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C. AzeezW
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Bobby RoodeW
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March 25th Episode of AEW Dynamite
- Updated: March 25, 2020

March 25th Episode of AEW Dynamite
Note: I did not attended the March 25th Episode of AEW Dynamite live, but I do average at least one wrestling show per week. Follow the Minutes to Bell Time Instagram to see photos from my experiences. Read about the live experiences here.
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March 25th Episode of AEW Dynamite Results
Dynamite Kicks Off with the Commentary Team of Kenny Omega, Cody Rhodes, and Tony Shiavone
They begin with running down the card.
- Darby Allin vs. Kip Sabian Announced
- Jake Hager in Action
- Brodie Lee vs. QT Marshall
- Sammy Guevara vs. Kenny Omega
- Chris Jericho confronts Matt Hardy
- Cody vs. Jimmy Havoc
Cody Rhodes defeats Jimmy Havoc
Cody got the first take down with a shoulder tackle, but Havoc answered with arm drag. After a couple of minutes of sound wrestling, the two men stood in the center of the ring and shook hands. Havoc got the better of the striking battle, but Cody hit a springboard cutter and cinched in the figure four. Havoc grabbed Cody by the ear and poked him in the eye to break the hold.
Jimmy rolled to the outside, but Cody followed and tossed him into the barricade. They wrestled to the top of the ramp, Havoc put on the headset, and did commentary as he punched Cody in the mouth. Back in the ring, Jimmy used an arm drag to send Cody into the bottom turnbuckle. Cody used a back body drop to send Havoc out of the ring and onto the ramp. Cody ran to the backstage area, and came running back with a head start to clothesline Havoc back in the ring. When Cody took off his belt, he didn’t have a crowd to toss the belt into, so he just gave it to Brandy.
Cody attempted to go for the cutter again, but Jimmy Havoc grabbed him by the arm cinching in an arm-bar. With both men on the top rope, Cody sent Jimmy to the mat with a reverse suplex followed by a pair of Cross Rhodes for the pinfall victory.
Jake Roberts Pre-Taped Promo
The entire promo was conducted by a fire. Lance Archer is chomping at the bit to get in the ring with somebody from All Elite Wrestling. Jake explains that when AEW started, they didn’t call Jake (the best mind in the business) and they didn’t call on Lance Archer because they’re afraid. Jake wants to sign a contract for Archer to fight Cody. He ends the promo with “Trust Me.
Darby Allin Video
Darby wears paper faces of the Inner Circle and puts them at a table. He then burns the table. Darby then says Kip Sabian will be a sacrifice to pay for the sins of the Inner Circle.
Recap of Cody and Kip Confrontation from Last Week
Darby Alin defeats Kip Sabian
Darby seemed to out wrestle Kip Sabian in the early goings, so Sabian rolled to the outside. After a few moments, Darby hit his springboard arm drag and Sabian rolled to the outside. With both wrestlers on the outside, Darby ran at Sabian, but Penelope Ford pulled him out of the way. Tony and Cody tried to send the show to commercial, but that took another 15-20 seconds.
Back from commercial, it appeared Penelope Ford was kicking Darby Allin. When Sabian picked Darby up on his shoulders, Allin slipped off and began punishing Sabian in the corner. After the float over stunner, Darby got a near fall. Sabian got the advantage back and began stretching Darby around the turnbuckle.
Sabian brought Allin into the ring with a top rope twisting draping suplex, which Cody called the Time Turner. Darby Allin grabbed the Kip Sabian and pulled him into a pinfall combination that Tony Shiavone called “The Last Supper.” Darby got the win.
Jake Hager defeats Chico Adams
Hager immediately tossed Chico into the turnbuckle and hit a Vader bomb. Chico got one clothesline in the corner, and Hager knocked him down and cinched in his submission for the victory.
