- Rating TBDPriest
L - Rating TBDOmos
C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
L - Rating TBDOwens
L - Rating TBDMysterio
L - Rating TBDBelair
L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedOwens
L - Not RatedOmos
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedDana Brooke
L - Not RatedBenjamin
L - Not RatedDawkins
L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedRollins
L - Not RatedMysterio
L - Not RatedRipley
L - Not RatedPriest
L - Not RatedBelair
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April 29th Episode of AEW Dynamite
- Updated: April 29, 2020

April 29th Episode of AEW Dynamite
Note: I did not attended the April 29th Episode of AEW Dynamite live, but I do average at least one wrestling show per week. Follow the Minutes to Bell Time Instagram to see photos from my experiences. Read about the live experiences here.
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April 29th Episode of AEW Dynamite Results
Cold Open – Darby Allin and Cody Rhodes Video Package
Tony Schiavone and Chris Jericho on Commentary Run Through the Card
- Additions:
- The third installment of the bubbly bunch
- Shawn Spears in action
- Wardlow in Action
- MJF Injury Update
AEW did a Nice Job Giving the TNT Championship Tournament a Big Fight Feel
Cody defeats Darby Allin
Cody showed some weakness when he tried to bridge out of a pin, but Darby saw it and began working over the knee. Like the majority of the roster, Shawn Spears sat ringside and exchanged glances with Cody obviously upset about his loss in the opening round. On the outside, Cody moved out of the way and Darby ran straight into Brandi. As Darby looked over Brandi, Cody took the advantage as AEW went to commercial.
Back from commercial, Cody maintained the advantage hitting Darby with a delayed face first suplex. After a long stretch with Cody on the offensive, Darby Allin went back to the knee, hit a destroyer, and went to a knee bar. Darby kept his offense focused on Cody’s legs showing a lot of range. With Cody trying to recover on the outside, Britt Baker hit him with a shoe. Back in the ring, Darby started using a headbutt on Cody’s knee. AEW went to commercial.
Back from the break, Cody began a comeback with a disaster kick. Darby evaded a clothesline, hit cross-rhodes for a near fall. When that didn’t work, Darby cinched in the figure four. Brandi Rhodes came back out to the ringside area with a bottle of water. Cody took a sip and then Darby hit him over the head with it.
Darby hit the float over stunner, but missed a moonsault. Cody connected with cross-rhodes, but Darby kicked out. Cody went for the coffin drop, but Darby put his knees up. Darby immediately went for his own coffin drop, which he hit, but Cody used a back slide to get the pinfall victory.
Video Package for Scorpio Sky
Covers Scorpio joining SCU and his AEW World Championship Match.
Update on MJF’s Hang Nail
He has made a full recovery. Apparently he nicked his neck shaving. It would have killed a normal man. He is the only hope AEW has left.
Wardlow defeats Musa
Musa ran at Wardlow, but Wardlow lifted him up with a one armed spine buster. Musa slipped out of a running powerslam and slapped Wardlow across the face. After Musa hit a handspring springboard kick, Wardlow quickly recovered. Wardlow dropped Musa from the top rope onto his knee, hit the F-10, and secured the pinfall.
Bubbly Bunch
Apparently there is some dispute over who won the film flam competition. Jericho proposes a Manitoba Melee. They all fight into the camera. Peter Avalon, Jungle Boy, Sonny Kiss, Luther, Ted Irvine, Lou Ferigno, and others made cameos.
Best Friends defeat Sabian and Havoc
Havoc and Sabian attacked Best Friends before the bell, but action spilled to the outside. Trent hit a Tope Con Hilo. Jimmy Havoc hit Orange Cassidy with a steel chair and suplexed Chuck Taylor onto a pile of chairs. Havoc went for another chair shot, but Trent speared him. Sabian followed that with a Top Con Hilo on Trent.
Havoc set up a ladder in the corner and slingshotted Trent’s face into the ladder. Chuck Taylor eventually got back involved. The Best Friends hit a con-chair-to on Havoc and then they gave the people what they want.
With the ladder set up in the corner, Trent put Sabian on the ladder. Havoc made the save and pulled Trent off the top rope and he landed on the ladder. Havoc used the Death Valley driver onto a pile of chairs and then Sabian came off the top with a stomp. Chuck Taylor broke up the pinfall.
Taylor gave Sabian a pile driver on the chair, but Penelope Ford prevented the pinfall. Orange Cassidy came out to ringside. Every time Penelope attempted to hit Orange, she would hit Kip Sabian. Cassidy dove off the top onto Sabian and Ford.
