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AEW Dynamite – Dec 21
- Updated: December 22, 2022

AEW Dynamite – Dec 21
Listen to The Daily Wrestling News Show:
Dynamite Results
*HOLIDAY BASH is live from San Antonio, TX.
*Ricky Starks to the ring…he lost…MJF cheated…but there will be a next time…Chris Jericho (with Sammy & Garcia) out in front of the ‘tron…says he’s been watching Ricky for a long time & he will be a champion one day…but he’s not ready just yet…Jericho thinks he needs a little influence from Jericho…they offer him a spot in the Jericho Appreciation Society…Starks points out that Jericho lost to Andretti, so the “J” in JAS stands for “jobber”…Ricky offers instead to fight Jericho on Jan. 4th…Jericho has Jake Hager attack Ricky from behind…Action Andretti down for the save…clears the JAS.
(1) The Elite def. Death Triangle…MATCH 5 of BEST OF 7 SERIES…NO DQ…Michael Nakazawa, Alex Abrahantes, & Brandon Cutler all get involved briefly, because, well, it’s a No DQ Match…a Christmas tree, a barbed wire-wrapped broom, & other hardcore plunder utilized…the Bucks hit the Meltzer Driver on Fenix, Matt covers for the win (14:06)…AFTER…Penta & Pac attack with the hammers…the Elite don’t look like the winners when it’s all said & done.
*MJF footage from after last week’s main event…calls Bryan Danielson a gutless coward for stealing his moment after MJF’s 1st title defense…he won’t Allow Danielson to “eat off his plate” during his reign of terror.
*Action Andretti backstage with Schiavone…after the “upset of the decade” he knew the JAS would take out their frustration at random…2point0 interrupt as a distraction for Chris Jericho to deliver a fireball…because he’s a frickin’ wizard!
*Bryan Danielson in the ring with Renee…he doesn’t expect the rest of Blackpool Combat Club to forgive William Regal for what he’s done, but Danielson can never turn his back on Regal…and MJF will learn that there are consequences for his actions…calls out MJF…gets Ethan Page instead, who has no intention of letting Danielson jump the line & get a shot at the title before him…Danielson suggests they fight about it right now…Page says…next week.
*Jon Moxley backstage promo…the BCC will be in the Rampage $300k Christmas Battle Royale…so Hangman Adam Page will once again know exactly where he is…when are they going to settle things?…meanwhile, he’ll be teaching Darius Martin a hard lesson tonight.
*Samoa Joe promo…the One True King of Television wishes you all Happy Holidays…and reminds Wardlow that on Dec. 28th in Colorado, the holiday cheer ends.
(2) Hook def. Exodus Prime…redruM for the submission win (01:03)…AFTER…Stokely Hathaway appears on the ‘tron so Hook can watch as Big Bill & Lee Moriarty assault Jungle Boy…Big Bill chokeslams him into a dumpster.
(3) Jon Moxley def. Darius Martin…Darius with an impressive showing, but in the end Moxley grinds him down with the wrist-capture face stomps and hammer & anvil elbows, then takes him over with the Death Rider for the win (08:51).
*Powerhouse Hobbs promo…he was beaten, robbed, stabbed, & shot as a child & it turned him into a monster…he intends to spill the blood of others.
(4) Gunns def. FTR…Dax with an O’Connor Roll on Austin…Austin reverses into a Roll Up of his own & uses a hand from Colten on the outside for leverage & the win (09:33).
*Sonjay Dutt raps about Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett getting a shot at The Acclaimed.
*Rick Ross in the ring with Schiavone…Ross introduces Keith Lee, who joins him in the ring…then calls for Swerve Strickland, who keeps them waiting…then tells Lee he needs to have eyes in the back of his head…Parker Boudreaux attacks Lee while wearing a “Mogul Affiliates” shirt just like Swerve…Lee deals with Boudreaux, then heads up the ramp after Swerve, where he’s attacked by some freak with tattoos all over his face…Boudreaux & the other guy beat up Lee & lay him out on the ring steps…Swerve with a top buckle Swerve Stomp onto Lee, crushing a cinderblock into Lee’s chest.
*Best Friends & Dark Order both cut brief promos about winning the $300,000 Three Kings Christmas Casino Trios Royale on Rampage.
(5) Jamie Hayter def. Hikaru Shida…retains her AEW Women’s Championship…Hayter misses a moonsault & Shida connects with a running knee strike for a 2-count…Hayter feigns injury & hits a running low lariat for a 2-count…Rebel gets the referee’s attention & Britt Baker sneaks in with the kendo stick but Shida takes it away & beats & chases Britt out of the ring with it…Hayter with a series of near falls, lands a big running lariat for another 2-count…follows with the Hayter-ade (rip-cord lariat) to finally get the win (16:31)…AFTER…Rebel & Britt put the boots to Shida…Toni Störm down for the save, takes out Rebel & Britt…Hayter clobbers Toni with the belt…Saraya down to save Toni & clear the ring as the show ends.
+ Holiday Bash $300,000 Three Kings Christmas Casino Trios Royale
+ We’ll hear from Eddie Kingston & Ortiz
+ We’ll hear from Wardlow
+ Jade Cargill vs. Verivixen – in a TBS Title Eliminator
+ Anthony Bowens & Billy Gunn vs. Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett
AEW DYNAMITE *NEW YEAR’S SMASH* PREVIEW – Dec. 28, 2022 – Broomfield, CO
+ Death Triangle (c) vs. The Elite – Match 6 of a Best of 7 Series – *Falls Count Anywhere
+ Samoa Joe (c) vs. Wardlow – for the TNT Championship
+ Bryan Danielson vs. Ethan Page
Ryan Joy and John D’Aconti host the Daily Wrestling New Show podcast. They’re focused on Teaching, Learning, and Remembering the history of Professional Wrestling with everyone that wants to join them.
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