- Rating TBDPriest
L - Rating TBDOmos
C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
L - Rating TBDOwens
L - Rating TBDMysterio
L - Rating TBDBelair
L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedOwens
L - Not RatedOmos
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedDana Brooke
L - Not RatedBenjamin
L - Not RatedDawkins
L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedRollins
L - Not RatedMysterio
L - Not RatedRipley
L - Not RatedPriest
L - Not RatedBelair
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March 8th WWE Elimination Chamber
- Updated: March 10, 2020

March 8th WWE Elimination Chamber
Below are the results for the March 8th WWE Elimination Chamber Pay Per View. I attended the event live and will post a full review of my experience later this week. Follow the Minutes to Bell Time Instagram to get real time updates from live shows.
March 8th WWE Elimination Chamber Results
Viking Raiders defeat Hawkins and Ryder
Zack Ryder begins the match with Erik from the Viking Raiders. As a result of some intimidation from Erik, Ryder almost immediately tagged out. After a pair of shoulder tackles from Erik, Hawkins manage to hit a couple of strikes and a side suplex on Erik. The kickoff show went to a commercial as Hawkins worked over Erik on the outside.
As Ivar came into the ring, he slammed Ryder and hit a cross body. Ivar evaded a clothesline from Hawkins by using a cartwheel, and the Viking Raiders pinned Ryder after using the Viking Experience.
Daniel Bryan defeats Drew Gulak
Gulak immediately hit a fireman’s carry takedown and both men continued to exchange holds. Bryan and Gulak put each other in leg locks and proceeded to kick each other until both broke the hold. In contrast to Bryan’s normal style, Daniel Bryan rolled to the outside to collect himself. Back in the ring, Bryan attempted to lock in a surfboard. Gulak countered into a surfboard of his own, but Bryan escaped hitting a kick to the inner thigh of Gulak. Back on their feet, Bryan went for another kick that Gulak caught and countered into a dragon screw leg whip.
Bryan blocked a trio of suplexes and Bryan attempted to hit one of his own, but they were so close to the ropes that both men tumbled to the outside. As Bryan came off the second rope, Gulak grabbed him and transitioned directly into a side suplex. Both men managed to exchange German and Dragon suplexes until Gulak hit a very high angle release German suplex. After the suplex, Bryan rolled to the outside and nearly got counted out.
When Bryan got back in the ring, he ran the ropes and knocked Gulak off his feet. After catching Bryan on the ropes and suplexing him off the top, Gulak locked in the Gu-lock. Bryan managed to escape and cinch in the Yes Lock and the referee had to stop the match.
Kayla Braxton Interview with Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler
Roode says they’ll leave Tag Team Champions and that will be Absolutely Glorious. Ziggler says he doesn’t need good luck, and he gave a shout out to his “babe” and dedicated the match to Mandy Rose.
Andrade defeats Humberto Carillo to Retain the United States Championship
Both superstars ran at each other, and Andrade immediately hit a back elbow on Carillo to secure the early advantage. Carillo managed to connect with a clothesline sending Andrade to the outside. Back in the ring, Carillo ran up the ropes hitting Andrade with a flying headbutt. Moments later, Carillo sent Andrade to the outside after a springboard arm drag. Andrade caught Carillo as he came back in the ring. With both men on the outside, Andrade picked Carillo up and ran him into the post.
Back in the ring, Andrade maintained the advantage until he went for a monkey flip, but Carillo grabbed him and back body dropped him out of the ring. After a couple of high kicks, Carillo went for a moonsault, but pulled him into a modified buckle bomb. With both men standing on the top rope, Carillo leaped up into the air hitting a hurricanrana and collected a near fall as a result. Carillo missed his follow up moonsault and Andrade hit the double knees in the corner for a near fall of his own.
Zelina Vega pulled back the padding at the ringside area, but Carillo evaded the hammerlock DDT with a back body drop. Carillo connected with a tope con hilo and a cross body, but he couldn’t hold Andrade down for three. After both guys traded a series of near falls, Andrade grabbed the tights to secure a roll up victory.
Backstage Interview with AJ Styles
Styles feels bad for Aleister Black (no friends, sits in a dark room, etcetera). He mentions that Gallows and Anderson will be present at ringside. Styles agrees with Charly that it won’t be a fair fight.
