- Rating TBDPriest
L - Rating TBDOmos
C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
L - Rating TBDOwens
L - Rating TBDMysterio
L - Rating TBDBelair
L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedOwens
L - Not RatedOmos
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L - Not RatedDana Brooke
L - Not RatedBenjamin
L - Not RatedDawkins
L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
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Rampage – Jan 6
- Updated: January 7, 2023

Rampage – Jan 6
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Rampage & Battle of the Belts 5 Results
*Rampage is LIVE from Portland, OR.
(1) Jon Moxley & Bryan Danielson def. Top Flight…Moxley with a top buckle dive to take out Dante on the floor…Danielson with the wrist-capture face stomps on Darius & rolls him over for the cross-face stretch, but he’s already out & the ref calls for the bell & the submission win (13:50).
*Hangman Adam Page backstage with his medical papers…he’s ready for Jon Moxley at Dynamite…and he’s got some dark plans for Mox.
(2) Jamie Hayter & Britt Baker def. the Renegades…Hayter with the basement lariat & Baker follows with the Stomp for the win (09:17).
*House of Black promo…Malakai says Eddie Kingston never played by the rules, but he doesn’t recognize him now…they’re here to help him, but probably not in a nice way.
(3) Preston “Perro Peligroso” Vance def. Sonico…Vance uses the Full Nelson for a few seconds to set up the Brodie-esque Discus Lariat for the win (00:43)…AFTER…Vance rips the Lucha mask off Sonico…Vance & Jose drag Sonico up the ramp.
*Darby Allin backstage with Renee after his win on Dynamite…The Kingdom interrupt with sarcastic applause…Mike Bennett dares Darby to continue his open challenge…Darby says it never ended.
*Darby Allin & Mike Bennett split screen interview with Mark Henry…IT’S TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT!
(4) Darby Allin def. Mike Bennett…retains his TNT Championship…Darby climbs for the Coffin Drop but Maria Kanellis lays across her husband to stop Darby…as the ref escorts Maria out of the ring, Matt Taven kicks Darby off the buckle & Bennett hits a piledriver that gets a 2 count…moments later Bennett is setting up for an avalanche piledriver but Darby escapes & turns it into an Avalanche Code Red…he follows with the Coffin Drop for the win (12:06).
Battle of the Belts 5 Results
*Battle of the Belts 5 is LIVE from Portland, OR.
(1) The Acclaimed def. Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett…in a NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH to retain the AEW Tag Team Championship…it’s basically a 4-on-3 immediately as everyone gets involved from ringside…Billy Gunn rips the guitar out of Jarrett’s hands & blasts Satnam Singh with it…Singh is so mad he chokeslams both members of Acclaimed & then the ref…Sonjay Dutt puts on the ref’s shirt…Lethal hits the Lethal Injection on Bowens & Dutt counts 1…2…then gets pulled out of the ring by Aubrey Edwards, who shoves Dutt, breaks his pencil, & takes over the ref duties…Bowens with the Arrival on Lethal…Caster follows with the Mic Drop on Lethal & Bowens covers for the win (11:16).
*Powerhouse Hobbs backstage promo…the Book of Hobbs is apparently his diary…and all the awful things in it that have happened to him are now going to happen to “you.”
*Eddie Kingston & Ortiz backstage…House of Black have been speaking in riddles that have Eddie & Ortiz questioning each other’s loyalty…Eddie says to question him again…if you must…after they kick House of Black’s asses together on Rampage in LA.
(2) Jade Cargill def. Skye Blue…retains her TBS Championship…the fight spills outside & Jade chokeslams Blue on the ramp…Red Velvet makes her way down the ramp as Blue just beats the 10 count…Velvet slaps Leila Grey as she gets in her face…Jade gets Blue up for Jaded but Blue counters with a roll under into a pinning combo for 2…Blue then jumps sideways into a code red for another 2 count…Blue slingshots in from the apron’s edge & Jade catches her in powerbomb position…with an impressive show of strength, Jade spins Blue around & gets her into position for Jaded for the win (09:26)…to go to 48-0.
*Stokely Hathaway (with Big Bill & Lee Moriarty) backstage with Lexi…Hathaway says his boys are going to put JungleHook “in the dirt & we’ll see you at the crossroads.”
(3) Orange Cassidy def. Kip Sabian …retains his All-Atlantic Championship…around the 10 minute mark Bunny hooks Cassidy’s ankle from ringside & gets tossed by the ref…Danhausen follows her up the ramp, gloating…Butcher & the Blade meet him at the top of the ramp & beat him down…Sabian seems to have the match won about 3 times but Orange Cena continues to kick out at 2…Sabian tosses Cassidy out in front of Butcher & the Blade, then takes the ref’s attention to the other side of the ring…as Butcher & Blade set up a couple of chairs for some potentially nasty business, the Best Friends race down & wipe them out, saving Cassidy…Sabian mocks the Orange Punch but misses…Cassidy with a tilt-a-whirl DDT, running PK, & Beach Break succession for 2…a frustrated Cassidy begins stomping Sabian in the corner & when the ref tries to pull him off, Cassidy shoves the ref to the ground (but somehow doesn’t get DQ’d)…Cassidy lands 2 consecutive Orange Punches for the win (16:02)…& again I stayed up past midnight for not a single title change on a “Battle of the Belts”…that’s 15-for-15 in retentions…up yours, TK.
AEW DYNAMITE PREVIEW – Jan 11, 2023 – Los Angeles, CA
+ Death Triangle (c) vs. The Elite – Match 7 of a Best of 7 Series – Escalera de la Muerte for the AEW Trios Championship
+ Jon Moxley vs. Hangman Adam Page
+ Jamie Hayter & Britt Baker vs. Saraya & Toni Störm
+ Bryan Danielson vs. Konosuke Takeshita
+ Jungle Boy & Hook vs. Lee Moriarty & Big Bill
+ We’ll hear from the Jericho Appreciation Society
AEW RAMPAGE – PREVIEW – Jan. 13, 2023
+ Kings of the Black Throne vs. Eddie Kingston & Ortiz
+ Anna Jay & Tay Melo vs. Ruby Soho & Willow Nightingale – in a Street Fight
Ryan Joy and John D’Aconti host the Daily Wrestling New Show podcast. They’re focused on Teaching, Learning, and Remembering the history of Professional Wrestling with everyone that wants to join them.
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