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C. AzeezW
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Bobby RoodeW
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NXT – Jan 10
- Updated: January 10, 2023

NXT – Jan 10
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NXT Results
*NEW YEAR’S EVIL is LIVE from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, FL.
(1) Dijak def. Tony D’Angelo…when the fight spills to the floor Stacks becomes a nuisance so Dijak chokeslams him onto the apron’s edge & then handcuffs him to a turnbuckle…Tony kicks out of a sit-out chokeslam…Stacks tries to help Tony, but Tony shoves him out of the way as Dijak lands a Big Boot on Tony for the win (10:04)…AFTER…Wes Lee climbs up on the announce desk & holds the North American Title high as he locks eyes with Dijak.
*Toxic Attraction backstage with McKenzie…they’re focused on taking down Roxy, but that starts with winning the Battle Royal tonight.
*Sanga makes his way out for the match with the Creeds, but announces that Veer Mahaan isn’t here…the Creed Bothers are pissed that Veer didn’t have enough respect to show up…Jinder Mahaal attacks the Creeds from behind & beats them down…Jinder grabs a mic to let the Creeds know that Sanga & Veer might fight for respect, but he doesn’t.
*Valentina Ferroz angrily approaches Sanga backstage & asks if this is what he’s about…Sanga says yes, he’s all about what’s best for him & his brothers…Elektra Lopez tells Ferroz that Sanga’s right to be about himself & she had better be that way too if she wants to stand a chance in the battle royal.
(2) Gauntlet: Pretty Deadly def. “The Rockers” (Flyin’ Brian Williams & Slammin’ Jammin’ Jimmy Jackson)…Spilt Milk on…let’s say…Williams, Prince covers for the win (00:31)…AFTER…New Day out…they knew Pretty Deadly would try this kind of silliness, so they’ve chosen their next opponents…
(3) Gauntlet: Pretty Deadly def. Edris Enofe & Malik Blade…Blade tackles Wilson through the ropes & to the floor…Prince attempts a suplex on Enofe but Enofe turns it into an Inside Cradle…Wilson reaches from outside to help Prince turn it over & get the Roll Up win (08:25).
*New Day announce their next opponents: Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen…but when their music hits & they fail to appear, backstage cameras find them laid out & Pretty Deadly are all smiles…until the returning Gallus Boys make their way out instead.
(4) Gauntlet: Galllus def. Pretty Deadly…Mark delivers a head kick & Wolfgang finishes with a powerslam on Wilson for the win (01:12)…AFTER…Gallus & New Day meet in the aisle & jaw (off mic) as New Day hold the tag titles high.
*Ivy Nile & Julius Creed argue outside the trainer’s room where Brutus is being tended to…Ivy want Julius to calm down & sit with his brother…Julius wants a piece of Jinder Mahaal tonight & is off to get that match made.
*Carmelo Hayes is borrowing a page from Apollo & writing in a journal at Apollo’s favorite diner about becoming NXT Champion…Trick Williams shows up in a Lucha mask, acts annoying, & tells Melo to stop writing & just speak it into existence.
*Countdown to the New Year is upon us…and it’s an “upgraded” Tiffany Stratton…the new boobs look great & the voice is still nails on a chalkboard…
(5) Bron Breakker def. Grayson Waller by COUNTOUT…retains his NXT Championship…about 5 minutes into the match the middle rope/turnbuckle pops when the two men slam into a corner…it’s fixed during the commercial break…around the 12 minute mark Waller is walking the middle rope & it pops again (probably where it was supposed to pop to begin with), sending Waller crashing to the floor…Waller is holding the back of his head & fails to answer the 10 count, giving Breakker the win (12:21).
*Roxanne Perez backstage with McKenzie…she’s rooting for anyone but Cora Jade to win the 20-womean battle royal tonight.
*Axiom approaches Apollo Crews in the locker room to thank him for making the save when Trick Williams & Carmelo Hayes ganged up on him…they agree to tag together & are off to try to get a match with Trick & Melo.
(6) Charlie Dempsey def. Hank Walker…Walker surprises Dempsey by sinking in a solid armbar, but Dempsey escapes & eventually transitions to a nasty Toe Hold & Crossface stretch for the submission win (04:34).
*Alba Fyre approaches Sol Ruca backstage, says she owes her a match for the time Isla Dawn interfered before the bell…Ruca says it’s OK…Alba gets heated & asks if she wants the match or not…Ruca does…Alba apologizes for losing her cool…sounds like they’ll fight next week.
*Tyler Bate vignette…next week the Big Strong Boy returns to NXT & he’s here to stay.
*@NXT_Anonymous (now a male voice) catches SCRYPTS putting a note in Oro Mensah’s bag.
(7) Jinder Mahaal def. Julius Creed…Julius hits the cartwheel slam & heads to the top buckle…Sanga jumps to the apron to distract just long enough to cause Julius to miss the shooting star press & Jinder lands a big boot to the face…Jinder follows with the Khallas for the win (10:16).
*Stevie Turner vignette…she’s apparently working a social media-heavy gimmick…she claims to always be “Two levels above & two steps ahead.”
(8) Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne win the 20-WOMAN BATTLE ROYAL…Cora Jade is eliminated almost immediately…Sol Ruca walks on her hands to avoid elimination…FINAL FOUR: Alba Fyre, Lyra Valkyria, Gigi Dolin, & Jacy Jayne…Valkyria eliminates Alba Fyre…Toxic Attraction eliminate Lyra Valkyria with the help of Cora Jade from outside…Toxic Attraction celebrate their “win”…until it becomes apparent they’re going to have to fight & get down to one winner…Jayne says she will give Gigi the win & heads to the ropes, but doubles back with a superkick & within seconds both women are fighting from the apron’s edge to avoid elimination…they’re struggling from opposite side of a turnbuckle when a series of strikes send both women crashing to the floor…2 refs argue over who hit first, but after checking the replay it is decided that they hit simultaneously (13:14)…AFTER…Roxanne Perez makes her way out as we get word that it’s official…Vengeance Day will see Roxy defend her title in a triple threat match against both women.
*Shawn Michaels is in the conference room with Bron Breakkker & Grayson Waller…there will be a definitive winner at Vengeance Day because they will fight for the NXT Championship inside a steel cage.
NXT PREVIEW – Tue. Jan. 17, 2023
+ Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams vs. Axiom & Apollo Crews
+ Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen vs. Gallus
+ Alba Fyre vs. Sol Ruca
+ Tyler Bate returns
Ryan Joy and John D’Aconti host the Daily Wrestling New Show podcast. They’re focused on Teaching, Learning, and Remembering the history of Professional Wrestling with everyone that wants to join them.
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