
In Cassidy’s debut as a singles competitor, Pac defeated him with the brutalizer submission. Now Chuck Taylor attempts to get some measure of revenge. With the Lucha Brothers making their presence known at Revolution, one has to wonder whether their influence will be felt on Dynamite this evening.
Jake Hager vs. QT Marshall
Jake Hager defeated one member of the Nightmare Family at AEW Revolution when the referee was forced to stop the match against Dustin. Will QT Marshall do any better in his singles match with Hager this evening.
Big Swole vs. Leva Bates
A special singles match for the Women’s division. Swole got in Nyla Rose’s face on the February 19th Dynamite, but Kris Statlander received the title shot at AEW Revolution. Swole suffered a pinfall defeat to Hikaru Shida in a fatal four way on last week’s Dynamite. Perhaps this is Swole’s opportunity to get back on track.