- Rating TBDPriest
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C. AzeezW
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NC - Not RatedFord
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Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
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L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
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L - Not RatedPriest
L - Not RatedBelair
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April 15th Episode of AEW Dynamite
- Updated: April 15, 2020

April 15th Episode of AEW Dynamite
Note: I did not attended the April 15th Episode of AEW Dynamite live, but I do average at least one wrestling show per week. Follow the Minutes to Bell Time Instagram to see photos from my experiences. Read about the live experiences here.
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April 15th Episode of AEW Dynamite Results
Results to begin at 8PM Tonight
Cold Open Jake Roberts Promo
He thinks the TNT Championship was created for Lance Archer. He talks about how Lance Archer was forced to go to Japan to make a living.
Tony Schiavone and Chris Jericho on Commentary
Colt Cabana Promo
Cabana says he has the same credentials as Lance Archer.
Lance Archer defeats Colt Cabana in a TNT Championship Quarter Final Match
Lance Archer knocked out a “fan” and punched Colt across the face before the match even started. Cabana attempted to use his evasions and he made Archer chase him in and out of the ring. Colt went for a hip attack, but Archer grabbed him and took Cabana out with a full nelson slam.
They wrestled through a commercial break with Archer maintaining the advantage. Archer missed a move off the second rope, which allowed Cabana to hit a head scissors takeover. Archer got back to his feet and smiled through Cabana’s fists. After a pounce, Archer choke slammed Colt. Lance followed up with the black out for the pinfall victory.
Britt Baker Pre Tape from Dentist Office
She says Shida used devious tactics to defeat her.
Taz Runs Through the Technique Hager Uses for the Triangle
Britt Baker defeats Cassandra Golden
Baker super kicked Golden and then posed for the camera. Britt placed Golden’s mouth on the bottom rope and then kicked the rope. This allowed Baker to secure the pinfall victory.
The Bubbly Bunch
Cute skit. They went to the house of each member of the Inner Circle.
Sammy Guevara defeats Suge D
Sammy Guevara dominated Suge D hitting a Samoan drop after doing about four squats with Suge on his back. Guevara missed a stinger splash, but Suge could not capitalize. After a running knee strike, Sammy hit an inverted go to sleep for the pinfall victory.
Post Match Promo
Sammy says he’ll be beating the shit out of Darby Allin. He then tried to make an example out of Suge D, but Darby made the save.
Kip Sabian defeats Chuck Taylor
Chuck Taylor pulled Kip into a single leg crab, but Sabian made it to the ropes. Chuckie T used a release suplex on the apron to earn a near fall. Sabian moved when Chuck went for a moonsault, and Kip followed up with a spring board missile drop kick. After a series of European uppercuts and kicks, Kip got a near fall.
Chuck hit a pop up powerbomb for a near fall. Penelope Ford jumped up on the apron causing a distraction, so Orange Cassidy did the same. This apparently annoyed Jimmy Havoc who took out Orange Cassidy on the floor. As Aubrey Edwards dealt with Sabian, Ford came off the top rope with a head scissors takeover on Chuckie T. Sabian then rolled up Taylor for the win.
Shawn Spears defeats Justin Law
Shawn Spears allowed Justin to get into an amateur wrestling position. Law just about pinned him, but then he destroyed him. After a C4, Spears got the pin.
Announcements for Next Week
- Orange Cassidy vs. Jimmy Havoc
- Kenny Omega in Action
- Comments from Brody Lee
- Sammy Guevara vs. Darby Allin – Quarter Final TNT Championship Tournament
- Dustin Rhodes vs. Kip Sabian – Quarter Final TNT Championship Tournament
Jon Moxley defeats Jake Hager
This is a no holds barred empty arena match for the AEW World Championship.
Moxley took Hager to the mat by hooking the right leg. One would think that Moxley would not attempt to wrestle Jake. Hager and Moxley went through a long feeling out process as the mat wrestling continued until just before the first commercial break when action spilled to the outside.
When Dynamite came back from commercial, action spilled into the arena stands. Moxley locked in a figure four around one of the railings. Hager took back over slamming Moxley chest first across the railing and eventually into the steps.
When we returned from another break, we saw Hager hit Moxley’s ankle with a steel chair. Jake followed up with an ankle lock submission. After Moxley rolled Hager to the outside, he caught Hager coming back in with a DDT that he transitioned into a choke. Jake worked his way out and they began a striking battle.
Moxley hit Hager with a steel chair and DDT’d him on the the chair for the pinfall victory.
April 15th Episode of AEW Dynamite Preview
Jon Moxley defends the AEW Championship against Jake Hager
This is an empty arena no holds barred match for the AEW Championship. Jim Ross will do commentary.
Jon Moxley has blazed an 11 match unbeaten streak in 2020 capturing the AEW Championship at AEW Revolution by beating Chris Jericho. The rest of his singles victories include Lance Archer, Juice Robinson, Trent, Sammy Guevara, Pac, Ortiz, Minoru Suzuki, Santana, Jeff Cobb, and Faboo Andre.
Jake Hager (4-0) has defeated Dustin Rhodes, QT Marshall, Joe Alonzo, and Chico Adams.
Lance Archer vs. Colt Cabana – TNT Championship Tournament
Cody is the only person so far to advance in the TNT Championship Tournament with his victory over Shawn Spears last week. This week, Lance Archer and Colt Cabana compete in the first round.
Archer (2-1) lost his United States Championship to Jon Moxley at New Japan Pro Wrestling’s Wrestle Kingdom on January 4, 2020. He has won his last two matches against Marko Stunt and Alan Angels.
Cabana (2-1) has victories over Peter Avalon and Brandon Cutler and a loss to Ken Anderson in an NWA last chance gauntlet match.
Kip Sabian vs. Chuck Taylor
Kip Sabian (5-3) has victories over Tony Donati, Suge D, QT Marshall, Michael Nakazawa, and Joey Janela. His three losses came to Cody, Darby Allin, and Joey Janela.
Chuck Taylor (0-1) lost to Pac earlier this year in his only singles match.
Sammy Guevara vs. Sugar D
Sammy Guevara has a singles record of 3-4 with victories over Matt Sells, Dustin Rhodes, and Christopher Daniels and losses to Dustin Rhodes, Jon Moxley, Darby Allin, and Kenny Omega.
Sugar D (AKA Suge D) is 0-1 with a loss to Kip Sabian.
Shawn Spears in Action
Shawn Spears (2-1) lost to Cody in the first round of the TNT Championship tournament. His two victories came against Billy Gunn and Shawn Dean.
Brit Backer in Action
Britt Baker (2-3) lost to Hikaru Shida last week in a bloody contest. She also lost to Yuka Sakazaki and Riho in a four way match. In 2020, Baker has defeated Priscilla Kelly and Miranda Alize.