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Dynamite – April 27
- Updated: April 27, 2022

Dynamite – April 27
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Dynamite Results
*Live from Philadelphia, PA.
*CM Punk joins commentary for…
(1) Owen Hart Men’s Qualifier: Dax Harwood defeats Cash Wheeler…Dax hesitates to apply the Sharpshooter & Cash pulls him in for the small package…Dax is able to hang on & reverse the position for the Roll Up win (15:02)…AFTER…nothing but love between the partners.
*CM Punk heads to the empty ring after the announcement that he will main event Double or Nothing against Hangman Page for the AEW Championship…Punk can’t promise a win, but he promises that Hangman will know he was in a fight.
(2) Blackpool Combat Club defeat QT Marshall, Nick Comoroto, & Aaron Solo…as Danielson & Moxley hold off their opponents with stereo RNCs, Yuta uses a modified Crucifix on Comoroto for the Roll Up win (08:47).
*Toni Störm, Jamie Hayter, & Britt Baker backstage with Schiavone…Toni introduces her pal Ruby Soho who has also qualified for the Women’s Owen Hart Tournament…no kind word again between the ladies…Britt & Hayter walk off.
*Jurassic Express & Christian Cage backstage with Schiavone…tough love from Christian after Jungle Boy’s loss last week leads to an open challenge, quickly answered by the #3 ranked team of Ricky Starks & Powerhouse Hobbs.
*MJF once again treats us to some cheap heat from his luxury box ahead of…
(3) Wardlow defeats Lance Archer…tonight’s Powerbomb Symphony is in 4 movements for the win (05:30)…AFTER…Wardlow is handcuffed & lead away by Security again.
*Jericho Appreciation Society and Kingston, Santana, & Ortiz to the ring for a sit-down…the JAS promised no physicality…Kingston just wants a fight…Jericho calls for “hits” on the members of LAX…Kingston doesn’t think Jericho knows what that means.
(4) Serena Deeb defeats Hikaru Shida…in a PHILLY STREET FIGHT…after a Serenity Lock & slamming Shida’s knee repeatedly into a steel chair, Deeb uses the Texas Cloverleaf for the submission win (11:41)…while Thunder Rosa watches backstage on a monitor.
*MJF (& Shawn Spears) backstage with Lexi…MJF screams at Lexi & chases her off…then speaks to a “big man” on the phone…MJF offers 6-figures for one match against Wardlow…implies that it’s W. Morrissey (or whatever his AEW name will be).
*House of Black stand over a beaten Fuego del Sol on the stage…as they prepare to remove his mask, Alex Abrahantes’ voice draws them to a hooded figure in the ring…Penta, Pac, & Alex then come out of the tunnel…so the hooded figure must be…the returning Rey Fenix…the reunited Death Triangle take out House of Black.
*Swerve Strickland & Darby Allin backstage with Schiavone…they’re not exactly friends, but longtime rivals for sure…they’ll meet again in an Owen Hart Qualifier on Rampage.
(5) Adam Cole, reDRagon, & Young Bucks defeat Dante Martin, Varsity Blonds, Lee Johnson, & Brock Anderson…Adam Cole follows his partners’ 4-way BTE Trigger with the Boom knee on Johnson for the win (03:54)…AFTER…the Undisputed Elite don their new tees & celebrate as we go backstage to event unfolding…
*Jericho Appreciation Society has taken out Santana & Ortiz in the parking area & finish off LAX with a fireball to the face of Eddie Kingston.
(6) Scorpio Sky defeats Sammy Guevara…in a LADDER MATCH to become the NEW TNT Champion…after plenty of interference from Dan Lambert, Tay Conti, & Paige VanZant…Sammy & Scorpio slug it out atop a 10’ ladder until Sky shoves Sammy to the canvas, leaving him alone with plenty of time to unhook the TNT belt for the win (14:08)…AFTER…Frankie Kazarian makes his way to the ring to congratulate his former partner & subtly remind him of his promise for a title shot.
AEW RAMPAGE PREVIEW – April 29, 2022 – Philadelphia, PA.
+ Swerve Strickland vs. Darby Allin – Owen Hart Men’s Qualifier
+ Hook & Danhausen Face-to-Face Confrontation
+ Jade Cargill, Red Velvet, & Keira Hogan vs. Willow Nightingale, Trish Adora, & Skye Blue
+ Colten Gunn vs. Keith Lee
+ Samoa Joe (c) vs. Trent Beretta – for the ROH Television Championship
AEW DYNAMITE PREVIEW – May 4, 2022 – Baltimore, MD.
+ Wardlow vs. MJF’s Mystery Opponent (heavily hinted to be W. Morrissey)
+ Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs. Mercedes Martinez (Interim) – ROH Women’s Championship Unification
+ Bobby Fish vs. Jeff Hardy – Owen Hart Men’s Qualifier
AEW DOUBLE OR NOTHING PPV – Sun., May 29th (Las Vegas)
+ Hangman Adam Page (c) vs. CM Punk – for the AEW World Championship
+ Owen Hart Tournament Finals
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