- Rating TBDPriest
L - Rating TBDOmos
C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
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L - Rating TBDBelair
L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
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L - Not RatedOmos
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L - Not RatedDana Brooke
L - Not RatedBenjamin
L - Not RatedDawkins
L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedRollins
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March 31st Episode of Impact Wrestling
- Updated: March 31, 2020

March 31st Episode of Impact Wrestling
Note: I did not attended the March 31st episode of Impact Wrestling live, but I do average at least one wrestling show per week. Follow the Minutes to Bell Time Instagram to see photos from my experiences. Read about the live experiences here.
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March 31st Episode of Impact Wrestling Results
Recap of Last Week’s Undead Realm Situation
Josh Alexander defeats Eddie Edwards
Edwards and Alexander began with a collar and elbow tie up and transitioned to an exchange of chops. Alexander seemed to get the better of that exchange, but Edwards grabbed Alexander into an inverted atomic drop and an overhead belly to belly suplex. Neither man sustained an advantage because they both show boat to the crowd. With Alexander on the outside, Edwards came out after him.
Alexander caught Edwards coming back in the ring, hitting several strikes and a side suplex. Edwards managed to pop out of the corner and hit a strong clothesline. Following the clothesline, Edwards lured Alexander to the outside where he connected with a suicide dive into the barricade. Edwards received a near fall after a Blue Thunder Bomb.
Josh Alexander countered out of the backpack stunner to hit a swinging slam out of the fireman’s carry. Both men stood in the center of the ring exchanging chops with Edwards getting the advantage.
Ethan Page grabbed the ankle of Eddie Edwards. The distraction led to Josh Alexander picking the legs of Edwards and winning with a jack-knife cover.
Post Match
The North attacked Eddie Edwards, and Tessa came out to make the save.
Backstage Interview with The North
Josh Alexander says we got a win over one of the best singles wrestlers. Ethan Page can’t believe Tessa stuck her nose in their business. Ethan Page challenges Tessa Blanchard to a match. . .tonight.
Kylie Rae defeats Cassandra Golden
Golden attacked Kylie Rae prior to the bell and tossed Rae around the ring. Golden made two attempts to hit Rae in the corner, but Kylie evaded twice and started beating Golden down. After the Kylie special, Golden kicked out. Rae hit a cannonball in the corner for a second near fall.
Rae hit a side Russian leg sweep and transitioned into the STF for the submission victory.
Backstage Interview with Kylie Rae
Rae says it feels amazing to be back in an Impact ring. Impact is her home, and Kylie Rae signed a long-term contract.
Moose In Ring Promo
Moose says he is better than every wrestler that ever wrestled for TNA. Kid Kash came out, and he is very impressed. Kash says he doesn’t think Moose would have measured up in the original TNA. Moose invites Kash in the ring to have a match.
Moose defeats Kid Kash
Kash immediately hit Moose with a pair of kicks and a head scissors take down to send Moose to the outside. Following Moose to the outside, Kash hit another hurricanrana off the apron. Back in the ring, Moose hit the spear for the pinfall victory.
Backstage Interview with Triple XL
They got size. TJP and Fallah Bahh came into the segment. Bahh thought they said “Sides”matter. TJP and Bahh say if they want to get in line for the tag titles, they’re getting in line behind them.
Rich Swan Interview via Satellite
Recovery is hard. Swann says recovery has not been going well and that Willie Mack has a good chance of defeating Ace Austin. Rich wants Mack to watch out for Reno Scum. Austin comes on screen and says why hasn’t Willie Mack assisted Swann with the recovery. When Swann recovers, Rich says they’ll pursue the tag titles again. All of a sudden, someone knocked on Swann’s door. Reno Scum attacked him off camera.
Willie Mack Shown Trying to Get his Hands on Ace Austin
Sami Callihan In-Ring Interview
He explains the “ICU” by saying “I see you Atlanta.” After he lost the Impact World Championship, he did some soul searching. Sami says that “unlike other companies, legends don’t push everyone to the bottom.” While Shamrock tries to break people’s ankles, Sami hits them with a baseball bat and sets them on fire. Sami says he’s the World’s Most Dangerous Man.
Tommy Dream came out mad about Callihan throwing fire in Ken Shamrock’s face. Sami Callihan says he’ll give Tommy the rub and asks the crowd to take a photo of them together. Tommy says, ‘you’re a troll” and he’ll fight for the men and women of pro wrestling.
