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September 1st AEW Dynamite
- Updated: September 2, 2021

September 1st AEW Dynamite
Dynamite Results
(1) Santana/Ortiz defeat FTR…in rapid succession Cash suffers a rolling cutter from Santana, Code Breaker from Ortiz, Superkick from Santana, & a 2-man reverse flapjack with Santana covering for the win (13:43).
*Daniel Garcia/2.0 backstage…looking to take that big Punk vs. Darby PPV match away from everybody.
*CM Punk to the ring…Daniel Garcia & 2.0 attack…Darby & Sting down for the save…a Coffin Drop, Scorpion Death Drop, & a GTS clears the ring…Sting on the mic, “mucho” respect to Punk…nothing should get in the way of this huge PPV match so Sting won’t stay at ringside this Sunday…Punk & Darby go face-to-face, part respectfully, but won’t take their eyes off one another as Darby makes his way up the ramp.
*Kenny Omega/Christian Cage hype package, the AEW commentators weigh in.
*MJF sits down with Tony…by the time his career is over, he will have taken Jericho’s place…compares Jericho to Muhammad Ali, a spotlight addict that stayed too long…MJF says he “will have the distinct honor & privilege of ending one of the greatest runs in the history of professional wrestling.”
(2) Orange Cassidy defeats Jack Evans…Matt Hardy attacks Cassidy before the bell, gets ejected…Cassidy reverses a suplex set up into an inside cradle during Picture-in-Picture [ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!] for the win (05:49)…AFTER…Matt Hardy back out to attack Cassidy…Best Friends down for the save…HFO down, make it a brawl…Jurassic Express join the fun & clear the HFO from the ring.
*Eddie Kingston promo…the DDT is Miro’s kryptonite…Eddie’s going after his neck & everything he loves & desires…Miro delivers an immediate retort…says Eddie will realize that redemption comes only after agony & Miro is bringing both.
*Chris Jericho to the ring to speak with JR…MJF is a piece of $#!t and doesn’t have what it takes, doesn’t have the balls to get rid of Jericho.
*Darby Allin promo…when he was 15, Punk was his favorite…but Punk is clearly looking past him as an opponent, so he has to do the impossible: beat Punk in Chicago…or die trying.
(3) Powerhouse Hobbs defeats Brian Cage…Cage attacks Hobbs before the bell, they’re back in the ring in under a minute & the match begins…Hook distracts the ref so Starks can blast Cage with the FTW title…Hobbs hits Town Business (side Michinoku Driver) for the win (07:24).
*Malakai Black promo…he granted Cody, Arn, & Brock a “swift death”…he won’t do the same for Lee Johnson…he will be made to suffer.
*QT & the Factory in the ring…QT calls out Paul Wight…Wight answers the call & the Factory gangs up on him, but he eventually clears the ring…Gunn Club down (a little late) to even the odds…as the Factory retreats, Billy Gunn turns on Wight & drops him with a steel chair shot to the back/hip, then leaves…the Factory rolls back in & pull Wight almost to his feet just so QT can hit a Diamond Cutter.
*Britt Baker backstage with Tony…Reba & Hayter are entering the Casino Battle Royale…also, BIG FREE AGENT SIGNING NEWS…Britt has signed a new long-term deal to stay in AEW…she gets to make any match she wants, so Reba & Hayter will face Kris Statlander this Friday.
(4) Tay Conti defeats Penelope Ford…Bunny tries to interfere from ringside…Tay runs Penelope into Bunny & rolls Penelope up with a backbridge cover for the win (08:28)…AFTER…Bunny slide in the ring for the 2-on-1 attack on Tay…ANNA JAY RETURNS…down to the ring for the save…Penelope & Bunny bail, they want no part of the Great One, #99…& we find out Anna Jay will be part of the Casino Battle Royale.
*Thunder Rosa backstage with Marves…Nyla & Jade interrupt, attempting to intimidate her…Rosa strikes first but it doesn’t go well for her…once Rosa is down, Mark Sterling has to step in between Nyla & Jade before they start in on each other…tells them to save it for Sunday when there’s money to be made!
*MJF/Jericho hype package…the AEW commentators weigh in.
(5) Young Bucks/Good Brothers defeat Jurassic Express/Lucha Brothers…joining commentary is Don Callis, at the request of absolutely no one…Meltzer Driver on Fenix, Matt makes the cover for the win (10:08)…AFTER…
*Kenny Omega into the ring, directing traffic…Magic Killer on Luchasaurus, through a table at ringside…Christian Cage in, spears Omega but Cage & the Lucha Brothers get caught in a 7-on-3 Elite beatdown…Callis lowers the steel cage…Kazarian, Marko, Dante Martin try to get in the cage to make the save but fail…Lucha Bros cuffed to the ropes…Christian eats a 3-way BTE Trigger from Kenny & the Bucks as we go off air…
AEW RAMPAGE PREVIEW – September 3, 2021
+ CM Punk will be in the building
+ Darby Allin vs. Daniel Garcia
+ Malakai Black vs. Lee Johnson
+ Kris Statlander vs. Rebel & Jamie Hayter – Handicap Match
+ Miro will have something to say
AEW ALL OUT on PPV – CARD UPDATES – September 5, 2021
+ BUY IN: Orange Cassidy/ Chuck Taylor/ Wheeler Yuta/ Jurassic Express vs. Matt Hardy/ Private Party/ TH2 – in a 10 Man Tag Match
+ Miro (c) vs. Eddie Kingston – TNT Championship
AEW DYNAMITE PREVIEW – September 8, 2021
+ Jon Moxley’s Homecoming in Cincinnati
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