- Rating TBDPriest
L - Rating TBDOmos
C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
L - Rating TBDOwens
L - Rating TBDMysterio
L - Rating TBDBelair
L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedOwens
L - Not RatedOmos
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedDana Brooke
L - Not RatedBenjamin
L - Not RatedDawkins
L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedRollins
L - Not RatedMysterio
L - Not RatedRipley
L - Not RatedPriest
L - Not RatedBelair
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November 17th Impact
- Updated: November 17, 2020

November 17th Impact
Impact Results Provided by Jeff Johnson Wrestling Soundoff
Check below for the November 17th Impact Results. The show begins at 8PM Eastern and the results will be posted at roughly 10 PM.
Show Open
Starting with Turning Point recap with Deonna winning the KO title back, Rohit retaining then Doering debuting, The Good Brothers winning the Tag Belts and Swann defending his World Title.
- Opening the show with our TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Moose, coming out to defend against Willie Mack in a rematch.
- Mack and Moose go right after each other right at the bell. No Penzer in the ring and no Title held up so not 100% certain the belt is on the line.
- Didn’t take long for these guys to head to the outside of the ring.
- Moose repeating his Turning Point performance by trash talking Rich Swann while beating Mack on the outside.
- Great spot with Willie stopping having Moose miss a drop kick to him coming of the ropes only for Moose to kip up showing off his skills.
- Moose actually tells the ref to count to five while he is doing an illegal move even though it is a No DQ match. Ref eventually does only for moose to have him stop after 2. Great stuff from Moose.
- Moose went shoulder first into those turnbuckles so hard that I legit thought he might break the ring.
- Some of the facial expressions that come from Willie Mack make me shake my head.
- Guys are starting to seem gassed as they’re moving so slow.
- Missed 6 Star Frog Splash from Willie Mack opens up a chance for a spear but Willie counters to his stunner only for Moose to hit the Spear.
- He doesn’t go for the pin and Moose just starts getting on top and beating him like at Turning Point until the ref calls for the bell. Moose gets the TKO victory.
- MATCH TIME: 10:02
Post Match
- Moose leaves with his championship while Willie Mack is out cold in the middle of the ring.
- Treehouse time with Rascalz. They’re sad about being evicted and talk about their good times. We See Wentz and Gail Kim had a date.
- Apparently all the memories are just made up in one of their heads because you know… weed.
Cousin Jake and Cody Deaner Backstage
- Backstage with Cody and Jake letting Dreamer know about Swinger and tells him to check the fanny pack.
- Hard to think Suicide wasn’t going to show up soon after TJP is not able to fight Rohit for Championship.
- Joe Doering and EY come out and the match is thrown out.
- MATCH TIME: 0:43
Post Match
- Doering destroyed both men before EY grabs a microphone and tells us he sees the truth now and this is the truth.
- EY says the world doesn’t belong to us, it belongs to them. Doering is just going to make EY a bigger heel. Love it.
Deonna and Kimber Lee Backstage
- Backstage Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee are being interviewed about getting the KO Title back and being a two time champion in just 6 months.
- Kimber Lee says she is recovering and says it would be great if the two of them can get the KO tag titles now.
- Things go wonky at this point as Su Yung sends a message to them.
Heath and Rhino Backstage
- Heath and Rhino are seen talking about Heath making an appointment before Rhino walks over to confront EY and Joe Doering.
- Rhino says it’s not going to work but they attack him before heading into the room where Heath was.
- Always great when matches have a reason like this one with Steve saving Swoggle at Turning Point. Simple but it makes sense.
- Steve seems to be having some trouble with getting his jacket off. Who knew that a straight jacket was hard to get off.
- NJPW actually getting a plug from Impact with Chris Bey being in the Super J Cup tournament.
- Brian Myers is in control after the commercial with Steve not able to recover from going back first in to the turnbuckle.
- Steve is finally able to get an advantage but only able to get a two count on a pin attempt.
- Myers hits his running kick and gets another pinfall victory.
