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C. AzeezW
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Savion TruittW
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Bobby RoodeW
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May 12th Episode of Impact Wrestling
- Updated: May 12, 2020

May 12th Episode of Impact Wrestling
May 12th Episode of Impact Wrestling Results
Results for the May 12th Episode of Impact Wrestling begin tonight at 8 pm.
Moose Interrupts the Cold Open
Now it’s a cold open talking about Moose. They play clips of Robert Roode, Hulk Hogan, Bubba Ray, Jeff Jarret, Jeff Hardy and SCU talking about Moose’s contributions. Only they don’t ever say Moose’s name, so they’re talking about someone else.
Hernandez defeats Madman Fulton
Hernandez fails to take Fulton off his feet despite connecting with a pair of clotheslines. Finally, Hernandez pounced Fulton sending him to the mat. Madman Fulton suplexed Hernandez from the outside apron into he middle of the ring. Hernandez slammed Madman Fulton, but couldn’t get the pinfall because one of the Crist put Fulton’s foot on the rope. The Crists then hopped up not eh apron. Hernandez brought them both in the ring and hit a border toss on one of them into Madman Fulton.
Hernandez hit a superfly splash from the top rope to secure the pinfall victory.
Crazy Steve and oVe Backstage
Madman Fulton, Jake Crist, and Dave Crist were fighting in the back. Crazy Steve says that o-v-e seems to be o-v-e-r.
Josh Matthews and Madison Rayne Run Through the Card
Kylie Rae defeats Tasha Steelz
Seesaw match-up in the early part of the match, but Tasha Steelz seemed to get the first advantage with a trio of short arm clotheslines. Kylie Rae went for the Smile to the Finish, but Steelz got to the ropes. Tasha came off the top rope with a high cross body. Kylie locked in the STF for the submission victory.
Rohit Raju Backstage Interview
He’s been disrespected for three years. No T-shirts, no posters. He says there is no Desi Hit Squad. Just the Desi Hitman.
Susie and Kylie Backstage Interview
Kylie Rae tries to explain how her last name isn’t “again.” She likes Susie.
Kimber Lee defeats Havok
Havok grabbed Kimber Lee by the hair and rag doll’d her across the ring twice. Back from the first commercial, Kimber Lee locked in an octopus in the ropes. Kimber Lee hit a swanton bomb for a near fall. Nivea distracted Havok. This gave Kimber Lee an opportunity to get some brass knuckles. When the referee looked away, Kimber Lee punched her for the pinfall victory.
Locker Room Talk with Ken Shamrock
Madison Rayne asks about all the issues. She wants to know if he’s laser focused on the championship. Mike Elgin came in, startled Madison, and then he hit Shamrock with a chair. For good measure, he placed a chair over Ken’s face and then hit that chair with another.
Backstage Interview with Sami Callihan
Sami says he’ll beat Michale Elgin.
Trey defeats Rohit Raju
Trey used his quickness in the early part of the match, but Rohit eventually caught him with a right hand to the face and then a series of kicks. Rohit hit a perfect-plex for a near fall. Trey continued to evade, hitting a chickinandos kick, and a 619. Rohit caught Trey coming off the to rope. He hit a swinging neck breaker. As Rohit went for his next offensive move, Trey cradled him for the pinfall victory.
Cody Deaner Roadside Commentary
He’s struggling.
The North Segment
Ethan Page and Josh Alexander destroyed some guys. The story is that Josh wants real competition, but they keep getting losers. They destroy the guy. Alexander keeps wanting to pin him, but Page wants to do more stuff. Josh is annoyed.
Rosemary’s at the Bar Again
Bravo comes by. He misses Taya.
Backstage Segment with Chris Bey and Johnny Swinger
Chris Bey says that everyone is saying that Willie Mack was the leader of the Mack and Pack connection. This apparently annoys the Swing Man. He goes to meet up with Willie Mack. Swinger says he’ll humble Willie Mack and become the X-Division champion. Willie Mack grants Swinger a championship opportunity next week.
Moose defeats Suicide
Suicide went for a backslide pinfall attempt in the opening of the match. He hit an arm drag sending Moose to the outside as Impact went to commercial. Back from commercial, Suicide continued to use his speed to maintain the advantage. Suicide hit a cannonball to the floor. Suicide hit Kenny Omega’s you can’t escape combo for a near fall.
Moose ran into the referee, and Suicide hit a code breaker when Moose was coming off the top rope. Of course, Moose was on the mat for several moments. When the referee came to, Moose went for the spear and Suicide hit a sunset bomb for another near fall. The referee’s count was slow.
Moose hit a low blow and then the no jackhammer needed for the pinfall victory.
May 12th Episode of Impact Wrestling Preview
Tournament Action Begins
Impact Wrestling announced an eight person single elimination tournament to determine the number one contender for Tessa Blachard’s Impact World Championship. This week’s episode of impact features two first round matches:
Rohit Raju vs. Trey
Trey (0-4) looks for his first win of the year against a motivated Rohit Raju (2-4). He has lost to Chris Bey, Willie Mack and Ace Austin on 1/12 and 4/14. Rohit Raju has the same number of losses against Chris Bey, Hernandez, and Willie Mack on 1/21 and 3/24. Rohit does have two victories to his credit defeating Wentz and Corey Storm.
Madman Fulton vs. Hernandez
Madman Fulton (1-3) earned his only 2020 win by defeating Daga earlier this year. He has a loss to Shamrock and a pair to Rhino on 3/10 and 3/31. Hernandez is just coming back to Impact with a 2-1 record thus far. He lost to Moose, but holds 2020 victories over Chase Stevens and Rohit Raju.
Moose (7-2) vs. Suicide (1-1)
The self-proclaimed TNA Champion, Moose, enters the match with an impressive seven victories over Kid Kash, Chase Stevens, Petey Williams, Rhino on 1/12 and 2/22, Taurus, and Hernandez and Elgin in a triple threat match. He only has two losses against Taurus and Ace Austin. Suicide has been back for a short time with a win over Johnny Swinger and a loss to Chris Bey.
Havok (3-3) vs. Kimber Lee
Kimber Lee doesn’t have a 2020 match on record. Havok comes in batting .500 with losses to Rosemary, Su Yung, and Jordynne Grace. She has victories over Rosemary on 1/7 and 1/21 and Madison Rayne.
Kylie Rae (2-0) vs. Tasha Steelz (1-2)
Kylie Rae looks to extend her 2020 undefeated streak by knocking off Tasha Steelz (1-2). Rae’s previous wins came against Kiera Hogan and Cassandra Golden. Tasha Steelz has 202 matches for the NWA, but makes her 2020 Impact Wrestling debut tonight. Her losses came against Melina and Thunder Rosa. She defeated Marti Belle.
The North Seek to Defend the Tag Titles
Ethan Page brought out the Creeps last week, and the North plowed right over them. Only time will tell whether tonight will feature an actual match. The North comes into tonight with a 4-1 record defeating Tessa Blanchard and Eddie Edwards, TJP and Fallah Bahh, the Rascalz, and Willie Mack. They have one loss to TJP and Fallah Bahh.
Madison Rayne holds Locker Room Talk
Her special guest this week will be the World’s Most Dangerous Man, Ken Shamrock. Shamrock is competing in the Number One Contender’s tournament and has a first round match up against Rhino. Shamrock has two victories this year against Sami Callihan and Madman Fulton
Note: I did not attended the May 12th episode of Impact Wrestling live, but I do average at least one wrestling show per week. Follow the Minutes to Bell Time Instagram to see photos from my experiences. Read about the live experiences here.
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