- Rating TBDPriest
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C. AzeezW
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NC - Not RatedFord
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Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
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Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
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September 29th Dynamite
- Updated: September 29, 2021

September 29th Dynamite
Dynamite Results
*CM Punk to ring, takes a lap, slaps some hands, & back up the ramp to the announce table.
(1) Adam Cole defeats Jungle Boy…Jungle Boy kicks out of the Panama Sunrise…Cole survives a Snare Trap…Cole manipulates the ref’s position in order to deliver a mule kick low blow & follow with the Last Shot for the win (13:41)…
*AFTER THE BELL…the Elite to the ring…Kenny on the mic, tells Bryan Danielson that he’s never getting a rematch…Bryan Danielson interrupts…asks the crowd if they want a rematch, of course they do…Danielson tells Kenny he has no balls, the crowd loves it & immediately begins chanting “KENNY NO BALLS”…Danielson challenges anyone from the Elite for a match on Rampage…Kenny asks why not now…Danielson says fine, but he’s not coming alone…Jurassic Express, Christian, & Kazarian follow him to the ring…this causes the Elite to scatter.
*Lucha Brothers backstage with Tony…Andrade (& Jose) interrupts, asks where Pac is…Jose says it’s been a while since they defended the AAA tag titles…Penta says anytime, porque cero miedo!
(2) Cody Rhodes & Lee Johnson defeat Dante Martin & Matt Sydal…Cody & Johnson are not getting along…Johnson yanks Cody towards the corner to tag himself in…Johnson hits a Fisherman’s Buster onto his knee for the win (07:47)…AFTER…Cody calls out Malakai Black…Arn Anderson cuts Cody off, tells him to shut up…Arn doesn’t want to coach a loser, so he tells Lee Johnson to come with him & leaves Cody in the ring, befuddled.
(3) Jon Moxley, Eddie Kingston, Darby Allin defeat Bear Country & Anthony Greene (f.k.a. August Grey)…Moxley & Kingston hit the Violent Crown (half nelson suplex/lariat) on Greene, Moxley covers for the win (03:29)…AFTER…Sting delivers a Scorpion Death Drop to Greene for the enjoyment of the crowd.
*Britt Baker & Ruby Soho…dueling promos…Britt says get to the back of the line…Ruby says Britt will face the consequences of costing her the AEW Women’s Championship.
*Matt Hardy in the ring, mentions that he was supposed to make his debut there…then proceeds to bury the city of Rochester until Orange Cassidy’s music cuts him off.
(4) Orange Cassidy & Dark Order defeat Hardy Family Office…in 16-Man Tag action…Dark Order still not getting along, Uno walks off…Uno is met at the top of the ramp by Tay, Jay, -1, & Amanda Huber…-1 hits the paper toss, Mrs. Huber has some words for Uno that seems to get his head back in the right space…Dark Order take control of the match with a flurry of high spots…Uno & Grayson hit the Fatality on Jora Johl of the HFO for the win (08:14)…AFTER…Dark Order hug it out & -1 ends the segment on Preston Vance’s shoulders (Vance sporting a sweet new Deathstroke-inspired mask).
*Lio Rush promo…we can call him LBO-Lio…he makes money.
*FTR & Tully are refocused & that’s bad for everyone else in AEW.
*Dan Lambert in the ring, gives Chris Jericho credit for carrying AEW…but his decision to confront the Men of the Year brought the end of his career…Scorpio Sky says Lambert sees him…he’s a main eventer…Ethan Page rolls with champions at American Top Team…Men of the Year ARE THE top team in AEW.
*Hikaru Shida & Serena Deeb dueling promos…Shida going for her 50th win…not if Deeb has anything to say about it…they’ll fight next week on the Dynamite Anniversary show.
(5) Anna Jay & Tay Conti defeat Penelope Ford & The Bunny…Anna locks in The Queen Slayer on Ford for the submission win (07:02)…AFTER…-1 celebrates with Tay Jay.
*Jade, Thunder Rosa, Nyla will finally get at it…anything goes…on Rampage this Friday!
*MJF (& Wardlow) to the ring…says the 4 young pillars of AEW are Jungle Boy (MJF beat him), Sammy Guevara (beat him), Darby (whatever), & himself…without him, this company ain’t s#!t…that’s why he deserves the World Championship…if Tony Khan doesn’t start giving him what he wants, he’s got Bruce Pritchard on speed dial…Darby Allin interrupts, tells Max to GO if he wants, Darby is AEW for life…besides, how can MJF be the #1 pillar of AEW if Darby’s the only one who has won a title…MJF tells the story of Darby’s uncle’s drunk driving death…Darby refuses to let MJF break him mentally…MJF bails.
(6) Sammy Guevara defeats Miro…to become the NEW TNT Champion…Miro rips off all 4 top turnbuckle pads…Fuego tries to stop him, but eats a right hand…Sammy hits a jumping knee that sends Miro face first into an exposed turnbuckle ring, follows quickly with a Tornado DDT, Go to Hell, & finishes with a 630 Senton for the win (13:59)…I guess Fuego is getting a new car!
AEW RAMPAGE PREVIEW – October 1, 2021
+ Nick Jackson vs. Bryan Danielson
+ Jack Evans vs. Orange Cassidy – Hair vs. Hair Match
+ Thunder Rosa vs. Jade Cargill vs. Nyla Rose – No DQ Triple Threat
+ Hikaru Shida vs. Serena Deeb
+ The Elite (Kenny, Cole, & the Bucks) vs. Bryan Danielson, Christian, & Jurassic Express
+ Casino Ladder Match (winner receives World Title match)
+ Sammy Gueavara (c) vs. Bobby Fish – for the TNT Championship (this match was booked during a commercial break segment of “Rhodes to the Top” when Sammy responded to a tweet from free agent Bobby Fish)
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