- MATCH TIME: 9:47
Flashback Moment of the Week
- Flashback moment of the week is from 2011 with Gail Kim and Madison Rayne taking on Brooke and Tara. Before we get the brackets of the KO Tag Title tournament.
Tommy Dreamer Looks into Swinger
- Back to Dreamer again who is looking to talk to Swinger who has the butt of a Gun very clearly seen poking out of it.
- Dreamer says Swinger is guilty by swinging the gun around and next week we have Wrestler’s Court.
- To the ring, where Kaleb with a K is introducing Tenille Dashwood for the match.
- Madison makes a great point saying that it is hard for someone to be a good tag partner when they have All About Me written on their gear.
- Glad to hear Madison mention the tag team gold history for Havok and Nevaeh in other promotions.
- Trash talk starting the match between Alisha and Nevaeh with Alisha stomping the foot to take advantage.
- Tenille willingly tags in while Nevaeh doesn’t have the advantage. The most team work she has shown yet.
- Surprised how much offense Tenille and Alisha have actually got in this match.
- Tenille has a quick photo shoot in the corner while Alisha is getting destroyed by Havok and Nevaeh.
- Alisha actually says All About Us before hitting Tenille’s Crossbody on Havok in the corner.
- Havok gets the pinfall on Alisha after the double team finisher while Tenille is out cold on the outside.
- MATCH TIME: 6:04
Jordynne Grace Backstage
- Backstage Jordynne Grace is talking to someone on the phone who has agreed to be her partner. Apparently the person was retiring but wanted to give it a shot. Kylie Rae tease?
HERNANDEZ VS. Fallah Bahh – Match
- It is amazing how many matches and feuds we’ve got because of one wad of cash.
- Still amazes me that Hernandez can fly like he does, especially now at his age.
- Hernandez gets the pinfall after hitting the splash off the top rope.
- MATCH TIME: 3:35
Rohit Backstage
- Backstage Rohit is annoying Scott D’Amore about EY and Doering stealing his spotlight. Great moment with Scott pretending to smash his head against the wall.
- Scott tells TJP he wishes Rohit could Option C himself out of there.
- TJP said he is going to do some soul searching with Scott telling TJP he can’t challenge if his name is TJP.
- Scott is telling TJP to think like Dusty Rhodes and basically telling him to dress up like Suicide without saying it.
Good Brothers Video Recap
- Video recap of the Good Brothers road towards winning the Tag Team Championships at Turning Point.
- Now backstage the Good Brothers are talking with Scott D’Amore when Ethan Page comes in pissed he couldn’t find them until now.
- Page is asking for a match against the Good Brothers for the belts, saying it is an Official request.
- Karl Anderson suggest Ethan Page fight a phenomenal opponent to earn a match against them.
- All three Rascalz coming out together and looking very emotional for their final match in Impact.
- Swann and all four Rascalz do a little dance Rich Swann style before the match with Wentz hurting “himself” doing the splits.
- Wentz and Trey start it off trading back and forth to a stalemate opening the door for Swann and Dez to go at it.
- Poor Trey when Wentz did the bronco buster as on the third one he basically landed on the head of Trey.
- What a kick from Swann on Dez before using the leg scissor to send Wentz off the top on to his partner.
- Great way to break up the count with Trey hitting a superkick on Wentz who falls on to the pinfall to break it up.
- All four are down at 15 minutes after all four just went all out.
- Swann fires back up after getting trash talked a bit from Dez and Wentz.
- Swann hits his kick to the back of Dez’s head and gets the pinfall victory to end the Rascalz time in Impact.
- MATCH TIME: 16:26
Post Match
- The Rascalz get emotional in the ring as their time in Impact is over.
- They play the music of the Rascalz after Swann’s to give them a good farewell. Hugs all around.
- The Rascalz are given their Jackets and they put them over the top rope facing the hard camera as a goodbye.
- We see them backstage after coming through the curtain with Rich Swann not far behind.
- Cue the attack from Shamrock and Sami Callihan.
Impact Preview by Ryan Joy (Minutes To Bell Time)
Impact has five advertised matches scheduled for today’s show.
All matches are listed below with the 2020 win-loss record for each individual or team.