They then hit each other with microphones.
Sami Callihan defeats Tommy Dreamer
The match begins on the outside with Tommy Dreamer sending Sami Callihan into the ring post. Dreamer threw some chairs into the ring as they continued to wrestle around the ring. Callihan managed to use the chairs first by hitting Sami on the outside. Dreamer countered a PK and slammed Callihan on the ring apron. Back in the ring, Dreamer hit Sami with some baking sheets (because they keep them under the Impact rings).
On the ring ramp, Callihan grabbed Dreamer between the legs. Dreamer evaded the piledriver and walked to the back. When he came back to the ringside area with a trash can that he used to hit Callihan back in the ring. Back in the ring, Dreamer it Sami over the head with the trash can and then took a seat.
Sami and Tommy both carried staple guns into the ring as Impact went to commercial. Back from the break, Dreamer and and Sami stapled each other in the middle of the ring with Dreamer catching one below the belt. As Dreamer hit the ropes, Callihan used a drop toe hold to send Tommy into a chair.
After sending Callihan into a chair, Dreamer connected with a cutter for a near fall. Callihan evaded a DDT attempt and sent Dreamer into a chair on the mat. After a Death Valley driver on a pair of chairs, Sami used a piledriver to secure the pinfall victory.
Post Match
Callihan attempted to continue the assault on Dreamer, but Rhino made the save. oVe hit the ring to beat down both Rhino and Dreamer. Callihan turned out the lights and left before he oVe could celebrate with him.
In the Bar Interview with Rosemary
She can’t believe she was willing to live with a lower life form. Love made them vulnerable, and now she’ll use people as she sees fit.
Recap of Su Yung’s Journey
Su Yung shown walking around in the back scaring everyone.
Cody Deaner defeats Joseph Ryan
Ryan backed Cody into the corner where Cody grabbed a bottle of beer for a drink. Joseph hit Cody with a scoop slam and dropped a knee. After grabbing Cody’s hat, Ryan paint brushed Cody with it. Apparently that was a bad move because it caused Cody to Hulk up and shake the ropes like the Warrior. Cousin Jake poured beer into the mouth of Joseph Ryan and Cody hit a DDT for a pinfall victory.
Backstage Interview with Eddie Edwards and Tessa Blanchard
Eddie offers his help to Tessa, but she declines.
Pre-Taped Interview with Michael Elgin
Elgin says he is stronger than before the best of five, but Edwards can’t say the same. Rebellion marks one year since Elgin came to Impact. He reminds Tessa know that he vowed to be world champion. Elgin plans to break through the roadblock.
Match Announcements for Next Week
- Chris Bey vs. Daga
- oVe vs. Rhino and Tommy Dreamer
- Ken Shamrock to address the situation with Sami Callihan
Tessa Blanchard defeats Ethan Page
Tessa immediately knocked Page down and drop kicked him twice. Page snatched Blanchard off the top rope and connected with a back breaker. After a few moments of beating her down, Blanchard momentarily turned things around, but Page knocked her down with a shoulder tackle. He followed up with a delayed vertical suplex to earn near fall. As Blanchard struck back, Page poked her in the eye and nailed Tessa with a forearm to the face. Blanchard finally made a come back with a hurricanrana off the top, a sliced bread, and a trio of suicide dives.
After a tilt-a-whirl tornado DDT, Blanchard got a near fall. Page snuck in a pump kick As Blanchard went to the top rope, Josh Alexander hopped up on the apron and grabbed Tessa by the ankle. Eddie Edwards came out and hit the Boston Knee Party on Alexander. Blanchard came off the top rope with Magnum for the pinfall victory.
Post Match
Edwards handed the title to Blanchard, but he didn’t let go.
Elgin knocked the title out of their hands and clotheslined both Tessa and Eddie. Edwards and Blanchard then double teamed Elgin pushing him to the outside. The episode ended in a three person stare down.
End of March 31st Episode of Impact Wrestling
TNA Starts Here – Continuation of March 31st Episode of Impact Wrestling
Intro Video Showing Footage
Hernandez defeats Chase Stevens
Hernandez immediately knocked Stevens to the mat with a headbutt, but Stevens slipped out of a a slam. After a clothesline in the corner, Stevens dropkicked Hernandez and then hit a superplex for a near fall. Hernandez picked up the victory with the Border Toss.
