- Rating TBDPriest
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C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
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NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
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L - Not RatedOmos
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L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
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May 13th Episode of AEW Dynamite
- Updated: May 13, 2020

May 13th Episode of AEW Dynamite
Note: I did not attended the May 13th Episode of AEW Dynamite live, but I do average at least one wrestling show per week. Follow the Minutes to Bell Time Instagram to see photos from my experiences. Read about the live experiences here.
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May 13th Episode of AEW Dynamite Results
Results begin at 8PM tonight.
Normal Commentary Team
Lance Archer and Jake “the Snake” Roberts Come to the Ring
Jake says he’ll apologize as soon as Brandi’ kisses his a$$. He goes on to say that a women’s place is in the home. We hear a vehicle being revved. He ran into the barricade. Archer came after Cody, but Cody immediately went hit Lance with a low blow. Cody turned his attention to Jake Roberts, but that allowed Archer to make a comeback. Cody tossed a chair at Archer’s face, but Archer brushed it a way. They finally worked themselves into a stalemate and Archer and Roberts retreated.
Video Package Highlighting the Tag Division
Best Friends defeat Jurassic Express
While Jungle Boy and Chuck Taylor started the match, Luchasaurus and Trent really go things going. The Best Friends attempted to double team Jungle Boy, but it backfired. When Trent attempted to do a suicide dive on Luchasaurus, Luchasaurus blocked the offense. The Best Friends then suplexed Luchasaurus on the floor, but Jungle Boy immediately hit both Best Friends with a Tope Con Hilo. Dynamite went to commercial.
Back from the commercial, Jungle Boy and Chuck Taylor exchanged forearms. Trent hit Luchasaurus with a tornado DDT. All of a sudden Rey Fenix came out of nowhere knocking out Orange Cassidy.
With that distraction MJF jumped the rail and slammed Jungle Boy into the post. Chuck Taylor hit Jungle Boy with the awful waffle for the pinfall victory.
Post Match
Wardlow took out Marko Stunt. Luchasaurus made the save leading to a stare down.
Jon Moxley’s Arrival
Hikaru Shida Wins Fatal Four Way
Britt Baker went straight for Shida with an attempt to break Shida’s teeth on the bottom rope. Statlander made the save. In fact, Statlander saved Shida a couple of times. A lot of moves and saves in the match. Baker took a lot of the beginning of the match getting offense in on everyone.
Statlander used a twirling Michinoku Driver on Britt Baker for a near fall. Baker and Statlander fell to the outside and Penelope Ford hit a missile dropkick for a near fall. Ford took a break to kiss Kip Sabian and Shida kicked Sabian in the face. Britt Baker put Kris Statlander in the lock jaw on the floor allowing Shida to hit the running knee strike on Penelope Ford for the pinfall victory.
Pineapple Pete Promo
He was insulted at first, but life has been sweet since Jericho started calling him Pete. Tonight is his opportunity.
Match Announcement for Double or Nothing
- Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose for AEW Women’s Champion
Hardy and Omega defeat Santana and Ortiz
Santana and Ortiz attacked Kenny Omega as he came out on the stage. This all happened before Hardy even came out. Matt Hardy appeared on stage and took out Santana. Once everyone got in the ring, the bell finally rang.
Ortiz hit Tiger Style on Kenny Omega. After a Kotaro Crusher, Kenny got the tag off to Matt Hardy. Omega and Hardy hit a modified whisper in the wind. Before AEW went to commercial, Kenny Omega got tossed into the barricade.
Back from the break, Santana and Ortiz put Kenny Omega in a combination Boston Crab and Camel Clutch. They continued to isolate Omega for quite some time. When Omega finally got the tag to Matt Hardy who ran wild. Hardy hit a neck breaker on Ortiz and then a twist of fate on Santana. Ortiz made the save.
Matt Hardy had Ortiz in a submission for quite some time, but Sammy Guevara came out to the ring with a steel chair. Hardy took him out with a twist of fate. Omega hit a V-Trigger, Hardy hit a cutter, and they got the pinfall victory.
Taz Attempts to Help Darby Allin
Darby says he knows about the issue. He placed fourth in the state of Idaho.
Backstage Interview with Hikaru Shida
She says she’ll beat Nyla. Nyla Rose says great match, and she hit Shida with a Kendo stick. “I found your kendo stick b*tc*.
Match Announcements
- Rey Fenix vs. Orange Cassidy – Next Week’s Dynamite
- Private Party vs. Best Friends – Double or Nothing Buy In
- Britt Baker vs. Kris Statlander – Double or Nothing
MJF defeats Lee Johnson
MJF attacked Lee Johnson before the bell. Once the bell rang, he used an overhead belly to belly suplex. MJF just played with Lee Johnson. He power bombed Johnson on the ring apron. MJF locked in a submission for the victory.
Post Match In Ring Promo
He signed Marko Stunt’s open contract for a match. That is presumably happening next week.
Chris Jericho defeats Suge D
Jericho comes out with the entire Inner Circle. Pineapple Pete connected with a bunch of fists and a dive in the corner. When Pete came in for a second dive, Jericho hit the Judas Effect for the pinfall victory.
