- Rating TBDPriest
L - Rating TBDOmos
C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
L - Rating TBDOwens
L - Rating TBDMysterio
L - Rating TBDBelair
L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedOwens
L - Not RatedOmos
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedDana Brooke
L - Not RatedBenjamin
L - Not RatedDawkins
L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedRollins
L - Not RatedMysterio
L - Not RatedRipley
L - Not RatedPriest
L - Not RatedBelair
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October 28th AEW Dynamite
- Updated: October 28, 2020

October 28th AEW Dynamite
Dynamite Results
Check below for the October 28th AEW Dynamite Results. The show begins at 8PM Eastern, and results will be posted live.
Dasha Interviews Wardlow w/MJF
- MJF says that if Wardlow wins the tournament and the championship, then he’ll be the AEW Champion.
- Sammy walks up and tells MJF that he’ll make sure MJF never joins the inner circle.
- MJF calls him “Little Guy.”
Hangman Page defeats Wardlow – 09:40
- After Page hit a top rope avalanche belly to belly suplex, Page hit two buckshot lariats to get the pinfall victory.
Moxley Video Package
- Up until now, it’s been all about competition and making the AEW Championship.
- November 7th is about something else. It’s personal.
- “Protect your neck Eddie.”
Promo from Eddie Kingston
- Since the AEW World Champion is not here, Kingston says he’ll take on someone that tried to steal his thunder in the Casino Battle Royal.
Eddie Kingston defeats Matt Sydal – 08:07
- Kingston used the bulldog choke to get the submission victory.
Post Match
- Eddie Kingston did not release the hold until Bunny brought the microphone into the ring. She held up the microphone, so Sydal could say I quit.
Excalibur with Young Bucks and FTR
- Matt Jackson says that his ankle is fine.
- Dax says he’s not worried about the “Dream Match.” He’s worried about the Tag Titles.
- Matt says he has no remorse for their actions over the last month or so.
- With Excalibur asking the challengers questions, FTR decided to leave.
- Matt Jackson says that if they don’t win the Tag Team Championships at Full Gear, they’ll never challenge for them again.
Town Hall
- Luchasaurus asks MJF, “How can MJF contribute to the continued financial success of the Inner Circle?” He showed a graph that illustrates Inner Circle earnings will rise dramatically after he joins.
- Reba and Britt Baker ask the next question. Based on MJF’s friendship track record, Britt asks Jericho how he feels about him. Jericho says they’ll crush him if he ever betrayed them.
- Peter Avalon: he wants to know if he can join the Inner Circle. Jericho says no chance.
- Eric Bischoff:
- Eric asks Max what he can do for the Inner Circle. MJF says “friendship.”
- Eric then asks what can the Inner Circle can do for him. Max says that he isn’t the best team player, but once he joins the Inner Circle, he believes that he’ll learn how to be a team player.
- Bischoff calls Jericho a premadonna. Since MJF also has the same premadonna tendencies, what’s to prevent you from killing each other? MJF evaded the question, but Jericho persisted. MJF gets a little angry and asks Jericho what hasn’t he done?
- Jericho answers, you haven’t beaten me. It will be Jericho v. MJF at Full Gear. If MJF wins, then Jericho will let him join.
- MJF says he’ll do anything to win.
- Ortiz grabbed the mic and challenged MJF and Wardlow to a match next week. Ortiz and Sammy v. Wardlow and MJF.
Team Taz Video Package
- Taz still wants Will Hobbs, but the clock is ticking.
Cody defeats Orange Cassidy – 12:10
- John Silver ran in the ring and hit Orange Cassidy with a pump kick. Cody didn’t see it, but he tossed Silver out of the ring. Cody followed up with a Cross-Rhodes for the pinfall victory.
Kip and Miro in the Back
- They attack Best Friends. They will never forgive the Best Friends for breaking the arcade game.
Serena Deeb Promo
- She says the game changed in Women’s wrestling last night.
Serena Deeb defeats Leyla Hirsch – 08:38
- Deeb used a modified boston crab for the pinfall victory.
Alex Marvez with Hikaru Shida
- Alex asks Shida about Nyla Rose. Shida makes a challenge for Full Gear.
