- Rating TBDPriest
L - Rating TBDOmos
C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
L - Rating TBDOwens
L - Rating TBDMysterio
L - Rating TBDBelair
L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedOwens
L - Not RatedOmos
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedDana Brooke
L - Not RatedBenjamin
L - Not RatedDawkins
L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedRollins
L - Not RatedMysterio
L - Not RatedRipley
L - Not RatedPriest
L - Not RatedBelair
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- Why Do We Study Wrestling History?: Part 1 – A Disaster of the First Magnitude
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Rampage – Nov 11
- Updated: November 11, 2022

Rampage – Nov 11
Listen to The Daily Wrestling News Show:
Rampage Results
*Emanating from Boston, MA.
*Christian Cage & Luchasaurus to the ring…Jungle Boy joins them…Jungle Jack wants Luchasaurus at Full Gear inside a steel cage…Christian accepts & then goes after his family verbally again…Jungle Boy grabs Christian by the throat but Luchasaurus quickly grabs Jungle Boy & chokeslams him onto a chair.
*Death Triangle backstage with Lexi…Pac (with his timekeeper’s hammer in hand) reminds his teammates that they must defend their Trios titles by any means necessary.
(1) Eliminator Tournament: Brian Cage def. Dante Martin…Cage hits Weapon-X (modified Gory Bomb) for the win (07:14).
*Lee Moriarty backstage with Lexi…he may not have beaten Jon Moxley but his confidence is high & he wants some gold…Hook interrupts, says nothing, & walks away.
*House of Black vignette…their Kingdom of Violence & Pain is coming.
(2) Eliminator Tournament: Bandido def. Rush…Rush attacks before the bell & beats Bandido around ringside…Jose slides a chair in for Rush…while the ref tries to get the chair out of the ring, Jose tries to pull Bandido’s mask off…John Silver makes his way to ringside & the distraction allows Bandido to use a Schoolboy for the Roll Up for the win (09:50).
*Claudio Castagnoli backstage with Renee…Jake Hager interrupts, reminds Claudio that he is a great wrestler but an even better sports entertainer…tells him to think about it.
(3) Nyla Rose def. Kayla Sparks…in an OPEN CHALLENGE for Nyla’s stolen TBS Championship…Nyla uses Jade’s pump kick & Jaded for the win (00:42)…AFTER…Jade Cargill to the ring…Jade pump kicks Nyla out of the ring & to the floor…Security keeps Jade from getting at Nyla & the TBS belt as Nyla escapes up the ramp.
*Orange Cassidy & Lee Johnson split screen interview with Mark Henry…IT’S TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT!
(4) Orange Cassidy def. Lee Johnson…retains his All-Atlantic Championship…Johnson avoids the Orange Punch…Johnson tries for a Powerbomb but Cassidy escapes & counters into Beach Break for the win (08:52)…AFTER…Cole Karter tries to sneak Cassidy & eats an Orange Punch instead…QT Marshall thinks about getting involved but Best Friends slide in…QT does the math & backs off.
AEW DYNAMITE PREVIEW – Nov. 16, 2022 –
+ Death Triangle (c) vs. Top Flight & AR Fox – for the AEW Trios Championship
+ Toni Störm (c) vs. The Bunny – Interim AEW Women’s Championship Eliminator (if Bunny wins, she’ll get the 1st title shot after Full Gear regardless of who the champ is)
+ Claudio Castagnoli & Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Jericho & Sammy Gueavara
+ Ethan Page vs. Bandido – Eliminator Tournament Semifinal
+ We’ll hear from Jon Moxley
+ We’ll hear from MJF
+ We’ll hear from Samoa Joe
+ Britt Baker speaks to Schiavone
+ Saraya speaks to Renee
+ The Acclaimed release their music video “A Hand for a Hand”
AEW FULL GEAR *PPV* – PREVIEW – Sat. Nov. 19, 2022 – Newark, NJ
+ Jon Moxley (c) vs. MJF – for the AEW World Championship
+ Chris Jericho (c) vs. Sammy Guevara vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Claudio Castagnoli – in a 4-Way ROH World Championship Match
+ Toni Störm (c) vs. Jamie Hayter – for the Interim AEW Women’s Championship
+ The Acclaimed (c) vs. Swerve in Our Glory – for the AEW Tag Team Championship
+ Jade Cargill (c) vs. Nyla Rose – for the TBS Championship
+ World Title Eliminator Tournament (winner gets world title match at Winter is Coming)
+ Jungle Boy vs. Luchsaurus – in a Steel Cage Match
+ Saraya vs. Britt Baker
+ Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal vs. Sting & Darby Allin
Ryan Joy and John D’Aconti host the Daily Wrestling New Show podcast. They’re focused on Teaching, Learning, and Remembering the history of Professional Wrestling with everyone that wants to join them.
Go to DailyWrestlingNewsShow.com/links for all of your listening options.