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C. AzeezW
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Bobby RoodeW
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March 9th Impact
- Updated: March 9, 2021

March 9th Impact
Impact Results Provided by Jeff Johnson Wrestling Soundoff
- Match is really slow paced to start off with Tasha keep going to the outside and keeping away from Jazz. Obviously meant to play more into Jazz’s style and ability.
- Jordynne takes out Kiera on the outside after she tries to distract the ref. It allows Jazz to lock on an STF to get the submission victory.
- MATCH TIME: 6:01
Backstage and Video Packages
- ODB is being interviewed backstage about her title shot this Saturday when Susan comes in with ODB calling her Karen. We have a match for tonight with Susan being pissed over ODB last week.
- Trey Miguel is backstage finding the student that Sami wanted to talk to at Trey’s school last week. Trey tells him that everything Sami says is a lie.
The trainee challenges Trey but Trey doesn’t want to until he starts trashing Trey. - Video package from Moose and Swann again for their match this Saturday. Nothing they haven’t shown us already.
- Storm throws some “beer” at Sheera upon entering the ring to piss him off because of the no alcohol thing.
- Sheera tags himself in so hard that Rohit sells it like he got hit.
- I wonder why we have not hear anything about the history between Storm and Sheera at this point. Or do we ignore that stable now?
- Back from a commercial break, we see that Sabin tried to take on Rohit and Sheera on his own but it didn’t work out for him.
- Striker says “Sacrifice this Saturday, where all the titles will be on the line.” Did he just spoil what D’Amore’s announcement will be later with Moose and his title?
- Nice escape by Rohit from the double team by Storm and Sabin using his knees to connect with both their heads.
- Sheera and Rohit start arguing allowing Sabin to drop kick Sheera into Rohit.
- Cradle Shock from Sabin on Rohit and they get the pinfall victory.
- MATCH TIME: 10:16
XXXL and Reno Scum
- XXXL and Reno Scum are arguing about whose fault it was they lost last week before Rosemary and Decay come in to rub salt in the wounds of XXXL.
- XXXL walk off leading to Reno Scum challenging all three of Decay to a match on Sacrifice.
Violent by Design
- Back to Violent By Design to see how Deaner has held up since last week. EY says violence is the only thing the disease understands.
- Storm and Sabin walk by and Storm tells EY the brainwashing he is doing is wrong and VBD attack.
Brian Myers
- Brian Myers has walked in to Scott’s office to go over the legal filings that Sterling served them. Myers says it will all go away if he fires Eddie Edwards. Scott says he is happy to go to court because he knows there is no case.
- Scott makes a match instead at Sacrifice between Eddie Edwards and Myers in a match that turns out to be an anything goes hardcore match.
- Sami Callihan is hacking in first before this match to cut a promo on Trey to get under his skin. Funny bit with him talking about the sell out crowd.
- Are we seriously using Grooming and Manipulating young talent as a storyline? At least it doesn’t appear to have a sexual aspect to it.
- Trey gets an interesting submission put on quick and gets the submission victory.
- MATCH TIME: 0:45
- Post match, Sami hacks into the ring and piledrives Sam Beale and hacks out before Trey can get to him.
Storm and Sabin
- Storm and Sabin are pissed off backstage over Eric Young’s attack moments earlier. They feel betrayed and are going to take on VBD at Sacrifice.
- Jake Something walks in to give his advice and offer his services to be at ringside to counter EY.
TK and Schiavone
- We hear about the great buyrate for Revolution from TK and Schiavone to put over this week’s Dynamite. They put over Christian Cage as one of the greatest champions in Impact history.
- TK also makes fun of Omega not being able to build an exploding ring.
Contract Signing
- Contract signing for FinJuice against Good Brothers at Sacrifice for the Impact Tag Team Championships.
- When they start bringing out the booze Scott tells them to sign the contract when they’re done and get it back to him before he leaves.
- How long is this going to last with them going back and forth with the shots without signing?
- They have finally signed and now another shot so four in total for good brothers but Fin Juice throw their last shots in Good Brothers face and a brawl is on.
- They mention during the entrance of Austin the result from BTI with TJP beating Fulton.
- Right at the ring of the bell, Austin walks to the outside and grabs a chair and sets it up for Fulton to sit in.
- Story of the match so far is who can play mind games better than the other.
- Sick looking bump with Ace Austin falling off the top and appearing to land on his back against the hardest part of the ring. Off to a commercial break.
- Back with both men on the apron trading blows back and forth until Bey is able to start blocking some of Austin’s punches.
- Vertebreaker from Bey but Ace Austin some how kicked out before three.
- Austin has avoided the Art of Finesse twice now with him rolling to the outside the second time allowing Fulton to stand in front of Austin allowing Austin to use Fulton to hit Bey with a kick to the head.
- TJP has now come out and is sitting in a chair at the top of the stage saying if Fulton can he can.
- Chris Bey hits the Art of Finesse off the distraction to get the pinfall victory.
- MATCH TIME: 18:34
Swinger’s Palace
- TJP walks into Swingers Palace to get paid for his bet on apparently Bey beating Austin.
- Alexander walks in seeming unhappy about how TJP is treating the X Division and he will be waiting after Sacrifice.
- Rohit Raju is confronting Sheera blaming him for their loss earlier tonight. Sheera says he owes Rohit nothing and walks off.
- Is anyone thinking it is weird to see ODB actually wrestle in pants?
- Susan actually has her own Music and Entrance screen now.
- Susan is not too happy about ODB’s flask being in the corner as well as thinking ODB’s gear is not up to standards.
- Wouldn’t Susan be the best character to finally file a lawsuit against ODB for facewashing her into her chest?
- Back from a commercial break with Susan trying a lowblow but since it has no impact, there is no DQ.
- Susan grabs the flask and empties it out while ODB looks on. Probably not a great idea.
- ODB gets the pinfall victory after getting fired up.
- MATCH TIME: 8:06
- Post match, Deonna and Kimber Lee hit the ring to beat down ODB until Jordynne Grace and Jazz come down to even the numbers. Fire N Flava come out next to help the heels.
Scott D’Amore and Moose
- Scott D’Amore is in his office when he can actually hear the music of Moose and we head to the ring where he is in the ring.
- Moose wants to know what Scott’s announcement regarding his match now.
- Scott tells who ever is in his office that he is going to have to let the cat of the bag as we go to a commercial.
- Back from the commercial break, Moose is still calling out Scott who hasn’t come out to make the announcement yet.
- Scott comes out and says it was not meant to be disrespectful but it has been a busy day. He then brings out Rich Swann to the ring.
- Scott says 2 World Champions is too many and the Main Event is now a Unification Match as we expected.
- Scott says he almost forgot that who ever walks out because their work won’t be done as the winner will defend the belt at Rebellion against the AEW World Champion, Kenny Omega.
- Cut to the back with Don Callis on the phone with Kenny saying it is happening just as they planned.
Impact Preview
Impact has 0 advertised matches for tonight’s show.
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Quick Preview
- Chris Bey vs. Ace Austin
- Rohit Raju & Mahabali Shera vs. James Storm & Chris Sabin
- Fin Juice and Good Brothers Sign Their Contract