- Rating TBDPriest
L - Rating TBDOmos
C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
L - Rating TBDOwens
L - Rating TBDMysterio
L - Rating TBDBelair
L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedOwens
L - Not RatedOmos
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedDana Brooke
L - Not RatedBenjamin
L - Not RatedDawkins
L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedRollins
L - Not RatedMysterio
L - Not RatedRipley
L - Not RatedPriest
L - Not RatedBelair
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June 10th Episode of AEW Dynamite
- Updated: June 10, 2020

June 10th Episode of AEW Dynamite
June 10th Episode of AEW Dynamite Results
Results for the June 10th Episode of AEW Dynamite begin tonight at 8PM.
Show Begins with a Recap of Last Week
Commentary Team Runs Through the Card
- Nothing New
- Chris Jericho joins the commentary team
FTR defeats Butcher and Blade – 10:19
- FTR got the victory with a spike pile-driver.
Tony Schiavone Talks with FTR
- Young Bucks quickly come out.
- Matt Jackson introduced themselves as the best tag team in the world
- Butcher popped in the ring to attack the Young Bucks
- Havoc, Sabian, Omega, and Page all made their way to ringside as the segment ended
Backstage with Natural Nightmares
- Dasha announces that they’ll be facing Hangman and Omega for the AEW Tag Team Titles.
- Allie is wearing a Nightmare Family jacket.
- Dustin tells QT to get his head in the game and Allie won’t be at ringside.
Rose and Ford defeat Shida and Statlander – 11:02
- After Nyla Rose tossed the title belt into the ring, Penelope Ford hit Shida over the top of the head with it allowing her to pick up the pinfall victory
Darby Allin Video
- Darby shown skate boarding with Tony Hawk
Britt Baker Training Video
- She wants respect
Cassidy and Best Friends defeat Santana Ortiz Hager – 10:12
- Orange Cassidy surprised Ortiz with a crucifix pin for the victory.
Post Match
- Jericho hit the ring with a baseball bat and took out both the best friends and Orange Cassidy.
- They then brought out a big bag of oranges and beat Cassidy with them
MJF Ringside Promo
- The interview was supposed to be with the Gunn Club.
- MJF grabbed the mic and complained a lot about not having a title shot.
- Billy took exception.
- Possible future program with Wardlow
Recap of Colt Cabana Being Offered a Spot with Dark Order
Sammy Guevara defeats Colt Cabana – 07:26
- Cabana slipped on the top rope allowing Sammy Guevara to take advantage. He hit the GTH for the pinfall victory.
The Dark Order Came Out
- It was the entire Dark Order. Uno, Grayson, Preston Vance, Alan Angels, and Mr. Brodie Lee
- Mr. Brodie Lee helped Cabana get up.
Sammy Guevara on the Mic
- Matt Hardy came out to talk to Sammy.
- Hardy tells him that to maximize his full potential, he needs to get away from Chris Jericho.
- Guevara keeps running his mouth and causes Matt to transform through his personalities.
Joey Janela Video Package
- He’s upset because he went from the main event to barely remembered
- Sonny Kiss picks him up on the side of the road. . .to be continued.
Dasha Backstage with Colt Cabana
- He goes into Mr. Brodie Lee’s office
Next Week
- Billy vs. MJF
- Omega and Page vs. Natural Nightmares – Tag Team Title Match
- TNT Championship Match
- Best Friends vs. Le Sex Gods – Title Match on the line.
- Superbad Death Squad vs. Young Bucks
Backstage with Jon Moxley
- Mox is in a bad mood.
- No patience for people that run their mouth with no idea what their talking about.
- He says Tax got under his skin.
- Taz confronts him and tells him to get his head right.
- Brian Cage attacks Moxley from behind.
- Taz tries to stop Cage, but he still tosses Moxley on top of a car.
Video Package for Marq Quen vs. Cody
Cody defeats Marq Quen – 11:43
- Matt Hardy walked out with Marq Quen but returned to the back before the match.
- Cody worked over the ankle the entire match. When Quen went for a shooting star press, Cody evaded and put on an ankle lock. He transitioned into another submission and picked up the victory.
Post Match
- Jake Hager came out and attacked Cody. Matt Hardy and Private Party made the save.
- Guevara, Santana, and Ortiz all came out leading to a big eight person brawl.
- Cody said Jake Hager gets a TNT Championship match at Fyter Fest.
AEW Dynamite Preview
Tonight’s episode of AEW Dynamite includes five matches.
All matches are listed below the video with the 2020 win-loss record for each individual and team.
The wins and losses that make up those record are listed and linked.
If you enjoy the stat driven approach to this preview, consider subscribing to my weekly pro wrestling letter. You can read last week’s letter and subscribe by Clicking Here.
Hikaru Shida and Kris Statlander (1-2) vs. Nyla Rose and Penelope Ford (0-0)
This marks the first time that Nyla Rose and Penelope Ford have formed a team in 2020.
Nyla Rose does have history defeating Hikaru Shida and Kris Statlander with other partners (Bea Priestly and Britt Baker).
- Shida and Statlander
- Rose and Ford
- Wins: None
- Losses: None
Best Friends and Orange Cassidy (0-1) vs. Santana, Ortiz, and Jake Hager (0-0)
With luck, this is a stepping stone to Orange Cassidy’s match with Chris Jericho.
- Best Friends and Orange Cassidy
- Wins: None
- Losses: Jurassic Express.
- Santana, Ortiz, and Jake Hager
- Wins: None
- Losses: None
FTR (0-2) vs. Butcher and Blade (2-3)
- Wins: None
- Losses: the Usos, Miz and Morrison,
- Butcher and Blade
- Wins: Jon Cruz and Joe Alonzo, Suge D and Catena,
- Overall Losses: Jurassic Express, Best Friends, and the Young Bucks
Sammy Guevara (6-6) vs. Colt Cabana (4-5)
Coming off his loss to Chris Jericho, Colt Cabana tries his luck against another member of the Inner Circle.
- Sammy Guevara
- Singles Wins: Alan Angels, Shawn Dean, Suge D, Matt Sells, Dustin Rhodes, andChristopher Daniels
- Singles Losses: Matt Hardy,Dustin Rhodes, Jon Moxley, Darby Allin on 2/29 and 4/22, and Kenny Omega.
- Colt Cabana
- Singles Wins: Shawn Dean, Peter Avalonand Brandon Cutler, Lee Johnson,
- Singles Losses: Brian Cage in the Casino Ladder Match, Kip Sabian, Ken Anderson, and Lance Archer, Chris Jericho,
Cody (11-1) vs. Marq Quen (0-0) – TNT Championship Match
It’s weird that Marq Quen would make his singles debut in a TNT Championship match when AEW could have picked anyone else on the roster.
- Cody
- Wins: Lance Archer, Joey Janela, Joe Alonzo, Shawn Spears, Kip Sabian, Darby Allin on 1/1and 4/29, Jimmy Havoc, Ortiz, and Wardlow, Jungle Boy,
- Losses: MJF
- Marq Quen (0-0)
- Wins: None
- Losses: None