Chuck Taylor hit Jimmy Havoc with an awful waffle on a pile of chairs for the pinfall victory.
Britt Baker Segment from her Dental Office
Don’t be fat or have bad teeth. Use photo shop if you need to.
Shawn Spears defeats Baron Black
Baron Black use a side headlock in the early part of the match, but Spears kicked him in the gut. After executing a spine buster and several strikes to the face, Shawn Spears hit a snap suplex. He hit the C4 and then used the Sharp Shooter for the submission victory.
Techniques By Taz
Covers the Blackout by Archer.
Marko Stunt Backstage Interview
A lot of people don’t think he belongs. His team can’t be here, so he is stepping up to the plate. He can take a lot more than Lance Archer and Brodie Lee.
Brodie Lee defeats Marko Stunt
Marko ran the ropes, but Brodie Lee kicked him in the face. Brodie tossed him from one corner to the other. Marko attempted a suicide dive, but Brodie caught him. He set him down nicely and super kicked Marko in the face. Marko came flying off the second rope, but Brodie caught him and transitioned into a sidewalk slam.
Brodie picked up the pinfall victory after a powerbomb.
Jon Moxley Pre Tape Interview
Tough Times won’t last. Moxley says it is a good time to reflect on what you’re thankful for. Moxley says AEW is live next week, and he’ll be there. Don’t forget to call your grandmother.
Next Week
- MJF Returns
- Frankie Kazarian vs. Jon Moxley
- Kenny Omega and Matt Hardy vs. Le Sex Gods in a Street Fight
Lance Archer defeats Dustin Rhodes
Dustin low bridged and Archer fell over the top rope. With Archer on the outside, Rhodes hit a cannonball off the apron. When Dustin went for his normal powerslam, Archer blocked and then pounced Dustin out of the ring. On the outside, Archer kicked a chair into Dustin’s face. When the camera next showed Dustin, he was busted open.
Back from the commercial break, Archer had complete control of the match. Dustin did have an opening and did his spot where he put Archer in the corner and kicked him between the legs.
Back from the break, Rhodes caught Archer with the Code Red. He then hit the powerslam and the cross rhodes. Archer kicked out at one. Dustin leaped from the top rope, but Archer side stepped and choke slammed him. Archer rung the arm, walked the ropes, and hit the moonsault for a near fall.
Dustin slipped out of the Blackout, but Archer choke slammed him again. Dustin nearly pinned Archer with a backslide. After ripping the turnbuckle off, Archer rammed Dustin’s head into it three times. QT Marshall came out with a towel, but Cody stopped him from throwing in the towel.
Archer grabbed Dustin by the head and rammed it into the mat several times for the pinfall.
April 29th Episode of AEW Dynamite Preview
TNT Championship Tournament
Dustin Rhodes vs. Lance Archer
Dustin Rhodes (2-2) has victories over Sammy Guevara and Kip Sabian. He has losses to Jake Hager and Sammy Guevara. Lance Archer (3-1) has victories over Marko Stunt, Alan Angels, and Colt Cabana. His only loss of the year came at the hands of Jon Moxley in New Japan Pro Wrestling.
Cody vs. Darby Allin
Cody (7-1) has victories over Joe Alonzo, Shawn Spears, Kip Sabian, Darby Allin, Jimmy Havoc, Ortiz, and Wardlow. His only loss came at the hands of MJF. Darby Allin (5-2) has victories over Sammy Guevara on 2/29 and 4/22, Preston Vance, Kip Sabian, and Brandon Cutler. His only losses came at the hands of Cody and Pac.
Mr. Brodie Lee vs. Marko Stunt
Brodie Lee (3-0) has victories over Lee Johnson, QT Marshall, Justin Law. Marko Stunt (0-1) lost to Lance Archer.
Jimmy Havoc and Kip Sabian vs. Best Friends
This is the first time that JimmyHavoc and Kip Sabian have formed a team in AEW. The Best Friends (5-3) have victories over Lee Johnson and Musa, Omega and Nakazawa, Butcher and Blade, Shawn Spears and Colin Delaney, and TH2. Their three losses came at the hands of the Lucha Bros, SCU, and Omega and Page
Jon Moxley Interview
Jon Moxley has piled up a 12-0 record in the first part of 2020 with victories in New Japan and AEW. What will the world champion have to say on Dynamite this week. His victories this year include Jake Hager, Chris Jericho, Lance Archer, Juice Robinson, Trent, Sammy Guevara, Pac, Ortiz, Minoru Suzuki, Santana, Jeff Cobb, and Faboo Andre.