- Rating TBDPriest
L - Rating TBDOmos
C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
L - Rating TBDOwens
L - Rating TBDMysterio
L - Rating TBDBelair
L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedOwens
L - Not RatedOmos
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedDana Brooke
L - Not RatedBenjamin
L - Not RatedDawkins
L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedRollins
L - Not RatedMysterio
L - Not RatedRipley
L - Not RatedPriest
L - Not RatedBelair
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- Why Do We Study Wrestling History?: Part 1 – A Disaster of the First Magnitude
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November 24th Impact
- Updated: November 24, 2020

November 24th Impact
Impact Results
Check below for the November 24th Impact Results. The show begins at 8 PM Eastern and results will be provided by Jeff Johnson at 10 PM.
Recap of Last Week
Our recap of last week including Joe Doering and Eric Young attacking Rhino among others, the final match of the Rascalz and the attack on them afterwards by Sami and Shamrock.
Scott D’Amore with Bravo
- Why is Scott D’Amore even visiting Bravo let alone wearing his headset. Wait, he has power of attorney over Bravo?
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- Matt Striker is calling the action with Josh Matthews in this match up. Going to miss Madison Rayne on commentary tonight. Hopefully she is back soon.
- Weird to be seeing Ashley Vox and Tasha Steelz in an Impact ring together after seeing them both in NWA originally.
- Sea Stars looking strong in their Impact Debut and already seeing more personality from Ashley here than in her time in NWA.
- Looks like Ashley and Tasha repeated a spot because it was botched on the first attempt as Ashley didn’t get all the way over Tasha.
- Madison is apparently part of Wrestler’s Court tonight and that is why she is not on commentary tonight.
- Sea Stars are being made to look strong so hope this is not going to be their only appearance in impact.
- Kiera gets the pinfall for her and Tasha to advance to the semi finals.
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Jordynne’s Partner
- They reveal that Jazz is actually Jordynne’s partner for the tournament. She says she’s been the WWE and NWA Women’s champion and she wants to retire as Knockout Tag Team Champion.
Ethan Page and Josh Alexander Backstage
- Backstage Ethan Page is giving Josh Alexander goods news. Apparently, Doc Gallows is out 4-6 weeks. Ethan says “somebody” should get a pat on the back, but Josh says “Somebody” is stupid as with Gallows out The North can’t get their belts back.
Wrestler’s Court
- Our first glimpse at Wrestler’s Court which is being done like People’s Court. Madison is representing Swinger and D’Lo Brown is representing the boys.
- Madison brings up that Dreamer can’t be the Judge because he conducted the case so he and D’Lo switch spots.
- Madison points out that the case was done by a “Mastermind” and that alone should prove that Swinger is not guilty.
- Fallah Bahh is first to testify. He says Swinger was bitter Bravo made Fallah the best man.
- Cody Deaner is next up and says they found the gun in Swingers fanny pack.
- Acey states that everyone’s fingerprints were on the gun including Brian Pillman and Ron Simmons.
- Nice bit. To be continued.
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- Rohit is first out and of course asks for a mic to cut his usual promo before bringing out his challenger.
- He runs the viewers down being nothing compared to him.
- Let’s see how Rohit handles Suicide and if he makes him unmask first to prove it is not TJP. Had a feeling it had to be Manik or Suicide.
- Rohit says Suicide doesn’t deserve a shot but that he is not being fooled so makes the match a non title match.
- Love that they are keeping Rohit looking smart that he is not backing down from the match, but making sure TJP doesn’t outsmart him and takes the title off the line. Just good smart booking of your heel champion.
- Back from Commercial, Rohit is trying to take the mask off of Suicide. Josh mentions no one knows who is under the mask even though Hogan revealed Suicide as TJP way back when.
- They really should do a Blue Blazer style thing with TJP to come out during the match to create confusion and doubt.
- The mask is off and they are not showing us who it is but TJP’s music hits and he comes out.
- Crazy Steve is the one in the Suicide outfit and ends up using the distraction to get the pinfall on Rohit.
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Backstage with Sami Callihan and Ken Shamrock
- Backstage to Sami Callihan hyping up Ken Shamrock so that tonight they can become World Champion.
- Moose shows up to put down the World Title Rich Swann is holding before saying he has respect for Ken but will be coming for him and that World Title.
Tenille and Kaleb with a K
- Back with Tenille and Kaleb with a K going over sunglasses to wear for a shoot when Alisha comes in wanting to team again.
- Looks like they will be teaming together again.
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- Kimber and Deonna looking skittish coming out expecting Su Yung is coming for them at any moment.
- Great to see Killer Kelly and Renee Michelle get some TV time before their match against Deonna and Kimber.
- Never sure what to make of Killer Kelly when ever I see her fight. I tend to only see her in matches with no build or promos which is likely why.
- Great swanton bomb from Kimber Lee gives her the pinfall victory over Killer Kelly.
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Post Match
- Susie’s music hits and she comes out instead of Su Yung.
- She has a mic and let’s us know her friend is here because they hurt her friend.
- Su Yung’s music hits and Su Yung comes out with some good editing as we get Susie and Su Yung together. Su Yung attacks Deonna and Kimber in a wedding dress.
- Stained glove comes out but Kimber Lee is able to get Deonna out of the ring first.
Backstage with Motor City Machine Guns
- Backstage with the Motor City Machine Guns being interviewed about Alex Shelley being healthy again.
