- Rating TBDPriest
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C. AzeezW
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NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
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Bobby RoodeW
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Rampage – Nov 25
- Updated: November 25, 2022

Rampage – Nov 25
Listen to The Daily Wrestling News Show:
Rampage Results
*Emanating from Chicago, IL.
*Ian Riccaboni joins the announce desk & Bobby Cruise handles introductions for…
(1) FTR def. Top Flight…retain their ROH Tag Team Championship…
at the end of a really fun match, Dante misses the Nose Dive & gets hit with the Big Rig & Cash covers for the win (11:23)…AFTER…Gunn Club out in front of the ‘tron with a huge bag of popcorn to sarcastically bow to FTR in their continuing attempts to piss off Dax & Cash.
*Powerhouse Hobbs vignette…as Hobbs drives through the rough streets of Oakland, he tells no one in particular that life has taken everything that has meant something to him…so he plans to take everything that means something to you.
*The Jericho Appreciation Society to the ring…Chris Jericho declares himself the greatest ROH Champion of all time…Claudio Castagnoli interrupts, says he knows he can beat Jericho & take back that title…Jericho tells Claudio he has nothing he wants…Matt Menard reminds us that Claudio was once a great sports entertainer, too…so Jericho offers Claudio one more chance…but if he loses, he must join the JAS…Claudio accepts.
*Toni Störm sits down with Renee…says Jamie Hayter needed Britt & Rebel to beat her…Toni (sporting 2 black eyes) says she broke her face losing that title & she’ll break it again getting it back.
(2) Darby Allin def. Anthony Henry…after Sting neutralizes JD Drake at ringside…Darby hits the Coffin Drop for the win (08:27).
*Athena backstage with Lexi…she’s pissed that she’s been suspended for striking Aubrey Edwards…she makes her public apology with a short, “Sorry” & then runs Lexi off so she can ask Mercedes Martinez (via the camera lens) when she’s going to put the ROH Women’s Championship on the line…because Athena is waiting & she’s game.
(3) Hikaru Shida def. Queen Aminata…just before the opening bell Penelope Ford & the Bunny make their way down the ramp, distracting Shida & allowing Aminata to attack from behind & get the early upper hand…Shida quickly gets control back with a Falcon Arrow & follows with the Katana (spinning knee strike) for the win (01:18).
*Dark Order & Rush/Butcher/Blade split screen interview with Mark Henry…Evil Uno is off to look for Pres10 Vance who has gone missing…but with or without llll llll…IT’S TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT!
*FTR backstage with Lexi…Dax says 2022 has been good to him but before it’s over he’s going to shoot his shot at the best wrestler on the planet…he challenges Bryan Danielson & as soon as the backstage segment is over (literally 3 seconds later) Excalibur announces that the match is booked for Dynamite.
(4) Rush, Butcher, & Blade def. John Silver, Alex Reynolds, & Pres10 Vance…Dark Order start the match without llll llll…around the 6 minute mark Evil Uno & -1 appear on the stage & llll llll emerge from the babyface tunnel, sprinting to the ring…but after a brief face-to-face with Rush, llll llll levels Silver with a clothesline…Rush follows with the Bull’s Horns on Silver for the win (07:13)…AFTER…Rush, Butcher, Blade, & Vance beat up the Dark Order…Vance uses Mr. Brodie Lee’s discus lariat as a distraught -1 watches from the top of the ramp…Vance heads up the ramp, pulls off his mask & spikes it at the feet of -1.
AEW DYNAMITE PREVIEW – Nov. 30, 2022 – Indianapolis, IN
+ Death Triangle (c) vs. The Elite – Match 3 of a Best of 7 Series
+ We hear from MJF
+ Bryan Danielson vs. Dax Harwood
+ Jade Cargill’s TBS Championship Celebration
+ Willow Nightingale vs. Anna Jay-A-S
Ryan Joy and John D’Aconti host the Daily Wrestling New Show podcast. They’re focused on Teaching, Learning, and Remembering the history of Professional Wrestling with everyone that wants to join them.
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