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Bobby RoodeW
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May 6th Episode of AEW Dynamite
- Updated: May 6, 2020

May 6th Episode of AEW Dynamite
Note: I did not attended the May 6th Episode of AEW Dynamite live, but I do average at least one wrestling show per week. Follow the Minutes to Bell Time Instagram to see photos from my experiences. Read about the live experiences here.
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May 6th Episode of AEW Dynamite Results
Results begin at 8PM tonight.
Cold Open
Recap of the TNT Tournament matches from last week.
Ross, Schiavone, and Excalibur on Commentary
- They announce that Nyla Rose is in action.
Cody defeats Joey Janela
Cody and Janela shook hands before the match. Janela and Cody exchanged chops in the early part of the match. Janela took the advantage with a splash in the corner. Cody evaded a second splash, but Janela tossed him throat first over the second rope. When action spilled to the outside, they slammed each other’s head into the ramp. Cody hit a disaster kick on the outside ramp and followed that with a moonsault off the ramp. Back in the ring, Janela hit a superkick and a flying elbow smash for the near fall.
When Janela climbed back up to the top rope, Cody greeted him and used a reverse suplex for a near fall of his own. Cody went for another disaster kick, but Janela caught him and transitioned directly into a German suplex.
Janela and Cody stood in the center of the ring trading big fists and elbows with Janela getting the clear advantage. When Janela tried to hit the ropes, Cody grabbed him right into the Cross Rhodes for the pinfall victory.
Video Package for Nyla Rose
Covers the championship win and the Kris Statlander victory. The package also covers Hikaru Shida, Britt Baker, and Penelope Ford.
Tony Schiavone Interview with Nyla Rose
She asks Schiavone to tell her who the most dominant force in the woman’s division is.
Nyla Rose defeats Kenzie Paige
Nyla immediately punched Kenzie to the mat. Kenzie attempted to hit a sunset flip, but Nyla just stood there. Rose leaped to the top rope and hit a swanton bomb. She covered Kenzie, but then picked her up before the three count. After three power bombs, Nyla Rose took the pinfall victory.
Pre Taped Interview with MJF
MJF says he isn’t the next big thing. He’s the big thing. At this point, MJF says he is being compared to legends (Ric Flair, Roddy Piper, Rock). Max says that he is something that professional wrestling has never seen. He says that he is injured free, but he’ll be in action next week.
Shawn Spears Pre Taped Interview
Spears says Dustin Rhodes’ career is over. He blames Cody for not helping Dustin Rhodes.
Ringside Discussion Between MJF, Tony Schiavone, and Shawn Spears
MJF likes the fact that Shawn Spears exposed Cody. Spears was concerned whether or not MJF was 100%. Tony Schiavone announced that MJF will face Jungle Boy at Double or Nothing.
Jon Moxley defeats Frankie Kazarian
Kazarian cinched in a side headlock that Moxley escaped into a hammerlock. Eventually Moxley trapped Kazarian in the corner and brought him back to the center of the ring where he connected with a back breaker. Frankie hit a couple of moves, but Moxley flipped him over the top rope where Kazarian hit his knee on the ramp. Dynamite went to commercial.
Back from the commercial break, Moxley knocked Kazarian out of the ring. With Kazarian on the floor, Moxley came off the second rope but Kazarian super kicked Moxley in mid-air. Back in the ring, Kazarian hit a backstabber and got a near fall. When Mox went for the paradigm shift, Kazarian countered and put Moxley in a submission.
Moxley surprised Kazarian with a paradigm shift for the pinfall victory.
Post Match
The Dark Order followers hit the ring and took out Frankie Kazarian, Jon Moxley, and the rest of SCU. Brodie Lee came out and hit the discus clothesline on Jon Moxley. Brodie Lee says he’s answering the bounty. Mr. Moxley has something that Brodie Lee wants. He challenges Moxley to wrestle for the AEW Championship. Brodie demands an answer to his challenge.
Moxley says all he had to do was ask. Brodie kicked him in the face again and the Dark Order swarmed on him.
Brandi Rhodes Responds to Jake Roberts
It’s not 1991 anymore. If you slap me, I’ll hit you back. My husband is the good guy. I’m more challenging to deal with. Brandi’s mom said “Don’t F with people you don’t know.” I’m Brandi Rhodes and from now on you will keep my name out of your dirty old mouth.