Miz and Morrison win Elimination Chamber
The Usos and New Day start in the ring. At the five minute mark, neither the Usos nor the New Day had an advantage. When the Lucha House Party got released from their chamber, they ran all over the ropes. After three moonsaults on Jimmy Uso, Jey had to break up the pinfall. Just before the next team entered, Lince Dorado hit a cross body off the top of the pod onto the Usos and Metalik hit a somersault senton off the top of the pod onto the New Day. At the 10 minute mark, John Morrison and The Miz were released from their pod.
John Morrison hoisted Lince Dorado into a Razor’s Edge position, and swung him into a ura nage. With Morrison standing on the top rope, Gran Metalik hit a running hurricanrana from the top of the pod.
Heavy Machinery entered the match next taking down everyone with shoulder tackles. Otis and Tucker bounced off the ropes ramming the Usos into the cage. After Otis hit Big E with the Caterpillar and went for the cover. All the wrestlers got involved in breaking up the finish as Lince Dorado hit a swinging shooting star press from the top of the cage. Heavy Machinery gave Gran Metalik the trash compactor to eliminate the Lucha House Party. The final team (Ziggler and Roode) entered the ring next.
After Tucker tossed Ziggler off the top of a pod into the waiting arms of Otis, Tucker then hit a somersault senton onto the rest of the wrestlers. At the same time, Otis dealt with Roode and Ziggler. Otis got a running start and ran straight at Ziggler, but Dolph moved and Otis went through the pod falling to the floor.
Final Sequence
Roode used a Glorious DDT on Tucker to eliminate Heavy Machinery. The Usos hit splashes off the top of the pods to eliminate Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode. Kofi attempted a move from the top of the pod, but he missed. Miz and Morrison quickly covered him for the pin. Miz and Morrison both covered one of the Usos to hold him down for the pinfall victory
Backstage Interview with Natalya
Beth will pull through the RKO she took on Monday. Randy will not pull through once Edge gets his hands on him. Natalya will unleash her legacy in the Elimination Chamber.
Aleister Black defeats AJ Styles
After both men wrestled for several minutes without anyone securing an advantage, Aleister Black finally surprised AJ with a strike. Black would hit several strikes before Gallows and Anderson jumped on the apron providing a distraction that AJ could use to his advantage. AJ began to focus on the left leg of Aleister Black. As Aleister lay on the center of the mat trying to get up, Styles rolled to the outside to pull a kendo stick out from under the ring. After Black managed to evade a couple of kendo stick shots, Styles kicked Aleister to the outside. Styles attempted to leap over the top rope to hit Black, but Aleister hit him with a knee strike before setting up a table. As Black returned his focus to AJ, he got surprised with a steel chair shot from Styles.
Back in the ring, Black hit Style with several elbow, kick, and knee strikes. AJ would counter Black’s offense into the calf crusher, but Black got his hands on the kendo stick and broke free. Black hit AJ Styles with the seven shots from the Kendo Stick before AJ ducked one and hit a Pele kick. AJ hit a Phenomenal Forearm and a brain buster for a near fall.
Black would find an opening to hit several strikes and his moonsault from the second rope. Black went for the moonsault again, but Styles caught him and attempted a tombstone, but Black escaped. The action spilled to the outside where Aleister Black hit a running meteora off the announce desk through a table. This allowed Black to set up for the Black Mass, but that brought Gallows and Anderson into the ring. All three members of the OC swarmed on Black. After Gallows and Anderson hit Black with the Magic Killer, AJ set up for the Phenomenal Forearm, but the lights went out.
When the lights came back on, the Undertaker had Gallows and Anderson by the throat. He then choke slammed AJ styles before disappearing. Aleister Black hit Black Mass for the pinfall victory.
Backstage Interview with the Street Profits
The Street Profits are up and “We Want the Smoke.”
Street Profits defeat Seth Rollins and Murphy
Dawkins and Rollins start the match, but Seth tagged Murphy in before he did anything. Dawkins knocked Murphy down with a shoulder tackle and tagged Ford into the ring. Ford locked in an arm ringer, tagged Dawkins not the match, and Dawkins hit a double axe handle down across Murphy’s arm. With Ford back in the ring, Murphy found an opening to get Rollins back in the ring. Dawkins and Ford hit a double drop kick to send Murphy and Rollins to the outside.
