- Rating TBDPriest
L - Rating TBDOmos
C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
L - Rating TBDOwens
L - Rating TBDMysterio
L - Rating TBDBelair
L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedOwens
L - Not RatedOmos
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedDana Brooke
L - Not RatedBenjamin
L - Not RatedDawkins
L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedRollins
L - Not RatedMysterio
L - Not RatedRipley
L - Not RatedPriest
L - Not RatedBelair
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April 22nd Episode of AEW Dynamite
- Updated: April 22, 2020

April 22nd Episode of AEW Dynamite
Note: I did not attended the April 22nd Episode of AEW Dynamite live, but I do average at least one wrestling show per week. Follow the Minutes to Bell Time Instagram to see photos from my experiences. Read about the live experiences here.
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April 22nd Episode of AEW Dynamite Results
Results to begin at 8PM Tonight
Cody Does the Cold Open From the Control Center
Cody runs through the competition in the TNT Championship Tournament. “Did I break the throne because I was afraid to sit in it?” Excellent open
Jericho and Tony Schiavone Run Through the Card
- They announced a special look at Scorpio Sky and more Bubbly Bunch.
Video Package for Sammy Guevara
Talks about being in the first ever match, and he should be the first TNT Champion.
Darby Allin Video Package
They’re very similar, but Darby stands on his own two feet.
Darby Allin defeats Sammy Guevara
In a call back to the Revolution match, Sammy Guevara hit a diving tornillo as Darby made his entrance. Sammy set up a ladder between the ring and the barricade. With Darby lying across the ladder, Sammy dove off the top rope. The ladder did not break and it looked nasty. Dynamite went to commercial. The match has not started yet.
When Dynamite came back from the commercial break, Guevara tossed Darby Allin in the ring and immediately went for a cover. Darby kicked out. Perched on the top rope, Darby focused in on Sammy’s ankle. Allin removed Guevara’s boot revealing Sammy’s taped up ankle. Sammy hit a springboard cutter, but Darby grabbed Sammy’s foot and cinched in an ankle lock. The match continued to go back and forth until Darby rolled to the outside and AEW went to commercial.
Back from the break, Darby went for a suicide dive and per usual crashed into the barricade. He still has the best suicide dive I’ve ever seen. Guevara hit a somersault senton with two rotations, but Darby Allin made it to the ropes.
Out of nowhere, Darby Allin caught Sammy with the Last Supper roll up for the pinfall victory.
Matt Hardy Segment
Broken Matt Hardy: Reminds us that Chris Jericho has an open invitation to the Elite Deletion. He didn’t hear anything from Jericho. He invites the False God Sammy Guevara to fight in Jericho’s place.
Matt Hardy: AEW is a platform for the future. . .not Chris Jericho. Matt Hardy will go through the entire Inner Circle before taking out Jericho.
Tag Breaks Down Kenny Omega’s Offense
Kenny Omega defeats Alan Angels
Chris Jericho reminds us that Kenny Omega is the second most famous person from Winnipeg. The most famous person is Kenny Omega. Alan Angels bit Kenny Omega in the hand and knocked him to the mat, but Omega put his knees up when Angels attempted a senton. Alan Angels got a lot of offense in and evaded a lot of Omega’s offense.
After a snap dragon and a V trigger, Alan Angels kicked of the pinfall attempt. Omega hit a powerbomb and another V-Trigger for the pinfall victory.
Special Feature on Scorpio Sky
He talks about always wanting to be a pro wrestler and how he almost left wrestling. He gave it one last chance and SCU was formed. To be continued.
Recap of Road to Dynamite where Dustin Decides to Put His Career on the Line
Recap of BTE 200
Orange Cassidy defeats Jimmy Havoc
Havoc rushed Cassidy before the bell. Havoc took off Orange’s jacket and choked him with that. He then pulled off Cassidy’s shirt and choked him with that. The first few minutes of the match all went to Jimmy Havoc. Havoc bit Orange’s hands and then put then tucked them into their pockets. Orang surprised Havoc with a dropkick and suicide dive.
With both men on the top rope, Orange pushed Havoc off the top rope and then fell onto him. After a whole bunch of interference from Sabian and Ford, Orang Cassidy managed to roll up Havoc for the victory.
MJF Video
MJF explains that he has a hang nail. He plans to rise from the ashes to become World Heavyweight Champion.
Wardlow defeats Lee Johnson
Wardlow used a gorilla press that he transitioned into a powerslam. He then threw Lee Johnson around the ring with release suplexes. Wardlow hit the F-10 for the pinfall victory.
Brodie Lee Segment
Someone submits an application to join the Dark Order. Lee offers this person success. He says they are the lions of AEW.
Brodie Lee defeats Justin Law
Brodie dominated Justin Law and then hit a discus clothesline for the pinfall victory.
Backstage Interview with Best Friends and Orange Cassidy
Best Friends want to face Jimmy Havoc and Kip Sabian.
Match Announcements
- Cody vs. Darby Allin
- Lance Archer vs. Dustin Rhodes/Kip Sabian
- Marko Stunt vs. Brodie Lee
Bubbly Bunch
Sammy is really sad that Jake didn’t win the world title. Hager says sadness is for ugly people. Jericho wants to do a flim flam video and he has a bottle of hand sanitizer for the winner. Sammy did some flips to win the bottle of hand sanitizer.
Jon Moxley Video Package
Moxley speaks next week.
Video Package for Dustin Rhodes and Kip Sabian Match
Dustin Rhodes defeats Kip Sabian
Penelope Ford got involved a couple of times int he first four minutes, so Kip Sabian had the advantage leading into the commercial break. When Dynamite returned from commercial, Kip Sabian was focusing on the knee of Dustin Rhodes.
Dustin got a near fall off a powerslam, but Kip quickly came back hitting a tornado DDT. Penelope attempted to get involved, but Brandi speared her. Dustin then picked up the victory with a code red.
Match Announcement:
Kip Sabian and Jimmy Havoc vs. Best Friends Next Week
April 22nd Episode of AEW Dynamite Preview
TNT Championship Tournament
Kip Sabian vs. Dustin Rhodes
Kip Sabian (6-3) has victories over Chuck Taylor, Tony Donati, Suge D, QT Marshall, Michael Nakazawa, and Joey Janela. His three losses came to Cody, Darby Allin, and Joey Janela.
Dustin Rhodes (1-2) lost to Jake Hager and Sammy Guevara earlier this year. He also holds a victory over Sammy Guevara.
Sammy Guevara vs. Darby Allin
Sammy Guevara has a singles record of 4-4 with victories over Suge D, Matt Sells, Dustin Rhodes, and Christopher Daniels and losses to Dustin Rhodes, Jon Moxley, Darby Allin, and Kenny Omega.
Darby Allin has a singles record of 4-2 with victories over Sammy Guevara, Kip Sabian, Preston Vance, and Brandon Cutler. He lost to Cody and Pac.
Brodie Lee is in Action
Brodie Lee (2-0) has victories over QT Marshall and Lee Johnson.
Wardlow is in Action
Wardlow (1-1) has recovered from his loss to Cody with a decisive victory over Ryan Pyles.
Kenny Omega in Action
Kenny Omega (3-0) has spent the majority of the year working Tag Team matches with Hangman Page, but he has had three impressive wins over Pac, Trent, and Sammy Guevara.
Orange Cassidy vs. Jimmy Havoc
Orang Cassidy (0-1) lost to Pac at AEW Revolution. Jimmy Havoc (1-3) defeated Sonny Kiss, but has losses to Cody, Mance Warner, and Brian Pillman.