- Rating TBDPriest
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C. AzeezW
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Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
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April 1st Episode of AEW Dynamite
- Updated: April 1, 2020

April 1st Episode of AEW Dynamite
Note: I did not attended the April 1st Episode of AEW Dynamite live, but I do average at least one wrestling show per week. Follow the Minutes to Bell Time Instagram to see photos from my experiences. Read about the live experiences here.
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April 1st Episode of AEW Dynamite Results
Show opens with Cody and Tony Shiavone on Commentary
TNT Championship Right Side of Bracket Revealed
- Lance Archer vs. Colt Cabana
- Kip Sabian vs. Dustin Rhodes
Additional Match Announced: Hikaru Shida In Action
Kenny Omega defeats Trent
Match begins with a collar and elbow tie up with Trent backing Omega into the ropes for a clean break. Kenny began to run the ropes and Trent leaped into the air and hit a meteora. When the match swung back to Omega, Kenny really began putting the boots to Trent. As Omega ran into the corner, Trent lifted his feet and hit Omega with a double stomp. After Trent hit a springboard moonsault to the floor and celebrated with a hug, Omega hit the ropes and nailed all three with a Tope Con Hilo. Back in the ring, Omega used the Kotaro Crusher and a trio of backbreakers for a couple of near falls.
Trent went after injured wrist of Kenny Omega and took back over slamming Kenny’s wrist into the apron and stomping on it. Kenny evaded a knee strike, and then Omega ripped Trent off the apron to hit a German Suplex. As the ring announcer made the call for 10 minutes gone by and 10 minutes remain, Omega tossed Trent through the barricade and then release power bombed him into a post.
Trent countered the “You Can’t Escape” and followed up with a Tornado DDT. With Omega crouching by the ropes, Trent hit a sliding German suplex. This sent Dynamite to break. When the show returned from break, Trent and Omega were standing in the middle of the ring exchanging blows.
15 Minutes have gone by. After Trent hit a pile driver, the match really sped up. Kenny eventually evaded a tornado DDT attempt and got his snap dragon. After a V-Trigger, Trent land near the ropes preventing any pinball attempt. Kenny went to the top rope, but Trent German Suplexed Kenny off the top and hit a running knee strike for a near fall. At the 1 minute mark, Omega hit a V-Trigger and a one-winged angel for the pinfall victory.
Recap of Matt Hardy and Chris Jericho Confrontation
Hikaru Shida Video Package
Hikaru Shida defeats Anna Jayy
Jayy whipped her hair at Shida, but Shida took Jayy down with a shoulder tackle. Shida grabbed Jayy and hit a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and a knee strike. Shida allowed Jayy to get several strikes in, but then Shida took her hair down and hit a forearm strike sending Jayy straight to the mat. Anna made several pinfall attempts, but Shida grabbed Jayy into a choke. After a vertical suplex and a running knee strike, Shida hit the Michinoku Driver for the pinfall victory.
Post Match
Britt Baker and Shida exchanged words. Britt was eating a sandwich.
Recap of Jon Moxley and Jake Hager Issues
Pre-Taped Promo with Jake Hager and Jon Moxley
Moxley says he is a miserable SOB because he has a big target on his back. Hager says he isn’t scared of Moxley.
Match Announced
Jake Hager vs. Jon Moxley for the AEW Championship. No Holds Barred on April 15th.
Colt Cabana Joins the Commentary Booth
Jake Roberts Promo
Lance Archer is about to destroy. Jake says they’re delaying the inevitable. We don’t play games. He is pretty sure Brandi wears the pants.
Lance Archer defeats Marko Stunt
As Archer walked to the ring, he took out the ringside doctor. Marko tried to stand up to Archer, but Archer just ran through him. Archer allowed Marko to hit him several times, and then punched him to the mat. Archer hit a release suplex that sent Marko Stunt across the entire ring. Marko got a little bit of offense in, but then Archer pounced him out of the ring. After a massive choke slam, Archer didn’t take the pin. He hit a slam out of the Razor’s Edge position.
Post Match
Lance Archer came back to ringside, and he choke slammed Marko off the apron and into the Gunn Club and Orange Cassidy.
Pre-Tape Segment with the Exalted One
The Dark Order understands how you feel in these trying times. Brodie yelled at someone for saying “We are one” wrong and another for yawning. Yawning shows weakness.
The Natural Nightmares defeat 8 and 9 (of the Dark Order)
QT Marshall tossed a mask in one of the Dark Order people and punched him in the face. Dustin tagged into the match and punched Dark Order 8. The Natural Nightmares isolated Dark Order 8 and QT came off the top rope with a double axe handle. The Dark Order stuck his knee in QT’s back, and they trapped Marshall in the corner. Marshall managed to evade some offense and hit a vertical suplex. Dustin came in, punched him in the face, hit an inverted atomic drop and a powerslam, and then a running cannonball to the floor. The Natural Nightmares hit the QT assisted Curtain Call for the pinfall victory.