- Did Sabin blame Triple X for an injury? Am I missing something?
Backstage with Willie Mack
- Back with Willie Mack and Rich Swann talking about how the referee stopped the match last week.
- He’s not happy over the ref stopping it.
- Chris Bey walks in and wants Mack to leave so he can talk to Swann alone.
- Swann is having none of that.
- Bey is trying to get a title shot but pisses them off by calling Mack a loser.
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- Karl Anderson comes out to introduce the opponent for Ethan Page. The Phenomenal One. But not before putting over the Good Brothers first.
- They actually play the music of AJ Styles with Ethan Page looking worried but it is Swoggle in AJ Gear that comes out.
- Swoggle actually pulls out AJ’s repeated slaps followed y the back hand but one kick from Ethan and Swoggle is pretty much out of it already.
- Page had the match won but pulled Swoggle up at two to further punish Swoggle but gets bit for his trouble.
- Schoolboy on a distracted Ethan Page by Swoggle gives him the pinfall victory.
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Post Match
- Ethan Page is losing it in the ring over losing while Alexander tells him to stop letting them get in his head.
Wrestler’s Court
- Back to Wrestler’s Court with Swinger on the stand.
- Madison is finished with Dreamer starting his questions now.
- Swinger says he is the most over he has ever been and calls himself the OJ Simpson of Professional Wrestling.
- Swinger brings up that he wouldn’t do it and that it’s obvious he is being set up.
- James Mitchell is put on the stand by Dreamer to ask what expertise he may bring to this case. Dreamer asks about Virgin Blood in his world.
- This brings Rosemary to the stand as who Mitchell thinks wants the Virgin Blood from Bravo.
- Dreamer asks Rosemary if she has ever really loved Bravo. She says no.
- Bravo comes out pissed off after hearing what Rosemary has said. Bravo says he knows who shot him, he smelled who it was. To be continued.
Wrestler’s Court
- Back to wrestler court after commercial with Larry D hooked up to a lie detector.
- Dreamer sprays Larry D with the perfume from Wrestle House and he turns in to Lawrence D and he admits to shooting Bravo.
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- So Fallah Bahh can make it from Wrestler’s Court to the ring but Madison can’t?
- Daivari not showing any sign of intimidation as he takes it right to Fallah Bahh.
- Joe Doering and EY come out to destroy both giving us another no contest.
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Post Match
- EY is on the mic to let us know his vision is clear and we are looking at the truth in Doering and EY.
- Rhino is having none of it and comes out take on both.
- Rhino is no match for Doering and Young and they leave Rhino laid out in the ring.
Backstage with Swoggle and Crazy Steve
- Backstage with Swoggle telling Crazy Steve he is looking ridiculous.
- TJP comes in talk about Steve now getting an X Division Title.
- Brian Myers walks in to put them all down, looks like TJP and Myers may be the next match for the two.
Deonna and Kimber
- Backstage, Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee are asking James Mitchell if he can help them get rid of Su Yung. He says he can… for a price. He will tell them the price later but happy to help.
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- The match intros are happening with a half an hour to go? There is no way this match is going that long, right?
- Within a minute of the match starting, Sami is already being booted from ringside. Does it matter when the dude can literally control the lights in the studio?
- Shamrock has been able to slow the match down and grounded Rich Swann.
- More spots where the ref takes me right out of the match. If you’re checking if someone submits or not, be where the guy’s head is and don’t be where you can obviously not directly see him.
- Is it bad that we can not tell if Shamrock is no selling because he is Ken Shamrock or because it suits his character?
- Frog Splash from Swann but Shamrock is able to kick out before three and then put the Arm Bar on Swann almost instantly but Rich gets to the rope quickly.
- Swann pulls over while Shamrock has a submission locked on to retain the World Title.
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Post Match
- Sami comes to the ring as Shamrock takes out the referee in anger.
- They start the beat down on Swann.
- Sami goes to get his bat under the ring but Eddie Edwards comes down for the save before the Bat can be used.
- The numbers are too much for Eddie as Sami and Ken are able to tie him to the ropes.
- After being dared to do it, Sami hits Eddie in the eye with the baseball bat. Lots of fake blood to sell it as officials hit the ring.
- Shamrock knocks out D’Lo Brown who is confronting Shamrock and Sami. Interesting angle to close the show.
Impact Preview
Impact has one advertised match scheduled for today’s show.
All matches are listed below with the 2020 win-loss record for each individual or team.
To see all the data behind the win-loss records, check the lists and links below.
If you enjoy the stat driven approach to this preview, consider subscribing to my weekly pro wrestling letter. You can read last week’s letter and subscribe by Clicking Here.
Quick Preview
- Ethan Page v. Phenomenal Opponent
- Rich Swann v. Ken Shamrock – Impact World Championship
- Johnny Swinger goes to Wrestler’s Court
- Knockouts Tag Tournament Continues
Special Segments / Other
Johnny Swinger goes to Wrestler’s Court
Ethan Page v. Phenomenal Opponent
Ethan Page
- Singles Wins
- Singles Losses
Rich Swann v. Ken Shamrock – Impact World Championship
Rich Swann
- Singles Wins
- Sami Callihan on 11/14
- Eric Young on 10/27
- Eric Young on 10/24
- Singles Losses
Ken Shamrock
- Singles Wins
- Singles Losses
- Michael Elgin on 6/9