- Rating TBDPriest
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C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
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L - Rating TBDBelair
L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
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Bobby RoodeW
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Rampage – Oct 21
- Updated: October 21, 2022

Rampage – Oct 21
Listen to The Daily Wrestling News Show:
Rampage Results
*Live from Jacksonville, FL
(1) The Acclaimed def. Varsity Athletes…retain their AEW Tag Team Championship…after entering the ring, Billy Gunn gets tossed from ringside…Bowens with the Arrival on Nese…Caster follows with the Mic Drop for the win (08:03)…AFTER…Mark Sterling intimates that he won’t just turn over the Trademarks that were supposed to be on the line…Billy Gunn reemerges from backstage to toss Sterling into the ring…Billy gets the paperwork for the trademarks and Caster & Bowens keep their word to stomp on Sterling’s nuts.
*Jade Cargill sits down with Schiavone…Jade made a deal to let one of her Baddies fill in for the injured Penelope Ford…in return, Jade gets her belt back, or at least gets her hands on Nyla Rose.
*Ortiz is backstage with Marves…he asked the Lucha Brothers & Alex Abrahantes to help him talk sense to Eddie Kingston about his fits of rage that might get him fired…Pac interrupts & tells Eddie to compose himself…Eddie isn’t pleased but everyone parts without incident.
(2) Hook def. Ari Daivari…retains his FTW Championship…Daivari tries one more time to buy the FTW title, this time with cash…Hook knocks the cash out of Daivari’s hand & all over the ring…Hook dumps him with a high-crotch overhead throw…Hook locks in redruM with Daivari on the apron, pulls him back over the top rope & to the canvas to get the tap & the submission win (02:47)…AFTER…Jeeves the Trust-Butler gets choked out as well.
*Matt Hardy backstage with Lexi…Stokely Hathaway has booked Matt a match on Dark Elevation…Matt does some rapping…Stokely & Ethan Page walk off, befuddled.
(3) Willow Nightingale def. Leila Grey…Willow catches Leila with a roundhouse kick & follows with the Doctor Bomb for the win (07:54)…AFTER…Schiavone in to announces that Willow is now officially All Elite.
*Jade Cargill to the ring with a steel chair…she has a seat in the ring & calls out Nyla Rose, who appears on the ‘tron…Nyla not only still has the TBS belt, but she’s stolen Jade’s car & drives off.
*Footage from Thursday of Pres10 Vance being interviewed by Marves…Jose interrupts to give Vance one last chance to sign with LFI…Rush interrupts to tell Vance he had better bring his best to their match on Rampage…Orange Cassidy pops up behind the bar to show off his new title…Rush wants it…Cassidy says he can help with that…he’ll fight Rush & Vance.
*Pres10 Vance & Rush split screen interview with Mark Henry…Orange Cassidy pops up in Henry’s box & almost steals his catchphrase…IT’S TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT!
(5) Orange Cassidy def. Pres10 Vance & Rush…in a 3-WAY MATCH to retain his AEW All-Atlantic Championship…Cassidy hits Beach Break on llll llll but Jose pulls him off the cover…Danhausen rolls in, opts for the nut punch to Jose instead of cursing him…Rush tries to pull the mask off of llll llll…Cassidy lands an Orange Punch on Rush & the momentum takes Rush to the floor…Cassidy avoids a lariat from llll llll & gets him up for Beach Break…llll llll escapes & tries to counter into a roll up but Cassidy sits down & grabs the legs, puts his hands in his pockets to complete a Roll Up of his own for the win (11:50).
AEW DYNAMITE PREVIEW – Oct. 26, 2022 – Norfolk, VA
+ FTR vs. Swerve in Our Glory – AEW Tag Title #1 Contender Match
+ Chris Jericho & Daniel Garcia vs. Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta
+ Bryan Danielson vs. Sammy Guevara
+ Riho vs. Jamie Hayter
Ryan Joy and John D’Aconti host the Daily Wrestling New Show podcast. They’re focused on Teaching, Learning, and Remembering the history of Professional Wrestling with everyone that wants to join them.
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