Post Match
The Exalted One came out and hit one member of the Dark Order with a Power Bomb.
Video from Chris Jericho and Matt Hardy
Jericho goes through all of the Elite and talks them down as Vanguard One approaches. Chris Jericho hangs an Inner Circle shirt on Vanguard One and makes quite a scene. That was hysterical.
Checking in on Nick Jackson
Matt Jackson set up a ring for Nick to train. He isn’t quite ready yet.
Shawn Spears and Sammy Guevara defeat Cody and Darby Allin
Shawn Spears and Cody start the match with Spears locking in a side headlock. As Spears ran the ropes, Cody caught him with a pump kick. Sammy Guevara was blogging on the outside, but Brandi stole his phone and and Darby sent him into the barricade. Back in the ring, Cody and Darby picked a spot and both hit suicide dives sending Dynamite to break.
Back from the commercial break, Spears and Guevara were working over Darby Allin. Guevara took Darby to the outside where he tossed Darby into the barricade and smacked his head off the apron. Back in the ring, Sammy and Spears were gambling to see who could hold Darby Allin in a vertical suplex longer. Spears started with a 10 second delayed suplex, and Sammy answered with a 15 second suplex. When Spears went for a 20 second suplex, Darby slipped out and hit a suplex of his own.
With Cody in the ring, he hit a detonation kick on Spears and a powerslam on Sammy. Cody nearly put Guevara away with a cutter. Cody put a sharp shooter on Sammy, but released it to put Spears in a figure four. Guevara hit a running shooting star press to break the hold. Cody hit the Cross Rhodes on on Sammy, but Spears pulled him out of the ring before he could make a pinfall attempt. Spears tossed Cody over the barricade where the bad guys attacked as Sammy distracted the referee.
Back from a commercial break, Spears and Guevara had Cody isolated. Cody managed to find himself on the top rope, and he hit Speas with a moonsault. Once Darby got the tag, he went wild and sent both men to the outside. Darby got the suicide dive on Sammy Guevara, but Spears caught him and draped Darby over the barricade.
As Cody fought with Spears and Guevara, Darby climbed a pole and hit a coffin drop on Spears and Guevara. Cody hit a reverse suplex, but Spears answered with a frog splash. When Shawn Spears held a chair in the center of the ring, Allin saved Cody from getting hit. Spears rolled up Allin for the pinfall victory.
April 1st Episode of AEW Dynamite Preview
AEW Announces the Second Half of the Bracket for the TNT Championship Tournament.
The left side of the TNT bracket was announced on AEW Dark last night. The matches include Cody vs. Shawn Spears (Rematch of All Out) and Darby Allin vs. Sammy Guevara (Rematch of AEW Revolution). Tonight AEW plans to share the second half of the bracket.
Cody and Darby Allin vs. Sammy Guevara and Shawn Spears
This match previews the left side of the TNT Championship Tournament. These combinations have not previously teamed up before.
- Cody’s Tag Record (1-1) includes a victory over the Lucha Brothers (tag partner Dustin) and a loss to the Inner Circle (tag partners Matt Jackson and Adam Page).
- Darby Allin’s Tag Record (0-2) includes a loss to Chris Jericho, Santana and Ortiz (partners Private Party) and another loss to Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara (partner Jon Moxley).
- Shawn Spears’ Tag Record (0-5) is uninspiring as he continues to lose with different partners each week. The Gunn Club, Best Friends, Natural Nightmares, Private Party, and SCU all hold tag victories over Shawn Spears.
- Sammy Guevara’s Tag Record (1-2) includes the aforementioned victory over Darby Allin and Jon Moxley and losses to Jurassic Express and the team of Adam Page and Dustin Rhodes.
Lance Archer Debuts
Jake Roberts has told us on several occasions that Archer wants to wrestle Cody. Hearing that, Cody has denied Archer that match. Archer (0-1) lost his United States Championship to Jon Moxley at New Japan Pro Wrestling’s Wrestle Kingdom on January 4, 2020.
The Natural Nightmares Make Dynamite Debut
The team of QT Marshall and Dustin Rhodes (2-0) have defeated the teams of Shawn Spears and Peter Avalon and Matt Sells and Jon Cruz. Both of those victories occurred on AEW Dark, and tonight they debut on Dynamite.
Kenny Omega vs. Trent
Kenny Omega (2-0) holds 2020 singles victories over Pac and Sammy Guevara. Trent (0-1) lost his only singles match when he faced Jon Moxley earlier this year.
MJF Answers Fan Questions
The advertisement actually says that he’ll answer our “Mark Questions.”