Post Match
Jon Moxley came down tot he ring, exchanged a few fists, and hit a DDT. Hager recovered very fast and picked Moxley’s ankle. Jon flipped him to the outside and Jake walked away.
Backstage Interview with Moxley
He says that he warned the Inner Circle to keep an eye on their blind spots. He said, Hager ran away tonight, but he won’t get away when the title is on the line.
Recap of the Exalted One Debut
Another Video Package of Brodie Lee with Reynolds and Silver
Brodie doesn’t think Reynolds and Silver get it. Lee says, “We prey on the weak.” Reynolds attempted to start eating, but Brodie Lee got pissed that he would try to eat before Brodie had finished his meal. Lee kicked him out, and he also kicked Silver out when he sneezed.
Brodie Lee defeats QT Marshall
Brodie Lee kicked QT in the face before the bell. QT tried to roll to the outside, but Lee followed and tossed QT into the barricade. Brodie came back in the ring with a springboard senton. After two vertical suplexes and an elbow between the shoulder blades, QT got a pair of punches and a pair of enziguris. Lee caught QT with a Boss Man Slam and a discus clothesline for the pinfall victory. After the match, Brodie Lee left a mask for QT Marshall.
Recap of Inner Circle defeating the Elite and the Debut of Matt Hardy
Announced Medical Update on Nick Jackson for Next Week
AEW recapped the backstage beat down that put Nick out of action.
Vanguard 1.0 Provided Some Video of Nick Jackson doing Pull Ups in his Garage
Vanguard’s analysis determined Nick was 61%.
Kenny Omega defeats Sammy Guevara
Kenny ran the ropes, and Sammy Guevara used a dropkick to send Kenny to the outside. Sammy grabbed Kenny’s wrapped wrist and sent Kenny into the turnbuckle and barricade. When Kenny tried to send Sammy into the barricade, Sammy hopped the railing and pulled Kenny into the barricade.
When Dynamite returned from commercial, Omega and Guevara were still on the outside. Sammy kept bothering Brandi Rhodes, so she smacked him and Kenny hit a vertical suplex on the outside before throwing him into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Omega came off the top rope with a big cross body.
Sammy still got the advantage back, but he couldn’t maintain it. Omega hit Guevara with a pair of chops, a kick to the abdomen, and a headbutt. When Omega went for you can’t escape, Sammy bit Kenny’s hand to get out and then slammed him to the ground. Sammy continued the onslaught with several holds and strikes to the jaw all while maintaining a focus on the injured wrist of Omega. Dynamite went to commercial.
Back from the break, Kenny hit a trio of polish hammers but the wrist was clearly bothering him. After a dropkick to the knee, Omega hit the Kotaro crusher for a near fall. When Omega went for the snap dragon, Sammy rolled through, hit a double stomp, and a shooting star press for a near fall.
Sammy then hit a springboard cutter from the apron and then followed up with a tornillo. When Sammy tried to springboard back into the ring, Kenny pulled him into a powerbomb and followed up with a V-Triger. Sammy kept countering every move though hitting a Spanish Fly for another near fall.
Guevara went to the top rope and missed a shooting star press. Kenny answered with a couple of V-Triggers. Guevara flipped out of a snap dragon and hit a roundhouse kick to the face of Omega, but Omega answered back hitting a Jay Driller and another V-Trigger.
Kenny Omega used the One Winged Angel to secure the pinfall victory.
Chris Jericho and Matt Hardy
Kenny Omega rejoined the commentary team. Chris Jericho comes out and grabs the camera to film the camera man singing Judas.
Jericho recaps last week’s episode with two debuts. Chris doesn’t think Matt understands what he did, so Jericho is going to give Matt Hardy the opportunity to join the Inner Circle.
Vanguard 1 swooped down and Jericho insulted it. Even though he doesn’t like Vanguard 1, he does respect him. Jericho asks Vanguard 1 to join the Inner Circle. Vanguard flew away.