Lance Archer defeats QT Marshall
Archer mostly used punches and chops, and he then hit three big hip attacks in the corner. QT used a low bridge to send Archer to the outside, but that just led to Archer choke slamming him on the apron. Dynamite went to commercial.
Back from the break, Archer continued to dominate QT. At one point, Britt Baker actually hit QT with her shoe. Brandi Rhodes grabbed the shoe and threw it deep into the stands.
After delivering the Blackout, Archer didn’t take the pin. He lifted QT’s shoulders off the mat and rammed his head into the apron. Archer pinned QT with the EBD claw.
Post Match
Britt Baker grabbed Brandi and DDT’d her on the floor. She tossed Brandi in the ring and Jake put a python on top of her.
Taz Attempts to Interview Darby Allin
Darby walks off without answering any of Taz’s questions.
Next Week
- Brodie Lee vs. Christopher Daniels
- MJF in Action
- Jurassic Express vs. Best Friends
- Interview from Lance Archer and Jake Roberts
- Shida vs. Ford vs. Baker vs. Statlander
- Chris Jericho vs. Pineapple Pete
Le Sex Gods defeat Hardy and Omega
Matt Hardy got things off to a fast start by biting the false god’s hand. Matt Hardy and Kenny Omega hit Whisper in the Wind. Omega went for you can’t escape, but Guevara escaped. Jericho and Hardy went to the backstage area. Jericho came back and the Le Sex Gods double teamed Kenny Omega.
Matt Hardy came back to the ring, but he was dressed as Matt Hardy (not broken Matt). He hit the side effect on both men and the twist of fate on Chris Jericho. Omega hit a snap dragon on Guevara, but Jericho came in with a baseball bat. Hardy knocked the baseball bat out of Jericho’s hands. Kenny and Hardy got a table and a ladder. Matt came off the top of the ladder putting Sammy through the table.
Jake Hager pulled the referee out of the ring before he could make a three count. Dynamite went to a commercial break with picture in picture. The fighting spilled to the backstage area and they wrestled through the concourse.
Jericho and Hager put Matt Hardy in the ice machine. When he came out several minutes later, Matt Hard emerged as Broken Matt Hardy. Hardy and Omega then took a golf cart and clipped Jericho and Guevara with the golf cart. Omega did a moonsault off the top of a Genie. When Omega was about to hit the One Winged Angel on Jericho, Santana and Ortiz ran in. Hager powerbombed Hardy through a couple of tables. Jericho hit the Judas Effect on Omega for the pinfall victory.
May 6th Episode of AEW Dynamite Preview
Matt Hardy and Kenny Omega vs. Le Sex Gods
This marks the official in ring debut of Matt Hardy on AEW Television and the first time he has teamed with Kenny Omega in AEW. Le Sex Gods have a 1-1 record defeating Jon Moxley and Darby Allin and losing to Dustin Rhodes and Adam Page.
Cody vs. Joey Janela
Joey Janela (2-2) has a .500 record for the year with wins over Kip Sabian and Fenix and losses to Kip Sabian and MJF. He faces a man with one of the most wins in 2020 wrestling as Cody has eight wins and just one loss to MJF. The eight victories include Joe Alonzo, Shawn Spears, Kip Sabian, Darby Allin on 1/1 and 4/29, Jimmy Havoc, Ortiz, and Wardlow
Jon Moxley vs. Frankie Kazarian
Kazarian (0-0) hasn’t had a singles match all year, and he faces Jon Moxley who has wrestled 12 singles matches this year losing none. Moxley’s mountain of victories include him defeating Jake Hager, Chris Jericho, Lance Archer, Juice Robinson, Trent, Sammy Guevara, Pac, Ortiz, Minoru Suzuki, Santana, Jeff Cobb, and Faboo Andre.
Lance Archer vs. QT Marshall
Lance Archer is undefeated since stepping into AEW with a 4-1 record for 2020. His victories include wins over Dustin Rhodes, Marko Stunt, Alan Angels, and Colt Cabana. His only loss came in New Japan Pro Wrestling on January 4th to Jon Moxley. QT Marshall’s 1-3 record is a little less impressive having lost to Brodie Lee, Jake Hager, and Kip Sabian. He does have a victory over Lee Johnson and the advice of Diamond Dallas Page (see this week’s episode of Road to).
MJF Returns
His heroic return from multiple “injuries” occurs tonight. While not expected to wrestle, his 3-2 record includes losses to Mance Warner and Marshall Von Erich while competing in MLW. His three victories were all in AEW and includeCody, Jungle Boy, and Joey Janela.