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C. AzeezW
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Bobby RoodeW
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AEW Dynamite – July 6
- Updated: July 1, 2022

AEW Dynamite – July 6
Become Ryan’s Wrestling Pen Pal
Dynamite Results
*Dynamite is LIVE from Rochester, NY & Scorpio Sky is lead to the ring for his Street Fight by Dan Lambert, Ethan Page, & 5 members of American Top Team.
(1) Wardlow def. Scorpio Sky…in a STREET FIGHT to become the NEW TNT Champion …the members of ATT waste no time putting the boots to Wardlow the 1st chance they get with him outside the ring…Wardlow survives a shot from the TNT belt from Sky…tonight’s Powerbomb Symphony consists of 3 movements for the win (08:27).
*Jon Moxley promo…he reminds everyone that that while Brody King might be a monster, Mox is one, too…he knows what awaits him tonight…step up or get stepped on.
*Mark Sterling (& Tony Nese) approach Keith Lee to sign a petition to get Swerve Strickland removed from the roster…Lee says he has issues with Swerve but he’s still Lee’s partner & they’re still winning…unlike Sterling & Nese.
*Christian Cage (& Luchasaurus) to the ring…Matt Hardy interrupts…things get personal quickly…Hardy grabs Christian…Luchasaurus headbutts Hardy & proceeds to beat him around ringside…Hardy gets chokeslammed through the timekeeper’s table.
*Claudio Castagnoli & Jake Hager backstage with Schiavone…next week they meet in the ring 1-on-1…and the bad blood between the Jericho Appreciation Society & the Blackpool Combat Club/LAX isn’t over yet either.
(2) Swerve Strickland & Keith Lee def. Butcher & the Blade…Swerve in Our Glory hit the Spirit Bomb/Swerve Stomp combo on Blade…Swerve covers for the win (09:40)…AFTER…Powerhouse Hobbs & Ricky Starks out, barking about who the best tag team is…Young Bucks interrupt, since they ARE the best team…Bucks propose a triple threat tag title match next week.
*Malakai Black promo…the House of Black will make sure what Moxley experiences tonight will go beyond physical pain…Brody King emerges from the pitch black to stand at Malakai’s side.
*Eddie Kingston to the ring for an interview with Schiavone…congratulates Wardlow…congratulates everyone on the team who won Blood & Guts (even Claudio)…says he’s not done because he didn’t get to taste Jericho’s blood…Jericho Appreciation Society appears on the ‘tron…Jericho instructs Tay Conti to slam Ruby Soho’s hand in a car door.
*Dark Order to the ring…Uno says Dark Order is here to stay…Dark Order is forever…QT Marshall interrupts, challenges -1 to a fight…Hangman Adam Page interrupts, shoves QT into the ring where Dark Order work him over…-1 says he’ll wait to pin QT until he’s 18.
(3) Rush def. Penta Oscuro…Penta hits package piledriver, Andrade puts Rush’s foot on ropes…while Andrade & Fenix have the ref’s attention at ringside, Rush pulls Penta’s mask off & Rolls Up Penta for the win (11:10).
*Jay Lethal (with Sonjay Dutt & Satnam Singh) is excited…the ROH TV title match with Samoa Joe is finally booked for Death Before Dishonor.
*Mark Sterling approaches Orange Cassidy & Best Friends to sign the petition…Cassidy doesn’t sign anything without his lawyer (Danhausen) present…Cassidy will face Tony Nese on Rampage…if Cassidy loses, he will sign.
(4) Gunn Club & Acclaimed def. Fuego Del Sol & Ruffin It (Leon Ruff & Bear Country)…Caster hits the Mic Drop on Bronson…Austin tags himself in to cover for the win (02:29)…AFTER…pushing & shoving between Acclaimed & Ass Boys…fists fly…Poppa Billy Gunn has to pull his sons off Bowens & Caster…but in the end, Billy drops Caster with a clothesline…& when Bowens begs for some scissor action, he gets a Fame-Ass-er instead.
*Miro promo…says Malakai Black collects the weak, Miro disposes of them…the Redeemer is coming for the House of Black.
(5) Thunder-Störm def. Marina Shafir & Nyla Rose…Thunder-Störm hit a 2-woman Fire Thunder Driver on Shafir, Rosa covers for the win (09:06).
*Jade Cargill backstage with Schiavone…Stokely Hathaway paid $1100 to turn Leila Grey from an opponent into an Interim Baddie & save the day…Jade warns Stokely that if it doesn’t work out, it’s his ass.
*Daniel Garcia backstage with Schiavone…not scared of Wheeler Yuta…call him a technical wrestler, call him a sports entertainer…after the match, Yuta will have to call him “the best.”
*FTR backstage promo…7-Star FTR challenge the Briscoes to settle who is the best.
(6) Jon Moxley def. Brody King…retains his Interim AEW World Championship…Moxley hits Paradigm Shift DDT, uses Hammer & Anvil elbows, RNC, then rolls Brody over to switch to the Bulldog Choke to finally get the submission win (13:38).
+ Jonathan Gresham & Lee Moriarty vs. Gates of Agony (Kaun & Toa Liona)
+ Konosuke Takeshita vs. Eddie Kingston
+ Mercedes Martinez & Serena Deeb in action
+ Orange Cassidy & Tony Nese
AEW DYNAMITE FYTER FEST PREVIEW – July 13, 2022 – Savannah, GA.
+ Young Bucks (c) vs. Swerve in Our Glory vs. Ricky Starks & Powerhouse Hobbs – for the AEW Tag Team Championship
+ Claudio Castagnoli vs. Jake Hager
+ Samoa Joe (c) vs. Jay Lethal – for the ROH Television Championship
+ Wheeler Yuta (c) vs Daniel Garcia – for the ROH PURE Championship
+ FTR (c) vs. Briscoes – for the ROH Tag Team Championship
AEW ALL OUT PREVIEW – September 4, 2022
AEW GRAND SLAM PREVIEW – September 21, 2022 – Arthur Ashe Stadium (NY)
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