Rollins caught Dawkins coming back in the ring and began to focusing in on the leg. Dawkins made the tag to Ford who went wild on Rollins and Murphy. The Street Profits earned a near fall after Ford hit a standing moonsault on Murphy. Rollins distracted the referee allowing the AOP to pull Ford off the ring apron. This Brough the Viking Raiders out. The Vikings brawled to the backstage area with AOP.
Ford eventually got a tag to Dawkins who went wild on Rollins and Murphy including a splash in each corner plus a bulldog on Rollins. After a sling blade Rollins got a tag out to Murphy and Rollins and Murphy proceeded to double super kick both members of the street profits. Ford went for the frog splash on Rollins, but Rollins lifted his knees and nearly pinned Ford. Seth missed a stomp, but hit a combo buckle bomb enziguri. When Rollins attempted a suicide dive, Dawkins caught him and hit an overhead belly to belly suplex.
With all the competitors taken out, Kevin Owens casually walked down through the stands to the ringside area eating popcorn. Owens tossed some popcorn in Rollins face. Dawkins then pounced Rollins into the barricade. Back in the ring, Ford hit the frog splash on Murphy for the pinfall victory.
Backstage Interview with Sami Zayne, Shinsuke Nakamura, and Cesaro
Sami mentions that Braun has never touched him. Braun hasn’t been able to put one finger on him. Zayne asked his partners to stand on the apron while he takes out Strowman.
Sami Zayne defeats Braun Strowman to Become the New Intercontinental Champion
Sami started with Strowman, but immediately tagged out to Shinsuke Nakamura. When Nakamura attempted a clothesline, Braun didn’t even move. Once the team got Strowman on the mat, Zayn regularly tagged into the match. When Braun looked at Sami, Zayne jumped out of the ring. Strowman used a pair of shoulder tackles on Cesaro and then tossed him from post to post. With Nakamura legal, Strowman pounded Shinsuke into the mat.
Strowman ran around the ring knocking Nakamura and Cesaro to the mat with shoulder tackles. Zayne dove under the ring. As Strowman went after him, Cesaro and Nakamura double teamed him Braun. Cesaro moved out one the way and Strowman went shoulder first into the post, Cesaro then tossed him into the post again. Nakamura hit him with Kinshasa and Sami used a helluva kick assisted double suplex to win the Intercontinental Championship.
Shayna Baszler wins Elimination Chamber to Face Becky Lynch at WrestleMania
Natalya and Ruby Riot begin the match with Baszler, Asuka, Liv Morgan, and Sarah Logan in the pods. Natalya aggressively rubbed Ruby’s face in the chains and locked in the sharp shooter. Ruby countered out of the sharp shooter by pulling Natalya into the pod. Sarah Logan got released from her pod next and she ran straight at Natalya hitting her with double knees into Liv Morgan’s pod. Logan and Riot wrestled to the top of the pod. Ruby managed to get down, but only to have Sarah jump down on both her and Natalya with a cross body.
Shayna Baszler got released next and she almost immediately tapped out Sarah Logan. Ruby Riot got the same treatment. Shayna then set her sights on Natalya who she punished by repeatedly slamming her with a pod door. After Shayna locked in the Kurobuta Clutch for the submission on Natalya. Liv Morgan got released next and Shayna met her at the pod door. Baszler slammed Liv Morgan into the side of the cage and then into the side of the pod.
After Morgan crawled back into the ring, Shayna brought her over to Asuka’s pod and rubbed Liv up against the cage door. Baszler climbed the ropes and pulled Liv up into Kurobuta clutch, so she could submit Morgan right in front of Asuka.
Asuka eventually got released and hit Shayna with a hip attack and several strikes to the chest. Baszler caught her going for another hip attack, but Asuka still managed to cinch in the Asuka lock . While Asuka held onto the hold as long as she could, Baszler rolled to the outside and rammed Asuka into the side of the cage. Baszler attacked the injured arm of Asuka repeatedly, and she then locked in the Kurobuta clutch for the referee stoppage.