- Rating TBDPriest
L - Rating TBDOmos
C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
L - Rating TBDOwens
L - Rating TBDMysterio
L - Rating TBDBelair
L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedOwens
L - Not RatedOmos
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedDana Brooke
L - Not RatedBenjamin
L - Not RatedDawkins
L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedRollins
L - Not RatedMysterio
L - Not RatedRipley
L - Not RatedPriest
L - Not RatedBelair
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- Why Do We Study Wrestling History – Inspiration
- Why Do We Study Wrestling History?: Part 2 – The Role of Nostalgia
- Why Do We Study Wrestling History?: Part 1 – A Disaster of the First Magnitude
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May 20th Impact
- Updated: May 20, 2021

May 20th Impact
Impact Results
Check back for May 20th Impact. The show begins at 8PM.
iMPACT! RECAP – May 20, 2021
(BTI) XXXL defeat Swinger/Hernandez…Larry D hits top buckle splash on Swinger for the win (05:37)…AFTER…Hernandez cradles Swinger, carries him to the back like a child.
(1) Rohit Raju defeats Jake Something…Jake has Rohit up for a suplex, Shera grabs Jake’s foot & holds it as Rohit crashes down on Jake into a pin cover for the win (07:15)…AFTER…Rohit retreats up the ramp while Jake attacks Shera…Jake spears Shera through a table leaned in the corner while Rohit watches but doesn’t help.
*Taylor Wilde…backstage with Mean Gia…Taylor is after that Knockout’s Championship…Tenille & Kaleb interrupt…Tenille still talking about winning the Knockouts Tag titles with Taylor…Taylor reminds Tenille AGAIN that she isn’t interested.
*Rachael & Jordynne backstage with Gia…Rachael, “we’ve got to pick ourselves up & get back out there”…Jordynne agrees, she’s off to find Scott & get them a match.
(2) Tenille defeats Kiera Hogan…Tenille misses the Spotlight Kick…Kiera misses a roundhouse kick…Tenille rolls Kiera up for the win (08:52)…AFTER…Tasha in, attacks Tenille, Kaleb shoves Tasha to the corner to save Tenille…Kimber, Susan, Deonna rush the ring & gang up on Tenille/Kaleb…Taylor Wilde tries to make the save but has little luck…Havok makes the save, clears the ring of heels…as the heels retreat up the ramp Decay comes to the top of the ramp & scares the heels, who scatter & jump the barricades to escape.
*Jordynne returns to tell Rachael the good news: Scott gave them a match…against each other.
*FinJuice backstage with Gia…headed back to Japan tomorrow & plan to take the belts with them…name drop several NJPW teams, “Step up, we’ll knock you down”
(3) Petey Williams defeats VSK…Canadian Destroyer for the win (05:12).
*Rich Swann backstage with Gia…cutting a promo on W. Morrissey when Morrissey nearly kicks Rich’s head off mid-sentence, drags him to the exit doors, smashes him through them & watches them slowly close with Rich on the other side.
*Swinger’s Palace…TJP on a hot streak…as he’s tipping the Swing-a-rella’s (which now include Alisha Edwards) he spots Fallah Bahh who is ALSO in a Swingarella dress “paying off his debt”…TJP rolls a hard 8, wins big, & pays off Fallah’s debt because he needs his tag partner back…Petey Williams is offended, proposes a tag match with himself & Josh…Decay drop in…Crazzy Steve, “this has got to be the creepiest place I’ve ever been”…Swinger asks Hernandez to bounce them…Rosemary, “you haven’t heard the last of us.”
*Moose to the ring…“you’ve beaten Okada, Jericho, Moxley…but I’m a different evil… none of them can lace my boots…I’m a God”…Callis & Omega interrupt…Callis, “Moose, you couldn’t even win a title in ROH…this guy’s won 3 in the last couple weeks”…Gallows & Anderson make their way out…Callihan shows up with a bat, Bullet Club bails…(commercial break)
*Moose and Sami backstage…Moose, “hope you’re not expecting a thank you, didn’t need you”…Sami, “not expecting a thank you, just sick of Kenny & Good Brothers…after Against All Odds, I’m coming for what’s mine.”
(4) Racheal Ellering defeats Jordynne Grace…handshake before locking up…series of back-n-forth pin reversals, Rachael eventually gets the 1-2-3 (13:28)…AFTER…tense moment, but another respectful handshake prevail (for now).
*Brian Myers backstage, still complaining about facing Cardona in that qualifier…Matt Cardona walks down the hall nearby…Myers attacks him, rips his necklace off.
(5) FinJuice defeat Ace Austin/Madman Fulton…to retain the iMPACT! Tag Team Championship…Finaly Stunner on Fulton…Fulton spins right into a Killswitch from Juice for the win (16:27)…AFTER…Violent By Design make their way to the ring slowly…Rhino cashes in his “Call Your Shot” trophy for an immediate tag title match…
(6) Rhino/Joe Doering defeat FinJuice…for the iMPACT! Tag Team Championship…Rhino GORES Finaly…Doering delivers a Death Valley Driver into a Short-arm Clothesline on Juice for the win (00:48)
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Impact Preview
Impact has announced 1 match for tonights show.
Quick Preview
- FinJuice defends against Ace Austin and Madman Fulton
- Kiera Hogan v. Tenille Dashwood
- Rohit Raju v. Jake Something