Shawn Spears defeats VSK – 00:27
- Spears immediately hit the C4 for the pinfall victory.
Post Match
- Someone with a bull mask tossed candy at Shawn Spears. Shawn grabbed the bull and tossed him in the ring. It ended up being Scorpio Sky.
Commentary Team Runs Through Full Gear Card
- John Sliver v. Orange Cassidy added to the Full Gear Buy In
Next Week
- Chris Jericho on Commentary
- Ortiz and Sammy Guevara v. MJF and Wardlow
- Miro v. Trent
- Shawn Spears v. Scorpio Sky
- Cody and Gunn Club v. 4, 10, and Cabana
- Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston Face to Face
Kenny Omega defeats Penta El Zero M – 17:16
- Omega used the one winged angel for the pinfall victory.
- Kenny Omega will face Adam Page at Full Gear.
Dynamite Preview
AEW has three advertised matches scheduled for today’s show.
All matches are listed below with the 2020 win-loss record for each individual or team.
To see all the data behind the win-loss records, check the lists and links below.
If you enjoy the stat driven approach to this preview, consider subscribing to my weekly pro wrestling letter. You can read last week’s letter and subscribe by Clicking Here.
Quick Preview
- Penta El Zero M v. Kenny Omega – AEW #1 Contender Tournament
- Hangman Page v. Wardlow – AEW #1 Contender Tournament
- MJF and Chris Jericho hold a Town Hall Discussion on the future of The Inner Circle
- Cody v. Orange Cassidy – TNT Championship Lumberjack Match
- Serena Deeb v. Leyla Hirsch – NWA World Women’s Championship
- Eddie Kingston v. Matt Sydal
Special Segments
Cody v. Orange Cassidy – TNT Championship Lumberjack Match
- Singles Wins
- Orange Cassidy on 10/14
- Brodie Lee on 10/10
- Sky on 8/12
- Warhorse on 7/29
- Kingston on 7/22
- Sonny Kiss on 7/15
- Hager on 7/1
- Ricky Starks on 6/17
- Quen on 6/10
- Jungle Boy on 6/3
- Lance Archer on 5/23
- Janela on 5/6
- Darby Allin on 4/29
- Joe Alonzo on 4/21
- Shawn Spears on 4/8
- Havoc on 3/25
- Ortiz on 3/11
- Wardlow on 2/19
- Sabian on 1/29
- Darby Allin on 1/1
- Singles Losses
- Brodie Lee on 8/22
- MJF on 2/29
Orange Cassidy
- Singles Wins
- Preston Vance on 9/30
- Angelico on 9/9
- Chris Jericho on 9/6
- Chris Jericho on 8/12
- Serpentico on 7/28
- Hobbs on 7/7
- Peter Avalon on 6/23
- Jason Cade on 5/12
- Havoc on 4/22
- Singles Losses
- Cody – Current TNT Champion on 10/14
- Brodie Lee on 9/24
- Chris Jericho on 7/8
- Cage on 5/23
- Fenix on 5/20
- Pac on 2/29
Penta El Zero M v. Kenny Omega – AEW #1 Contender Tournament
Penta El Zero M
Kenny Omega
- Singles Wins
- Sonny Kiss on 10/26
- Alan Angels on 4/22
- Trent on 4/1
- Guevara on 3/25
- Pac on 2/26
- Singles Losses
Hangman Page v. Wardlow – AEW #1 Contender Tournament
- Singles Wins
- Colt Cabana on 10/26
- Evil Uno on 9/24
- Frankie Kazarian on 9/16
- Alan Angels on 7/22
- Singles Losses
- Singles Wins
- Jungle Boy on 10/26
- Vinny Pacifico on 10/20
- Elijah Dean on 10/13
- Solow on 7/28
- Luchasaurus on 6/24
- Grim on 5/26
- Musa on 4/29
- L. Jons on 4/22
- Pyles on 4/7
- Singles Losses
Serena Deeb v. Leyla Hirsch – World Women’s Championship
Serena Deeb
Leyla Hirsch
- Singles Wins
- Singles Losses
Eddie Kingston v. Matt Sydal
Eddie Kingston
- Singles Wins
- Singles Losses
Matt Sydal
- Singles Wins
- Singles Losses