The camera panned to Matt Hardy at the top of the arena and then he teleported to the 100 level and down to the ringside area.
“Maker of Pain, you knew I’d come.” – Matt Hardy
Jericho said of course I knew you would come and asked how he did it.
Matt Hardy says he’s magic.
Jericho says this is his show. He continues to say you should align yourself with me and not the arrogant bastards in the Elite.
Matt Hardy says he owed the Bucks of Youth a favor, and he sees the tyranny that the Inner Circle has brought to AEW.
Jericho again asked Hardy to join the Inner Circle.
Hardy says you know Matt Hardy, but you don’t know Demascus. He let’s Jericho know that he’s 3000 years old.
Matt called Jericho a “Hole of the Ass.”
Chris Jericho says Matt has always been in the shadow . . . shadow of his younger brother and bad booking. Are you Inner Circle or Elite?
Matt just said Delete and that he knew the real Judas. Judas betrayed him too.
Hardy then pointed out Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King in the crowd.
After Matt sent Jericho to the ground with one punch, Guevara attacked. Omega and Cody made the save. As Jericho and Guevara retreated, Matt used his mystical powers to have fire go off all around them.
March 25th Episode of AEW Dynamite Preview
Tonight’s Dynamite comes from an empty arena. The show was previously scheduled for Newark, NJ, but AEW moved it due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. As announced at AEW Revolution, the debut of Blood and Guts, a War Games match, was also planned for this evening. AEW has canceled those plans in favor of waiting for a more fan-appropriate time.
All Elite Wrestling did announce that the American Nightmare Cody will provide commentary this evening.
Video Preview for March 25th Episode of AEW Dynamite
Matt Hardy and Chris Jericho Confrontation on March 25th Episode of AEW Dynamite
Matt Jackson called on Matt Hardy to accompany the Elite into the Blood and Guts War Games match. While the postponement of that match makes all of that a moot point, Matt Hardy and Chris Jericho will still confront one another on tonight’s episode of AEW Dynamite.
Kenny Omega vs. Sammy Guevara
After defeating Fenix for the AAA Mega Championship back in October, he has accumulated title defenses against Jack Evans and Dragon Lee. With his third title defense against Laredo Kid canceled due to COVID-19, he’ll defend his title against the Spanish God Sammy Guevara on tonight’s episode of AEW Dynamite. Omega’s last singles match for AEW occurred on February 26th in an Iron Man match against Pac. The match earned a 10 rating from this website. Kenny Omega then went on to AEW Revolution three days later and had the best tag team match of the year (possibly of all time).
Sammy Guevara has an overall record of 3-5 in 2020, and his singles record is 2-3 with victories over Dustin Rhodes and Christopher Daniels and losses to Dustin Rhodes, Jon Moxley, and Darby Allin. His match with Darby Allin at Revolution was short but memorable as he hit a 630 from the top turnbuckle through a table to the floor. I expect this match to be incredible.
Cody vs. Jimmy Havoc
Cody enters the match with a 4-1 singles record defeating Darby Allin, Kip Sabian, Wardlow in a Steel Cage, and Ortiz. He did lose the biggest singles match of his year thus far when MJF defeated him at AEW Revolution. Cody also lost last week in a tag team match against the Inner Circle.
Between MLW and AEW, Jimmy Havoc’s year has been 50/50 as he enters tonight’s match with a 2-2 record in singles competition. Both of his wins have been in AEW against Sonny Kiss and Corente while his losses were to Brian Pillman Jr and Mance Warner in a Barbed Wire Rope Match.
A big win here against Cody would seemingly make Havoc a top contender for Moxley. Cody should keep his eyes peeled for Lance Archer because Jake “the Snake” Roberts seemed pretty unhappy last week.
Brodie Lee Revealed as The Exalted One
After a very long build, Evil Uno and Stu Grayson welcomed Brodie Lee as the Exalted One on Dynamite last week. What happens this week is anyone’s guess.