In Ring Promo
Chris Jericho challenged the Elite to a Stadium Stampede Match. Vanguard 1 appeared with the Inner Circle Shirty. Vanguard accepted the challenge. Jericho destroyed the drone with a baseball bat. Matt Hardy was left to pick up the pieces.
Commentary Runs Through Card for Next Week
- Marko Stunt vs. MJF
- Arn Anderson and Jake Roberts Face to Face Interview
- Rey Fenix vs. Orange Cassidy
- Preston Vance (10) vs. Jon Moxley
- Sammy Guevara vs. Matt Hardy
Mike Tyson will Present the TNT Championship to the Winner
Brodie Lee defeats Christopher Daniels
Brodie Lee came out wearing the AEW Championship. When Daniels went for a cross body, Brodie Lee caught him and transitioned right into a powerbomb. As Brodie Lee was distracted by “the crowd,” Daniels hit a suicide dive and then an Arabian moonsault to the floor.
Back in the ring, Brodie Lee took Daniels down with his big boot to the chest. This gave him the advantage for the next few minutes. Christopher Daniels made a big come back, but Preston Vance hopped up on the apron. SCU took out Vance. SCU, Colt Cabana, and the Dark Order got fought to the outside.
Christopher Daniels hit the Angel’s Wings on Brodie Lee for a one count. Daniels hit the best moonsault ever for a two count. When Christopher Daniels came off the top rope, Brodie Lee sidestepped and power bombed Daniels. After a discus clothesline, Brodie Lee got the pinfall victory.
Mr. Brodie Lee demanded that Dasha announce him as champion.
Jon Moxley Comes to Ringside
Brodie Lee sacrificed one of his followers and then left. Moxley says Brodie Lee will pay for his stupid decision with interest. When the dust settles at Double or Nothing, you might find out your AEW career is over before it really started.
May 13th Episode of AEW Dynamite Preview
Santana and Ortiz (0-1) vs. Matt Hardy and Kenny Omega (0-1)
These two teams have the same 2020 win-loss records. Santana and Ortiz have a loss to Kenny Omega and Adam Page in a Four Way. Matt Hardy and Kenny Omega are coming off their loss last week to Le Sex Gods.
Women’s Four Way Match
This match may influence who faces Nyla Rose at Double or Nothing.
Hikaru Shida (7-1) has won a ton of matches including a four way match with Big Swole, Shanna, and Yuka Sakazaki, a four way match with Penelope Ford, Riho, and Kris Statlander, and singles matches with Britt Baker, Anna Jay, Abadon, Mel, and Cassandra Golden. She does have on loss to Riho in a four way match.
The Superbad Girl Penelope Ford (2-1) has victories over Anna Jay and Riho. She lost to Hikaru Shida in a four way match.
Kris Statlander (3-3) has a .500 record with wins over Shanna, Diamante, and Dani Jordyn. Her losses came to Nyla Rose, Hikaru Shida in a four way match, and Riho.
Britt Baker (4-3) has turned her 2020 around with wins over Skyler Moore, Cassandra Golden, Miranda Alize, and Priscilla Kelly. She lost to Riho in a four way match, Hikaru Shida, and Yuka Sakazaki.
Best Friends (6-3) vs. Jurassic Express (3-0)
The Best have quietly racked up an impressive number of victories over Jimmy Havoc and Kip Sabian, Lee Johnson and Musa, Omega and Nakazawa, Butcher and Blade, Shawn Spears and Colin Delaney, and TH2. They do have three losses to the Lucha Bros, SCU, and Kenny Omega and Adam Page.
They face the undefeated team of Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus who have three victories to their credit in 2020: Mike Reed and Ryan Rembrandt, Butcher and Blade, and Kip Sabian and Peter Avalon.
Suge D (0-2) vs. Chris Jericho (1-1)
Suge D should drop his name and just go with Pineapple Pete. In any case, he finally gets his hands on Chris Jericho on this week’s episode of Dynamite. Jericho comes into the match with a win over Hiroshi Tanahashi and a loss to AEW World Champion Jon Moxley. Suge D has just two losses to Sammy Guevara and Kip Sabian.
Mr. Brodie Lee (4-0) vs. Christopher Daniels (1-1)
Brodie Lee head to Double or Nothing with plans of winning the AEW World Championship. First he must face the Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels. Lee has four straight victories against Marko Stunt, Lee Johnson, QT Marshall, and Justin Law. Christopher Daniels has a previous victory over Dark Order member Stu Grayzon and a loss to Sammy Guevara.
Jon Moxley Wants His Title Back
Speaking of Mr. Brodie Lee, he stole Jon Moxley’s title belt. Moxley wants it back.
Jon Moxley’s has a win loss record of 13-0 with victories over Frankie Kazarian, Jake Hager, Chris Jericho, Lance Archer, Juice Robinson, Trent, Sammy Guevara, Pac, Ortiz, Minoru Suzuki, Santana, Jeff Cobb, and Faboo Andre.
Lance Archer and Jake Roberts Appear on Dynamite
Lance Archer is focused on taking out Cody Rhodes in the TNT Championship Tournament Finals. After last week’s assault on Brandi Rhodes, what will Jake and Lance have to say? Will the American Nightmare sit idly by and listen or will he take action?