To see all the data behind the win-loss records, check the lists and links below.
If you enjoy the stat driven approach to this preview, consider subscribing to my weekly pro wrestling letter. You can read last week’s letter and subscribe by Clicking Here.
Quick Preview
- Hernandez v. Fallah Bahh
- Tenille Dashwood and Alisha v. Havok and Nevaeh – Knockouts Tag Team Tournament
- Brian Myers v. Crazy Steve
- Willie Mack v. Moose
- Farewell to the Rascalz: Trey and Rich Swann v. Dez and Wentz
Special Segments / Other
Hernandez v. Fallah Bahh
- Singles Wins
- Singles Losses
- Rhino on 7/21
- Moose on 6/16
- Ace Austin on 5/26
- Madman Fulton on 5/12
- Moose on 4/28
Fallah Bahh
- Singles Wins
- Johnny Swinger on 9/29
- Ethan Page on 2/11
- Singles Losses
- Crazy Steve on 10/13
- Moose on 7/21
- Ace Austin on 1/14
Tenille Dashwood and Alisha v. Havok and Nevaeh – Knockouts Tag Team Tournament
Tenille and Alisha
- First Time Teaming
Havok and Nevaeh
- Tag Wins
- Rayne and Tenille Dashwood on 11/10
- Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz on 7/21
- Tag Losses
- Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie on 10/13
- Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie on 9/29
- Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz on 8/11
Brian Myers v. Crazy Steve
Brian Myers
- Singles Wins
- Hornswoggle on 11/14
- Tommy Dreamer on 10/3
- Willie Mack on 9/8
- Willie Mack on 8/25
- Singles Losses
Crazy Steve
- Singles Wins
- Fallah Bahh on 10/13
- Dave Crist on 5/19
- Singles Losses
Willie Mack v. Moose – No Disqualification
Willie Mack
- Singles Wins
- Moose on 11/14
- Rohit Raju – X Division Champion on 10/3
- Brian Myers on 9/15
- Johnny Swinger on 7/7
- Johnny Swinger on 5/19
- Chris Bey on 5/5
- Ace Austin on 4/21
- Luster “the Legend” on 4/7
- Cousin J., Acey Romero, Jake Crist, Daga, Chris Bey, Trey Miguel and Rohit Raju – X Division Champion on 3/24
- Jay Bradley on 2/22
- Johnny Swinger on 2/18
- Rohit Raju – X Division Champion on 1/21
- Singles Losses
- Singles Wins
- Trey Miguel on 8/18
- Slater on 8/4
- Fallah Bahh on 7/21
- Tommy Dreamer on 7/18
- Crazy Steve on 6/30
- Hernandez on 6/16
- Suicide on 5/19
- Suicide on 5/12
- Hernandez and Michael Elgin on 4/28
- Kid Kash on 3/31
- Chase Stevens on 3/24
- Petey Williams on 3/3
- Rhino on 2/22
- Taurus on 1/28
- Rhino on 1/12
- Singles Losses
- Willie Mack on 11/14
- Trey Miguel on 10/3
- Taurus on 1/21
- Ace Austin on 1/14
Farewell to the Rascalz: Trey and Swann v. Dez and Wentz
Trey and Rich Swann
- First time teaming this year.
Dez and Wentz
- Tag Wins
- Acey Romero and Larry D on 10/6
- Acey Romero and Larry D on 10/3
- Ace Austin and Madman Fulton on 9/1
- Acey Romero, Fallah Bahh, and Larry D (Team 1) and Fallah Bahhand TJP (Team 2) on 4/21
- Rohit Raju – X Division Champion and Shera on 3/10
- Murder Clown and Pagano on 1/28
- Tag Losses
- Acey Romero and Larry D on 10/27
- Cody Deaner and Cousin Jake on 10/24
- Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows on 9/29
- Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin on 9/8
- Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin on 7/18
- Ethan Page and Josh Alexander on 6/16
- Fallah Bahh and TJP on 6/2
- Fallah Bahh and TJP on 4/14
- Adam Thornstowe and Luster “the Legend” on 3/24
- Rohit Raju – X Division Champion and Shera on 1/14