Look Back at TNA Knockouts
Backstage Interview with Gail Kim
She doesn’t know who will show up at the gauntlet.
Recap of the Ultimate X Match
Backstage Interview with Ace Austin
Austin has competed in the Ultimate X Match, but he lost because he took a major risk. There is no risk he won’t take to stay champion.
Suicide and Manik defeat Kid Kash and Johnny Swinger
Swinger and Kash attacked Suicide and Manik before the bell. Manik and Suicide took turns hitting sentons in the corner of each other’s back as TNA went to commercial. Back from the commercial, Manik had the advantage, but Swinger and Kash did some work behind the referee’s back to take back the advantage. Swinger and Kash had Manik isolated, but he eventually broke free and got the tag to Suicide. Manik and Suicide hit tandem dives to the outside taking out both Swinger and Kash. Suicide hit a swonton bomb for the pinfall victory.
King of the Mountain Match
Nobody knows the rules.
Scott Steiner Promo
Scotty reminds us that he’s the big bad booty daddy. He says that Scott is the reason TNA shows up to TNA. He has a lot to say about Snow Flakes. Scott begins to do Steiner Math, but Joseph Ryan comes out. Joey Ryan says he doesn’t know what a Big Bad Booty Daddy, Big Poppa Pump, or a Genetic Freak is, but he knows is not any good. Ryan says that Scott Steiner should have been canceled a long time ago (just like TNA). Joseph invites Scott Steiner to join Cancel Culture.
Steiner hits Joey Ryan with a clothesline and tosses him out of the ring.
Raven Reviews The Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match
Rhino defeats Madman Fulton
Rhino pushes Madman Fulton aside and sends him to the ground with a clothesline. On the outside, Madman Fulton sends Rhino into the post. Back in the ring, Fulton choked Rhino over the middle rope. After hitting a diving headbutt, Fulton went to the top rope to attempt hitting the same move from the top rope. Rhino moved out of the way and then started taking Fulton down with elbow strikes and a belly to belly suplex.
As Rhino set up for the Gore, oVe hit the ring and caused the disqualification.
Post Match
oVe continued to beat up Rhino. Tommy Dreamer came out to make the save, but he was also overwhelmed by the numbers. The lights went out. When the lights came back on, Raven stood in the middle of the ring. He used a kendo stick to get rid of oVe. Raven then hit Tommy Dreamer with the kendo stick. The locker room began to empty and the ring filled up with wrestlers. Hernandez and cleared the ring and Kid Kash jumped off the top rope to the floor. Hernandez hit Air Mexico to send the show off the air.
March 31st Impact Wrestling Preview
Impact Wrestling begins tonight at 8 PM on AXS. This is a super show with 2 regular hours of Impact Wrestling plus a third hour that includes a TNA nostalgia show.
Josh Alexander vs. Eddie Edwards
While Eddie Edward (3-4-0-1 singles, 3-5-0-1 overall) focuses on a World Championship opportunity against Tessa Blanchard, he now has a singles match with Josh Alexander (0-2 singles, 3-3 overall) this evening. Edwards has had seven singles matches with Michael Elgin. His wins came on February 25th, February 18th, and January 12th. His losses came on February 11th, January 28th, and January 7th. They wrestled to a no contest on March 10th. Edwards also lost to Ace Austin, Moose, and Fallah Bahh in an X Division championship match on January 14th.
Josh Alexander just has two losses in singles competition against Vikingo and TJP.
Sami Callihan to Address Impact Wrestling
After attacking Ken Shamrock on last week’s episode of Impact Wrestling, Sami Callihan and Ken Shamrock are on a collision course for Impact Rebellion.
Moose to Speak About TNA
Rich Swann Injury Update
TNA Portion of the Proceedings
Rhino vs. Madman Fulton
Rhino (2-3-0-1) faces Madman Fulton (1-2) in a continued rivalry with oVe. Fulton’s win came against Daga, and his two losses came from Rhino and Ken Shamrock. In addition to the previous victory against Fulton, Rhino also defeated Dave Crist. His losses came to Moose, a triple threat with Moose and Taurus, The no contest came in a match against Taurus where Moose interfered.