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September 18th Impact Victory Road
- Updated: September 18, 2021

September 18th Impact Victory Road
Victory Road Results
(1) Maclin defeats Petey Williams & TJP…in a Triple Threat Match…Petey hits the Canadian Destroyer on TJP, but Maclin grabs Petey & delivers Mayhem for All, dumping him near the ropes, Petey rolls out…Maclin covers TJP for the win (10:18).
(2) Laredo Kid defeats Black Taurus/Jake Something/John Skyler/Trey Miguel…in a Fatal 5-Way…top buckle Belly-to-Belly Moonsault on John Skyler for the win (07:58).
(3) Taylor Wilde defeats Tenille…Madison, Kaleb, Jordynne, & Rachael all get tossed from ringside early…German Suplex with a Bridge for the win (09:17).
*Eddie Edwards & Sami Callihan backstage with Gia…they don’t want to be partners, but it’s the only way to defeat these two monsters in front of them…Alisha pulls Eddie aside, she doesn’t trust Sami so she intends to be at ringside.
(4) Matt Cardona defeats Rohit Raju…in a No DQ Match…Cardona attacks Rohit during his entrance, but Rohit has Shera with him, so Cardona is quickly on the disadvantage…somehow the ref rings the bell to start the match with Cardona flat on his face in the ring after Shera delivers a chokeslam/backbreaker & Rohit orders him out of the ring…Rohit hits the Mumbai Drive-By knee, sets Cardona’s head & neck up in a chair, picks up another chair…Chelsea into the ring, Rohit swings the chair at her head, she ducks & delivers a big boot to Rohit’s face…Cardona hits Radio Silence for the win (10:53).
(5) Chris Bey & Hikuleo defeat FinJuice…Bey hits Juice’s already injured leg with a chair from the outside…Juice limps right into the arms of Hikuleo who hits the Tongan Driller for the win (10:46).
(6) Moose & W.Morrissey defeat Eddie Edwards & Sami Callihan…Morrissey powerbombs Alisha…Eddie carries Alisha to the back, leaving Sami alone…Moose hits the Lights Out Spear on Sami for the win (15:13).
(7) Decay defeat Tasha Steelz & Savannah Evans…retain the Knockout Tag Team Championship…Rosemary sprays Savannah with the green mist at ringside…Havok hits the Tombstone Piledriver on Tasha for the win (07:53).
*Ace Austin backstage promo…Christian Cage is a legend, but Ace Austin is inevitable!
(8) Good Brothers defeat Rich Swann & Willie Mack…retain the iMPACT! Tag Team Championship…Gallows holds Willie’s ankle as he tries to get back in the ring, leaves him exposed for the Gun Stun…Good Brothers follow with a Magic Killer on Willie, Gallows covers for the win (11:26).
(9) Josh Alexander defeats Chris Sabin…retains the X-Division Championship…Divine Intervention (C-4 Spike) for the win (18:23)…AFTER…Sabin offers a handshake, Josh accepts…mutual show of respect.
(10) Christian Cage defeats Ace Austin…retains the iMPACT! World Championship…around the 6 min mark, the ref tosses Madman Fulton from ringside…Christian hits the Killswitch for the win (12:07)…
*AFTER the main event ends…Josh Alexander makes his way to the ring, gets face-to-face with Christian, holds up the X-Division title, & declares, “Bound for Glory…OPTION C!!” (Alexander plans to surrender the X-Division title for a guaranteed World Title match!)
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